Show Notes
Nathalie joins us today as we get into the science of aging, telomere length testing, and the differences in chronological age vs physiological age. Nathalie shares how stress, lifestyle habits, and genetics can contribute to your overall wellness as you age. We discuss how you can aid your physiological age, such as using bioregulators to help your DNA do what it needs to do, and where you can get information to help you decide what would work best for you. Nathalie tells more about how bioregulators work, where they come from, and how they can be taken such as taking supplements or eating organ meat to get them directly.

We talk about our relationship with technology and how it relates to the factors of aging, such as non-native EMF exposure, or blue light contributing to the aging of the skin, and how it can also be a tool for recording data on ourselves on how other factors affect us. We also discuss the importance of staying mindful of our approach to tech use, our diet, and how we live our lives. Lastly, Nathalie shares her favorite biohacking tech tools, including the Biostrap or Oura ring for tracking sleep, low EMF infrared light devices, saunas, and EMF detectors, all while maintaining mindfulness when choosing products or if you even need a certain product.
In this episode, you will hear:
- Telomere length in terms of aging
- Factors that contribute to how you age
- What are bioregulators?
- Where to get more information on bioregulators
- How bioregulator peptides work
- Bioregulators in conjunction with other preventative measures
- How technology relates to our aging health
- Maintaining a mindful approach to tech use and lifestyle choices
More information on Bioregulator peptides and Telomeres from Biohacking Superhuman Performance Podcast:
Nathalie Niddam is a Holistic Nutritionist, Epigenetic Coach, Biohacker and Podcast Host. She focuses on her work with clients and on her podcast on all strategies to help us all live longer and healthier lives. As human lifespans have increased, our focus now needs to shift to what we can do to improve our HealthSpan…from Lifestyle strategies to personalized nutrition, health tech, supplements and so much more – Nat is on a mission to inform and inspire her audience and clients alike to live their best life.
Connect with Nathalie Niddam:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Optimizing Superhuman Performance Group
Podcast: Biohacking Superhuman Performance
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Nat Niddam 0:00
There are certain rules of thumb. But here’s the interesting thing about a bio regulator. And that’s the word regulation that is embedded in there. And that what the bio regulator seeks to do is to restore balance to the body. It’s not going to push you into overdrive, right? So let’s say we have someone who has an imbalance in their thyroid gland, we can give them the thyroid bio regulator, and we don’t have to worry whether they’re hyper or hypo thyroid, whether they’re over producing or underperforming. Because what the bio regulator is going to try and do is bring back the balance.
Announcer 0:34
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now, here are your hosts R blank and Stephanie Warner.
R Blank 0:47
Well, so that conversation with Matt, Matt, near them was super high energy covered a lot of stuff I’ve never heard about, I know the listeners are going to really enjoy this one. You know, one of the things that stood out to me, which is a question, you know, I feel like I should be asking more, but she covers her favourite tech tools for biohacking. And the one question she asked herself when evaluating new biohacking tech.
Stephanie Warner 1:12
Yeah, and I won’t spoil it for you guys and tell you what it is. But I do want to add, it’s a really, really great conversation. If you have ever wondered what biohacking means and what it is and what that jargon is, what it how it applies to you. This is definitely the interview for you because she does a wonderful job explaining it so that anyone can understand that we got into some bigger stuff. But we also stepped back and broke it down so that people can understand what this is. And I gained a lot from this conversation. And I think our listeners will do I can’t wait to get into it.
R Blank 1:48
Cool. Let’s get started. Let’s do it. Today’s guest is Natalie Nitnem, a holistic nutritionist epigenetic coach biohacker and podcast host. NAT is a self proclaimed science geek with a passion for human health and is on a mission to inform and inspire her clients and audience to live their best lives. Since learning about peptides and bio regulators that’s focused as narrowed, as she has learned how these incredible compounds can trigger the body’s healing mechanisms, and even reverse biological age, which we’ll talk about on today’s show. Welcome to the healthier tech podcast. Matt,
Nat Niddam 2:25
thank you so much. R. I appreciate being here.
R Blank 2:29
Oh, that’s great. Yeah. So just to get us started, can you share a bit of what you think is most relevant in your personal health journey? And what made you realise your passion for helping others?
Nat Niddam 2:41
Oh, yeah, great question. Um, I think that, you know, I’ve always been like, it says, If my bio, I’ve always been into science, you know, I was that kid that read National Geographic cover to cover every time it came in, it was ridiculous. And I studied physiology and university. And then, you know, at some point, I kind of got a little bit distracted from that track, but ended up in a in a corporate world, but always kind of kept a hand in, in science and in health by being a fitness instructor, and just always kind of being fascinated. And I think what really triggered me to kind of get into this is, I had my I had some I never, you know, it’s funny, I’m kind of like in that world where I was always really healthy, and yet always had some really kind of low lying health issues. Like I had a lot of Candida issues because I was, you know, I was a C section baby, I now know that my microbiome was destroyed very early in life by a lot of antibiotics. And that kind of set me up for some issues in my adult life, which I kind of managed to figure out more or less. But I think what really triggered me is seeing my family like family members develop chronic health conditions. And sitting there thinking, is that where I’m going? Like, is that is that is that my path? And, you know, underlying my belief that my underlying belief has always been that the body can heal, if we get out of the way if we give it what it needs. And so I think that’s what kind of kept that curiosity door open all the time. And, and eventually, I left the corporate world when I was having a conversation with my chiropractor, and downloading yet another one of these crazy books I’d been reading. And he looked at me and he said, You know what not you should be paying getting paid to do this because I’ve been sharing your information with my patients and a couple of them done really well with it. And it’s like a light bulb went off in my head. And within a week, I was rented. I quit my job registered at the Institute of holistic nutrition here in Toronto and started a full time in class journey that led me to where I am today.
R Blank 4:50
How long how long ago was that? That was about 10 years ago. Okay, wow, that and that was not only that’s not only a cool journey, you really covered it really, really effectively. So thank you very much. So, I might come back to some of what you just talked about. But one thing I was reading about you, and I just I wanted to get right to it is that as of today, your biological age is a full 14 years younger than your chronological, sorry, chronological. chronological age and your telomeres match. So and 23 years younger, right. So A, that’s impressive, I want to get into that. But first, how do you measure that?
Nat Niddam 5:32
So the interesting thing, you know, in the last five years, there’s been such an explosion in the technology, and in making it affordable for people to do right, I would guess that 10 years ago, if you could even measure these things, it would have been psychotically. Expensive. So there are few providers out there now who will actually using I’m trying to remember if they use blood or saliva, but depending on the provider, they’ll use blood or saliva. And they will actually the the the DNA methylation number, which is the 14 year younger that the horrified using the Horvath clock, that’s a provider by the name of true diagnostic, who did that, who runs that test. And they actually also can estimate your Tila marriage. And then the other thing that they can do is they can estimate your pace of ageing. And so how fast are you ageing relative to the time clock that we’ve established, right those times around the sun, however you want to define that. And so, you know, obviously, what we’re looking for is a pace of ageing less than one. And I think my pace of ageing last time we looked at it was maybe around somewhere between point seven, five or point eight. So that means for every year, I’m ageing, only three quarters of that.
R Blank 6:49
That’s amazing. So how did you achieve that? So you know,
Nat Niddam 6:53
it’s, I think it’s multifactorial, I think it’s really important to understand that your lifestyle choices have a massive impact on your pace of ageing, your pace of ageing is also very impacted by stress. And in particular stress that you may have suffered as a child or been subjected to as a child. And, and then there’s, they have some really interesting studies around that, you know, and I, I wouldn’t do it justice. So I don’t want to get into too much detail on this. But basically, they did some really interesting studies. And I think it was in New Zealand, where they followed a bunch of small little tiny children until they became adults. And they were able to correlate their pace of ageing to their early childhood experiences. So we, you know, in our circles, we will often talk about early childhood adverse events. So it is really amazing that, you know, we often people will talk about how stress kills, and we don’t very often pay that much attention to stress, and lifestyle factors like drinking and exercise getting outside. And I would actually put in lifestyle exposure to toxins, which includes EMFs, and all of the things that you talk about, I think that at a foundation level, those things are massively important. And then the other thing I would say that comes into play for me is probably my genetics are helpful. Because if I look at my parents, they’re in their 80s. They’re not biohack. Well, they are now but they weren’t biohackers. My poor parents, they, they weren’t biohackers for most of their lives. And yet, both my parents still work full time. Like they’re both and you would never in a million years guess that they’re in their 80s. Even if you look at the way that they walk, right, so gait can be a really interesting measure of a person’s how vibrant they are. So, so there’s all that and then have I been playing with bio regulators for the last couple of years? Yes, but probably not long enough to be the major factor in this. Okay. Right. I think that, I think I mean, I don’t know, actually, I should, I’ll take that back. Because there is one bio regulator in particular, that can activate telomerase, which is the enzyme that helps to maintain telomere length. And that’s probably the one that I’ve been using most regularly for the last two years. And you can see
R Blank 9:19
right away before you get further there, you have this big word there, right bio regulator can start by defining it later. Yeah.
Nat Niddam 9:27
So, sorry. So a bio regulator is a peptide, it’s a very, very tiny peptide. So a peptide, by definition is a protein, right? We’re our bodies are made up of proteins, we eat protein, but these are protein, the building blocks of proteins are what we refer to as amino acids. So they’re single, think of them as little single Lego blocks, right? And so a protein can be composed of anywhere from two to 1000. If not longer Lego blocks and in our body we have like 1000s of these there fold, the bigger longer ones are folded up in very specific patterns so that they can act on different systems in the body. A bio regulator peptide is by definition, no more than four amino acids long. So it is the tiniest of the tiniest peptides. And what it is able to do is because of its size, and because of the electric charge that it carries, like the configuration that things are organised in, it has the capacity to cross through cellular membrane, which is of your cell. So that’s the wall of your cell, cross through the nuclear membrane, which is the wall of the nucleus. And inside that nucleus is your DNA. It’s your genetic material, it is then able to bind to the genetic material and upregulate the regeneration and restoration of tissue and even function. So the one that I mentioned a second ago called a piddle on is the Pineal Gland bio regulator. So it is what I will often talk about as my desert island bio regulator, if you are on a desert island and said that you get too wet one bio regulator, I would say, Okay, it’s kind of like asking me to pick my favourite child, but I’m going to pick a pit along because the pedal on is effect it helps to rejuvenate and restore function to the pineal gland, which is a tiny little pine nut shaped gland in your brain, which regulates number one, your circadian rhythm. It helps to normalise melatonin production, it activates telomerase, but even maybe overpowering. All of that is your master endocrine regulator. So your endocrine system being your hormonal system, so it helps to restore balance, if you will, to the endocrine system.
R Blank 11:43
So and and how long have you been working? I mean, you said you made this shift about 10 years ago, at least professionally, how long have you been exploring or working with these bio regulator peptides?
Nat Niddam 11:54
So the bio regulators and then the other peptides? I would say, I’ve been deep dive, I’ve been like, kind of buried in those for the last two and a half years.
R Blank 12:02
Okay. And are they new? Or like this concept? Or did you just kind of stumble upon them more recently? Yeah, I
Nat Niddam 12:11
stumbled upon them more recently, they’re not new. The bio regulators in particular have been being researched very heavily in Russia for the last almost 40 years now, I would say, and the gentleman who’s really at the forefront of this research, and who you could say, discovered them and brought them into use would be a doctor by the name of Vladimir Kevin Johnson. And so we will often talk about the cavesson bio regulator peptides.
R Blank 12:38
Okay. And if someone if one of my listeners is very intrigued by this as as, as I am, right, you have some protein and alter your telomeres. How would How would you recommend someone get started? Like who do they talk to, to learn about what they might want to experiment with? And how much of it to take and so on.
Nat Niddam 13:01
Right, so I so there’s a couple of ways to go there. I run a large Facebook community called the optimising superhuman performance. And so I think it’s I think we’re closing in on 12 and a half 1000 people in there right now. So that’s a beehive of activity around a lot of things. Optima, you know, kind of longevity based, but I would say that the bio regulators and other peptides are a big, big part of the discussion in there. I also on the podcast, if it’s okay, I mean, yeah, yeah. So on the biohacking superhuman performance podcast, I’ve interviewed a number of people because of course, the reason why I started the podcast in the first place was to get people who knew more about this stuff to talk to me about it. It was it was kind of like, okay, how am I gonna get all these guys to talk to me, it’s like, I know, I’ll start a podcast. And then, so there are now a number of episodes in the podcast. But I would say if you just wanted to kind of deep dive, you would listen to episode 42, or 46, or even 47 of the podcast because those three really only talk about the Kevin sin peptide, bio regulators. And we talk about them at quite light. The gentleman I’m talking about speaking within that podcast, in the first two is a researcher by the name of Bill Lawrence, who is actually conducting a clinical trial right now, which I’m a part of, where he’s, he’s taking us through, we’re using by regulators every single month. So at any given month, I’m using anywhere from eight to nine bio regulators, I’m cycling through them, and in an effort to see how this will affect my biological age even further, but those episodes,
R Blank 14:44
and we’ll we’ll link to all three of those episodes in the show notes. Is this the kind of thing that you can kind of be a dilettante about and say, Oh, I should try to add these to my to my diet or do you really need to take a biohacking approach?
Nat Niddam 14:59
Yeah, that’s it. That’s a great question. Sorry, Stephanie. Go ahead.
Stephanie Warner 15:02
Yeah, I want to interrupt a little because I need to take a step back a little bit. You You did such a wonderful job explaining what the peptides are. And I did not know. So thank you for that really great explanation. But are we? So are these things that exist? This proteins already exist in our body? How are you stimulating or activating them? Is it a supplement? Is it nutrition? How are you, you know, optimising those specific? Regulators?
Nat Niddam 15:29
That’s such a great question. Because you know, as I’m sitting here talking like I’m, I breathed this stuff, right? So it’s like, you leave out these little key bits of information?
Stephanie Warner 15:39
No, because I was like, Oh, wait, what I need to do in that one practice. If I’m wondering, I’m sure some of our listeners are wondering, too.
Nat Niddam 15:48
Yeah, for sure. So two things that you also as the other way that people can learn more about them. I do offer consults. And then I’m also, at some point going to push a course out the world. So if people sign up for my newsletter on the website, then they’ll they’ll be the first to know and I’m under so much pressure to produce this course it is coming, it’s going to happen. So that’s number one. Number two, to answer your question, Stephanie, which is brilliant is. So here’s what’s interesting about the bio regulators is they come we can get them from food. Right? And so they’re not. Yeah, I know. But the thing is, here’s the tricky thing. They are present in food. But like anything else, to get therapeutic doses of something, really move the needle, you know, you’re going to have to access a very concentrated source. So let’s talk about the hierarchy of sources that we have and how concentrated they are. The first layer would be organ meats, right? So think about this, where are we going to get a pineal by regulator from, we’re going to get it from the pineal gland, there is a kidney bio regulator we’re going to eat get it from eating kidneys, there’s liver, there’s heart, there’s like 21 of these. So think of different organs and systems. And that’s where we’re going to find these bio regulators. Bio regulators can be taken in two ways, orally, well, actually now more ways, but let’s say there are oral biologic bio regulators. And then there are the synthetic ones, where they’ve isolated that two to four amino acid chain, and it’s been reproduced in a lab synthetically, and those ones can either be sprayed into the mouth, or they can be injected subcutaneously. So that’s just like an insulin injection into let’s say, belly fat. And so you’ve got these, these two kinds of different sources. So really, what you’re doing is you’re taking an a source, and you’re reintroducing it to the body, but in a therapeutic dose. So we have the food, right, so eating it. So I actually think a lot of the people in the carnivore community who are getting really transformative health benefits, quite apart from letting go of some really bad lifestyle and diet habits that got them there in the first place. If they’re doing a true carnivore diet and eating nose to tail, they are actually accessing those bio regulators. Right, right. Our next layer would be the dehydrated Oregon supplements that a lot of these guys are producing. So like heart and soil by Paul Saladino, or ancestral supplements, what they’ve done is they’ve taken those bits and bobs that nobody really wants to eat, right? How many people have you I mean, I know people who love liver, I like liver, but most people don’t like liver or they don’t want to eat it all the time. Because it’s not convenient. And then there’s heart and then there’s like, there’s all these other pieces, right? So the next layer would be those those dehydrated Oregon supplements. To take it up another notch, we now get to the biological oral supplements. So there’s a company in the UK, there’s a an online store in the UK called profound health. And if you went to profound dash, you would be able to find all of the cabinets and by regulators in the white box with the Russian writing on it. But what profound health has done is they’ve taken it to another level. And they’ve created a new brand called nature’s marvels, which is way less scary. It’s got pretty flowers and fields on pictures on it. And it doesn’t use the crazy names that these bio regulators have. So this nomenclature about bio regulators is crazy. There’s like a pedal on its own is couldn’t be a pedal on it can be endo Luton, it can have epithelium it like there’s all these different names for it. What nature’s Marvels has done is they’ve said oh, we’re gonna call this the pineal gland bio, right?
Stephanie Warner 19:37
Like that’s, that’s helpful
Nat Niddam 19:41
idea, right? And actually, if you go to my website, we have a discount code for people’s first order if they if they want to do that. So you asked are if somebody could just go out and buy bio regulators and get started. I mean, there’s, there’s certain rules of thumb but here’s the interesting thing about a bio regulator and That’s the word regulation that is embedded in there. And that what the bio regulator seeks to do is to restore balance to the body, it’s not going to push you into overdrive, right. So let’s say we have someone who has an imbalance in their thyroid gland, we can give them the thyroid bio regulator. And we don’t have to worry whether they’re hyper or hypo thyroid, whether they’re over producing or underperforming. Because what the bio regulator is going to try and do is bring back the balance. So it’s really, it’s a very unique in that sense, and that’s part of why they are seen as being extremely safe. Now, I will say that if you want to get your bang for your buck, you’re going to want to do two things. Number one, very often bio regulators are almost never used on their own. So if I’m, if I want to do if I want to stay, let’s say I want to address, I want to help a woman to reestablish some balance in her reproductive system, right, I will use a pedal on because it’s our master endocrine regulator, I will also use the ovarian bio regulator. And I might also use the blood vessel by regulator because of course, if we can optimise the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste at a cellular level in the body, we’re always doing something to upregulate. Right. But there’s two other things we have to make sure we’re taking care of number one is why is the imbalance there? are we addressing it is she being exposed to a lot of non native EMFs issues being exposed to a lot of Xeno estrogens issue being exposed or their toxins? What is the driver for the imbalance in the first place that has to be addressed. And then the second one is, what are the nutrients and other things that we can be doing to help to support the system at the same time. So the bio regulators sound like the magic one silver bullet, but they’re not. They work really well. And if you look at a lot of the research, they work really well as an adjunct to conventional therapies when there’s serious imbalances. But when we’re optimising we can use them in cycles. And periodically, if you will, kind of like to address the wear and tear that our bodies sustain as we age and go through life.
R Blank 22:15
So you’ve thank you for that explanation. This is all well, it’s new information to me, and you do a fantastic job of covering it. So far in the discussion, at least a few points. Tech has has come up, maybe maybe implicitly. And so for instance, you know, we talked about measuring biological age that sounded like, those were some pretty significant technological advancements that allow that to happen, affordably. At the same time, you talked about forces, like toxins and stress contributing to reductions in biological age. And, and we all know that tech is a source of both toxin and, and stress. So and you and I have chatted before. And so I know, from that you that your views are that tech, our relationship with tech, let’s say, requires us to kind of balance a fine line. And I was wondering if you could give a little more context to how you view that fine line in our relationship with technology?
Nat Niddam 23:22
Yeah, that’s I mean, that’s such a good question. And I think it’s something that we’re always negotiating in our world. Right. And I mean, because at some level, now we’re in a, we’re in a position where, and I don’t even know that there’s too many places on the planet where you could not be exposed to, to non native EMFs or 5g. Sure, yeah, like we’re getting to the point now, where you almost can’t get away from it. But you know, before I talk about that, I think what one of the things that’s really important to know is that tech can be our friend. And tech can be our enemy, right? And as biohackers as people who are constantly wanting to, we want to gather data, data about our bodies, we want to understand what is the effect of, let’s say, taking a pill on on my deep sleep, so I could be wearing an aura ring, or I could be wearing a bio strap at night. And so balancing the exposure, let’s say, and it’s very small amounts of EMF, but if we think about it, the cumulative effect of all the events, it’s, you know, it’s it’s, I think it’s, it’s, it’s something that we all have to deal with on a day to day basis. And I believe that number one, I mean, you have great tools on your website that helped to mitigate some of those impacts, right, like, like the, you know, like the that little platform
R Blank 24:48
or the laptop. Yeah, I think you’re talking about
Nat Niddam 24:50
that laptop, they it’s like my favourite thing. I mean, you throw it in with it. It’s like the best thing ever. But, and it’s it’s a small thing. Right. And yet it’s a piece wearing blue blocking glasses during the day just to limit it. I mean, there was an article that just came out in, in some journal, where they, they were finally saying, Oh, guess what? Exposure to artificial blue light will contribute to neuro degenerative diseases and to accelerated ageing. I’m like, okay, and this was done on fruit flies. So there, you know, it’s gonna take them another 20 years to come out and say, that has that effect on people.
R Blank 25:29
I wonder how they got little blue light glasses on the flies. But
Nat Niddam 25:34
all they did is they expose them to blue light, how it accelerated? I guess fly in circles or fly into the walls. I don’t know how you neurodegeneration in fruit flies. But all I say they figured that they they’re finally coming out and saying that right. Yep. So I think that I think that tech is at this point. It’s inescapable. And it’s what we do. It’s all of the actions that we can take to number one, limit our exposure where we can. I also like I have a light bulb in my lamp right here that is that emits no blue light, you know, so there are there are tools available to us now, that can help us to manage these things. There’s, you know, on the wearable tech, I don’t wear my bio strap during the day, I don’t need to add measures my sleep frankly, I don’t even need to be wearing my my aura, I just don’t necessarily remember to take it off. So so it’s it’s just about finding the lines. Now the interesting thing, the other interesting thing about the by regulators is there are a couple and I think piddle on maybe one of them. And there may be another one called V long, that may have protective effects against things like radiation. So they’re, they’re used quite often in, in cancer patients who’ve had radiation therapy to help them repair it to help with the repair of DNA.
R Blank 26:56
Okay, that’s interesting. Yeah, I’m actually writing that down.
Stephanie Warner 26:59
It’s very interesting.
Nat Niddam 27:01
And, you know, and then there’s some supplements like molecular hydrogen that can help to mitigate the effects of radiation. So I think I think the first step like anything else is to do what you can to reduce your exposure. And you’ve got I don’t know when this podcast is coming out, but you have you have a full day coming out where you’re educating people on.
R Blank 27:23
Yeah, EMF Radiation Safety Day. Yeah, this podcast, I think, will have aired by them. But I mean, it will have aired after that day. But ya know,
Nat Niddam 27:32
anyway, as a company, you guys have really gotten your arms around this, right? So helping people to understand what what are the things that you can control that you can affect, and then in the things that you can’t control is so that it gives you enough wiggle room for the things you can’t control? And and we do that in everything, right? We do that in diet, we do that in lifestyle, we do that, like in diet, the idea is not to eat the perfect diet every minute of every hour of every day. I mean, that would be great. But for most of us, that’s not achievable. The idea is to do it enough, that that time that you’re faced with that thing that you know, oh, it’s not good for me, but you can let kind of release that because you’ve built resilience into your body.
Stephanie Warner 28:13
Right? Yeah, it sounds like it sounds a lot like your fine line is, is more mindful use of the tech that that you have. So maybe limiting the use of things you you don’t that aren’t really helping. So if you’re you know, using your aura ring, or you’re using your good you call it the bio strike, right? Yeah, yeah. Like there’s a clear benefit to that data and to using that, whereas maybe there are other places you could reduce usage of things that perhaps don’t have much value. I was hearing
R Blank 28:44
No, that’s great. And so I was actually hoping and that’s a great segue stuff. Or rings, I’m always asked about our rings. The bio strap I don’t think I’ve heard of I was hoping that to take this opportunity to ask you what are some of your favourite tech tools for biohacking? Okay, sure.
Nat Niddam 29:03
I mean, the bio strap for me is is one of my most favourite because it it’s kind of like the the tough sleep coach, right so aura for whatever reason, always thinks I’ve done a good job at my sleep almost. I really have to mess it. I really have to do something crazy for it to say really, you could have done
R Blank 29:27
Jaci tech I like that yeah, so bio
Nat Niddam 29:29
strap is wage edgier.
Stephanie Warner 29:33
Honest, honest friend you only tell a little bit to
Nat Niddam 29:38
be honest friend. You got to be like, Okay, do I really want to know the answer to
Stephanie Warner 29:41
do these? Okay, so I only one cake, a cake but maybe two, but I won’t tell her that.
Nat Niddam 29:46
Exactly. So bio strap. I mean, you know, or has definitely made a lot of changes to their algorithms these days. And I don’t want to get into too much of a comparison. But at the end of the day, either one of these tools that resonates for you I think is a great way to see what is the what is the effect of the decisions that I make on my sleep. So whatever that may be for you. What other tech, I mean, look, some red light infrared light devices, I think are really, really powerful for human health. The trick there is to find a device that’s low in EMF, and that is what so that you, you know, the the benefits, the negatives don’t outweigh the benefits kind of thing. Again, with saunas, we want to be careful with those because but you know, there’s so many great options on the market. Now, with every passing day, I think a great investment that people can make is like their own EMF metre and read, right? Because people send me stuff all the time. And they’re like, oh, yeah, it’s really low EMF. It’s really great. And I hold my metre and I’m like, No, really? I don’t know, maybe. So, you know, I mean, you know, I do think that we always have to ask ourselves when we’re being faced with biohacking tech is, do I need this, because there’s so many cool stuff out there are so many cool things, right. And so and they’re all going to expose you to some degree. Now, the other interesting thing is, I think that some people are way more sensitive, where they can tell I’m not that person. Now, I let me rephrase that. I never used to think I was affected by EMFs at all, except for that one time that I was speaking at an event that was in the middle of a field, in the middle of nowhere, where there was literally no phone reception, it’s probably one of the last places on the planet, you can go and experience that. And I was sleeping on a crappy cot in a cold tent, and it was raining and it was cold. Like it was the first couple of the first night was really kind of epic. My sleep score that night, and recovery score. I don’t think to this day I’ve ever seen anything better.
R Blank 32:00
Wow. So that’s a great example, actually. So I mean, short of going out into the middle of nowhere. How do you disconnect from technology or disengage from technology in your life? How often do you do that? And how do you do it?
Nat Niddam 32:17
Yeah, I have to admit that I haven’t found the perfect solution to that. Right. So we do have a cottage by lake but it has electricity. So it’s gonna have you know, like, it’s, it’s imperfect. I can see if I turn on my phone, I can see eight different Wi Fi networks. Oh, wow. Right. So I want to believe that I’m disconnected, but I’m not. So I turn off whatever I can at night. Yeah, as much as I can, the Wi Fi in my house is almost impossible to turn off. So I just make sure that everything in my bedroom is off, there is no TV in my bedroom, there never has been there never will be. You know, I just like I’m like that is so easy. That’s such an easy when. If things are on, they’re on aeroplane mode. And even then I feel like you know, I’ve kind of struck a deal here because I sometimes will use an audio track from from an app that I have that helps with deep sleep. And it really materially impacts my deep sleep. So I’m like is having Bluetooth on? Doesn’t get balanced by the amount of deep sleep I’m getting. Maybe sometimes. So I use it sometimes. And other times No, but the Wi Fi is definitely off. The cellular data is off. Like it’s, it’s for me, it’s just this constant negotiation. Right. And, and then ironically, there are sometimes technology solutions to technology problems. And so you know, like we went to your website, and we had we find solutions to the problems. So it’s really about this constant exploration of what’s available to me. And do I really need this?
Stephanie Warner 33:57
I love that question. I think that’s the that’s probably the most important question is, do I need this? Because we do, there’s tech that definitely serves a purpose and helps us in our health journey. And then there’s the other stuff, that’s just, we just have it around us. And if we just think about what’s around us, what can we turn off? That’s a huge step forward. And so kind of want to segue back to your work. And I, we always like to ask this question. So for really for our listeners, and well personally for myself, too, because I’m so intrigued by what you do. What advice would you give our listeners and myself to begin their journey to to a healthier lifestyle?
Nat Niddam 34:39
Well, I mean, look, I’m always want to start with the basics, right? I think that addressing and going back to what we were talking about earlier, what can you do to balance your nervous system, which is another way of saying build resilience to stress because you know, stress, we’re all exposed to stress. You can’t draw breath So in this world that we live in right now and not get stressed about something, so, so whether it’s a mindful meditation, or whether it’s breath work, whether whatever it is that helps you to buffer the stressors that you’re impacted by will be the single most important thing that you can do. And I and I say that even before nutrition, because your stress levels are going to impact your nutrition, they’re going to impact the food choices that you make, they’re going to impact your ability to digest your food, right? I would say on the same level, and probably falls into the stress management bucket as well as exposure to nature. Right? So the antidote, the antidote to tech is nature. Getting outside getting into like seeing natural light every morning, trying to watch the sunset, stepping outside the door, in the middle of the day to just recenter yourself and reground yourself, if you have access to a patch of grass feed in the ground, just just try to access to nature. For me, like I have, we have our lake house in from the in the spring, summer and fall, just getting there is a massive, like I don’t wear shoes the whole time I’m there, I just takes a couple of days to kind of acclimatised my feet at the beginning of the season. But but you know, just just getting in contact with nature is the next big thing. And then we bring in the supplements, you know, right, right, and all the other stuff. Because until we’ve got that stress, sleep movement, and I guess movement and exercise, it’s to me, it’s kind of part of nature, because you’re taking care of your nature.
Stephanie Warner 36:42
Yeah, absolutely. I love that. So I and thank you for giving the focus, because we talked about a lot of things and it can feel a little overwhelming. So I love the focus on the basics, which is really nervous system. And I love how you articulated that. And then increasing our connection with nature. I’m a huge fan of that so and is made a tonne of difference in my stress level, just going outside. Before I start working. That’s huge for me. And then supplementation, which is kind of brings me into my to my last question, which is if our listeners want to go a little deeper, and they want to delve into the work that you do, how would they how would they connect with you? What would be the best way to connect in and maybe work with you or hear more about the work that you do and understand more?
Nat Niddam 37:29
Thank you. So like I said earlier, the Facebook community which you know, is I mean, it’s still there at Facebook’s as much as they as the Facebook’s discretion. Yeah. So I probably will be. I’ll be creating a paid community in the little next little while it won’t be expensive, but I’m gonna have to make it paid to take it offline and take it into a place where we can actually have conversations with conversation. Yeah, yeah. So there’s but there’s the Facebook group for now, which is optimising superhuman performance. There’s my website, net net where people can reach out to me through, they can book consults through there, they can only really book an intro consult the full consult, I need to know what people are looking for before I’m going to take their full money for full consult, because sometimes, you know, it’s outside my wheelhouse. So I’ll try and refer them out if I if I can. There’s the podcast, of course. And then at some point, if they sign up for my newsletter, they’ll hear about the course when it comes out.
R Blank 38:32
Great. And we’ll put the links to all of those in the show notes. Net. Thank you so much. This has been not only very informative and educational, but it’s super pleasure on this this morning to chat with you.
Nat Niddam 38:43
Oh, well. Likewise, you guys are great. Thank you so much for having me.
Stephanie Warner 38:46
That was great. Thank you.
Announcer 38:50
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcast on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free quickstart guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier
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