S4 Ep 090 Laura Kissmann and Andeea Rae Want You To Heal at a Quantum Level

Do the simple things that get the biggest results. They will improve your life in every aspect.
S4 Ep 090 Laura Kissmann and Andeea Rae


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Show Notes

Joining us today are two experts in the field of holistic health and recovery. 

Andeea Rae is a Licensed Addiction Counselor and Quantum Health Coach, dedicated to helping people realign their lives by connecting with nature’s rhythms. Laura Kissmann is a Quantum Nutritionist and fellow Quantum Health Coach, using the power of nutrition and biology to promote wellness. 

Together, they host the Quantum Healthy Podcast with a mission to “Demystify Quantum Biology for Health and Recovery,” aiming to heal both people and the planet. Today, they share with us the importance of natural light for mitochondrial health and overall wellness, the negative effects of non-native EMFs and blue light on circadian rhythms, sleep, and overall health, and they give some free, practical tips you can start today to begin improving your quantum health.

In this episode, you will hear: 

  • Quantum biology is the intersection of quantum physics and biology. It is an emerging academic field that produces compelling evidence that quantum effects are taking place in human bodies.
  • Do the simple things that get the biggest results. They will improve your life in every aspect.
  • We need to balance the blue light we are using every day with natural, healthy light outside every single day.
  • We are batteries made of water, charged by sunlight.
  • Your light environment is key to your circadian rhythm
  • Why you should open your windows or go outside to get sunlight and how a closed window is like blue light
  • Most quantum things are free – start there. Even 30 seconds of direct sunlight during the day can help your body reorient itself in time. 
  • Post-acute withdrawal syndrome has the same symptoms as blue light toxicity.

Episode Reference: 

Andeea Dugstad is a Licensed Addiction Counselor and Quantum Health Coach; Laura Kissmann is a Quantum Nutritionist and Quantum Health coach. Their mission is to help as many as possible and specifically with their Quantum Healthy Podcast is to “Demystify Quantum Biology for Health and Recovery.” They hope its broader impact will help humanity connect more with nature and positively heal this planet.

Connect with Laura Kissmann and Andeea Rae:

Laura’s Website: https://laurakissmannwellness.com/ 

Andeea’s Website: https://www.andeearae.com/ 

Laura’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LKWellness 

Andeea’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andeearae 

Laura’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lkwellness/ 

Andeea’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andeearae 

Laura’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-kissmann-a01a04126/ 

Andeea’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andeea-dugstad-ma-ladc-cadc-i-51418345/ 

Quantum Healthy Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLozpSVT9U6H82k9TW-nf3X5ZzlCBRHX9r 

Quantum Recovery Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVahDVfrVT4HWLAI3HRD9nTBTFMn2JxVE 

Andeea’s Quantum Recovery Reset Course: https://www.andeearae.com/offers/cQcErVmc/checkout 

Laura’s 7-part Quantum Health workshop series and a 4-part EMF Workshop series – contact her directly to purchase courses: https://laurakissmannwellness.com/contact/ 

Connect with R Blank and Stephanie Warner: 

For more Healthier Tech Podcast episodes, and to download our Healthier Tech Quick Start Guide, visit https://HealthierTech.co and follow https://instagram.com/healthiertech 

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R Blank

R Blank

R Blank is the founder of Healthier Tech and the host of “The Healthier Tech Podcast”, available iTunes, Spotify and all major podcasting platforms.

R has a long background in technology. Previously, R ran a software engineering firm in Los Angeles, producing enterprise-level solutions for blue chip clients including Medtronic, Apple, NBC, Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, the NFL, Ford, IKEA and Mattel.

In the past, he served on the faculty at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering where he taught software engineering, as well as the University of California, Santa Cruz.

He has spoken at technology conferences around the world, including in the US, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and he is the co-author of “AdvancED Flex Development” from Apress.

He has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and received his bachelor’s degree, with honors, from Columbia University. He has also studied at Cambridge University in the UK; the University of Salamanca in Spain; and the Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Connect with R on LinkedIn.

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