S3E28: Dr. John Burd is Helping Those With Diabetes

In this episode, Dr. Burd talks about the process of protein glycation, and how his product, Lysulin, targets the cause of type two diabetes.


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Show Notes

Dr. Burd joins us today as we discuss diabetes, the process of protein glycation, and how Dr. Burd’s product, Lysulin, targets the cause of type two diabetes. We talk about natural medication, and the effects of having a more natural diet while limiting carbohydrates and highly processed foods. Dr. Burd also shares with us how his products help people monitor their glucose levels using at home testing, his views on continuous glucose monitoring, and how Lysulin can work together with other diabetic treatment options.

In this episode, you will hear: 

  • What Lysulin is and how it works
  • What makes Lysulin a natural product
  • The benefits of continuous glucose monitoring
  • Dr. Burd’s advice on carbohydrates
  • How WonderSpray can help with wound healing

Dr. John Burd is the former CEO of Dexcom (a $40B company) who now owns Lysulin and WonderSpray. His current research is focused on the toxic sugar coating that happens when excess glucose binds to and changes proteins in our bloodstream, a process called “protein glycation.”

He’s also a #1 bestselling author of “The Natural Solution to the Diabetes Epidemic: The Discovery of Lysulin.”

Connect with Dr. John Burd:

Website: www.lysulin.com

Wonderspray: drburdwonderspray.com

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/john-burd-8702901

Connect with R Blank and Stephanie Warner: 

For more Healthier Tech Podcast episodes, and to download our Healthier Tech Quick Start Guide, visit https://www.healthiertech.co and follow https://instagram.com/healthiertech

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Dr. John Burd 0:00
low carbohydrate diets are the best thing you can do. It’s like food is the best medicine. And when you eat carbohydrates, they get into your bloodstream where they make glucose. And that’s what causes the problem too much glucose causes glucose toxicity. And that leads to insulin resistance and diabetes.

Announcer 0:22
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now, here are your hosts, R blank and Stephanie Warner.

R Blank 0:35
So today’s interview with Dr. John bird, we’re going to hear a lot about glucose and diabetes. A lot of it, you know, I didn’t actually know but the you know, the part of this conversation that I really liked, and that I think the listeners are gonna like is the discussion on the importance of home testing and, and that as an example of, of technology that has, you know, entered our lives in ways that really makes a big difference in quality of life.

Stephanie Warner 1:03
Yeah, absolutely. I definitely share that opinion. And I look forward to our listeners caring more about Dr. Byrd’s work.

R Blank 1:11
Yep, so let’s get into it. Yes, do it. Dr. John Byrd is a renowned scientist and the founder and former CEO of Dexcom, the leader in continuous glucose monitoring systems. His current research is focused on the toxic sugar coating that happens when excess glucose binds to and changes proteins in our bloodstream, a process called protein glycation. Dr. Byrd is the founder of life sullen and wonder spray, and he’s also a number one best selling author of the natural solution to the diabetes epidemic, the discovery of licen Dr. Byrd is an expert in his field who loves to share natural solutions to big healthcare problems, which we’ll learn about more on today’s show. Welcome to the healthier tech podcast. Dr.

Dr. John Burd 1:56
Byrne, thank you so much for having me. I just love talking about these great products and helping people to better health. So I hope we reached in folks that we can help.

R Blank 2:06
That would be great. Yeah. So I mean, just as to get us started. Those folks, I think would like to learn more about your journey, as in healthcare and as a medical innovator can can you share some details about that?

Dr. John Burd 2:19
Sure, I’d be happy to. I was born in Indiana, went to school at Purdue and then the University of Wisconsin and got my PhD in biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin. And I returned to the Ames division of miles laboratories, which is in Elkhart, Indiana, and the Ames division was the first company that developed products for people with diabetes, they first developed the urine dipstick product. And then they developed the first home fingerstick blood tests with a little metre. And as the first in the field, they were the leader for a couple of years. But then they were overwhelmed by better products and better marketing, especially from lifescan, who became the world leader in continuous glucose monitoring. And then that was a huge market for a while. But then the bottom fell out when Medicare finally realised that they were paying too much for glucose test strips. And now the new focus is on continuous glucose monitoring, or I was fortunate enough to be involved with Dexcom as the founder and first CEO. And I’ve been developing medical products for almost 50 years now. And mostly for laboratory testing, and some home testing products. But also now I’m involved in natural products for big health care problems, like light shone, and wonder spray. So that’s kind of how I got here today.

R Blank 3:54
Yeah, so I you touched on a bunch of things I want to get into. But as a kind of a simple starting point. And I know this may sound like a really simple question. So I apologise in advance if it does. I mean, because we’ve all heard of diabetes. But in basic terms, I’m not sure we all understand actually what it is so in as simple and you know, brief terms as possible, can you can you explain what diabetes actually is?

Dr. John Burd 4:21
Yeah, I think I can. There’s two major types. type one diabetes is a juvenile onset. And that’s what happens when it’s an autoimmune disease where your body attacks your pancreas as an autoimmune disease, and when it does that, your pancreas no longer makes insulin, and insulin is needed to get glucose into your cells to produce energy. A type two diabetes is very different from type one diabetes. And type two diabetes is a result of what’s called insulin resistance. And as I said, you need insulin to Get, it’s like the key that fits in the lock on your cell on the insulin receptor. And when that key insulin goes into the lock, it opens the door and allows glucose into your cells. Well, when you get insulin resistance, my theory is that that comes from what’s called protein glycation, which you mentioned in your introduction. And that’s because glucose we need for energy, but it’s also toxic. It’s a reactive chemical that reacts with all the proteins, and your eyes, and your nerve endings, and your kidneys and your bloodstream, everywhere. And when glucose reacts with these proteins, they go on to produce what’s called advanced glycation end products. And these are thought to be the cause of all the complications of diabetes. And Lifeline is the only product that targets the cause of insulin resistance, and type two diabetes, not just a symptom of high blood sugar. And I’m not making this up. It’s been proven in clinical published clinical studies. It was a little long winded, but I hope

R Blank 6:09
no, that was a difference. Yeah, no, that was great. I really appreciate that. So one reason why so many people know the term diabetes is because it is so prevalent today. And I’m wondering if you have thoughts or insight into why diabetes has become so prevalent in the population?

Dr. John Burd 6:31
Yep, that’s a lifestyle, or they call it lifestyle diseases because of our terrible diets. They say and we can, in my book, I go through this, my book is like a conspirator book. It’s like a conspiracy between the government, Big Pharma, the food industry, and the medical community to keep people on high carbohydrate diet. It’s just ridiculous, really, low carbohydrate diets are the best thing you can do. It’s like food is the best medicine. And when you eat carbohydrates, they get into your bloodstream, where they make glucose. And that’s what causes the problem too much glucose causes glucose toxicity, and that leads to insulin resistance and diabetes.

R Blank 7:20
So yeah, sorry, yeah, sorry to cut you, when you were giving the background on your personal journey, it seems like diabetes care, or at least diabetes diagnosis, has been part of your career for a very long time, I’m wondering if you have a personal connection to this disease.

Dr. John Burd 7:39
Yeah, the I was actually named after an uncle, Uncle John, who actually died of complications of diabetes a long, long time ago. And as I’ve gotten older, all my relatives have also gotten older, and many of them have developed diabetes, type two diabetes, and I’m glad to say the lifelong self, most of them lifestyle and works for 70% of people who use it. So some people will, for whatever reason, not get the benefit. But if it does work, it works great. And I could see here, a one C drop and just one month, you’ll know very quickly, if it’s working out, we actually sell a home test to a one C now self check. So people can run an A one C at home. And it’s an excellent companion product for lifeline because you can take a test before you start and one month later tests again, and you’ll see if you’re in the 70% that it works

R Blank 8:38
for. So I definitely want to get back to the to the home testing. But let’s let’s jump into actually learning a bit more about Leisel. And so 111 thing I noticed about Lysa Lin is I saw in your mission statement, part of the first line is better health without prescription drugs. Now, I know this message appeals to many of my listeners. But yeah, I’m just I’m wondering why avoiding prescription drugs is a priority for you. And I’m talking about you your opinion, your personal approach to healthcare and medicine. Why is avoiding prescription drugs a priority for you so much so that you made it the first sentence in your mission statement?

Dr. John Burd 9:26
Yeah, this is my opinion too. So don’t get don’t get confused with the lifeline Incorporated, but as my personal opinion, I hate it. When I hear that people with type two diabetes, get put on insulin. That is a one way street. And when you take insulin injections, not only do you have to take a shot once or twice or more a day, but it also you have to take more and more and it works less and less because you have insulin resistance, and I think 70% of people with type two dads babies that are taking insulin might be able to get off. If they use lifelong. I mean, we certainly everybody with type two diabetes almost immediately gets put on a drug doctors love to prescribe drugs. Metformin is one of the most popular ones. And I have had a lot of folks use lifelong, and they’ve been able to stop taking Metformin. So

R Blank 10:23
do they? Do they need to continue taking Lysa Lin, or is is that uh, does that have a finite treatment duration,

Dr. John Burd 10:32
that’s totally different than insulin. With insulin, you have to take more and more, and it works less than less. When Glaceon you take three servings a day for most of the products, we also have a once a day, powder just once a day, but with the three servings a day of life, Shawn, if you achieve your a one C goal, so if you go from like an A one C of eight or nine, down to 5.5, you can actually drop back to two servings a day. And if you’re a one C stays low, you can go back to one servings a day. And if your aim was he still stays low, you can stop taking lifeline and just monitor your a one C and then just start to go up again, start by showing again. So it’s not a lifetime prescription, it’s possible to use it until it gives you the benefit of improving your insulin resistance. And as you also simultaneously start a low calorie, low carbohydrate diet. You may not have to take lifeline, we just fix it with diet, a little bit of exercise.

R Blank 11:44
So I know you mentioned Well, I mentioned in the intro, and then you mentioned it also this protein glycation. I’m wondering if in again as simple terms as possible, because we’re not all quite as educated as you. Can you explain what that is and again as simply as possible, what Leisen actually does to you into your body?

Dr. John Burd 12:07
Yep. When when glucose reacts with your proteins, proteins all have what are called amino groups on them, like haemoglobin, as an amino group that gets glycated and that turns it into haemoglobin a one C as an example. And this is just a chemical reaction of if this is a protein, and this is glucose, it reacts with the protein. And when you do that, it changes the structure of that protein, and therefore the way it functions. So that’s why those like insulin and insulin receptor both get blockaded, so that key doesn’t sit in a lock anymore. Now when you take life one life, Shawn has a high amount of the amino acid lysine in it. And we all have lysine in our blood, that we our body can’t make lysine you have to get it from the food we eat. And processing of food can remove lysine, so the levels are very low. If glucose for example is 100, makes per deciliter. lysine is about point five makes per deciliter, so it’s really low. And when you take lice one, the lysine and lysine one raises the blood level of lysine, so that now the glucose has a choice, it can either react with your proteins are going to react with the lysine. And on reaction of lysine, you form glycated lysine, and you just excrete that in your urine. So it’s like a sponge that soaks up excess glucose to prevent that reaction from happening. Well, we got long winded again, but I Oh, no,

R Blank 13:45
no, not long winded at all. So what? Again, I apologise if I sound ignorant by asking questions this obvious, but what makes this natural as opposed to a drug?

Dr. John Burd 13:58
Well, drugs are artificial chemicals that react with your certain things in your body to produce an effect. Like Sean has just lysine, zinc, and vitamin C, all compounds that you have in your blood. Right now, the FDA doesn’t like you saying natural, so we got to be careful. And we also had an FDA warning letter in September, where they said we were making drug claims and our our label on our product. There’s the liquid says this nutritional support for people with diabetes and pre diabetes. Well, we had to change that label to make the FDA happy. So now we just say nutritional support to help maintain healthy glucose a one C and insulin function. So fortunately, that’s been resolved now that FDA is kind of like a sword of Damocles. If the hanging over your head, but we’re really happy to get that issue resolved with them.

Stephanie Warner 15:05
Yeah, that’s, that’s great. Um, so I think a lot of our listeners and a lot of people in general, definitely agree with reducing the use of prescription drugs. But do you think that means that natural remedies are always better?

Dr. John Burd 15:21
Not always, like I say liason only works 70% of the time, it doesn’t work for everyone. So those folks need to do something else. Again, food is the best medicine that’s been known forever Hurley and but nonetheless, our government in the food industry, you know, that’s crazy pyramid that everybody knows about the food pyramid that has high carbohydrate, low fat, you know, that was basically made as a result of the farming lobby in Congress, because we had acres and acres of wheat and corn and rice and potatoes that needed to market. So the government recommended high carbohydrate diets. And high fructose corn syrup is the devil’s work, or like, the reason the food industry uses high fructose corn syrup is because it’s cheaper than sugar. And fructose is not like glucose that provides no energy. Fructose goes straight into your cells where it makes fat. So that’s the problem.

R Blank 16:32
And you know, that reminds me, I guess this is a little off topic. But it reminds me the same I don’t know if you’re aware of a Michael Pollan, who, who wrote, among other things in defence of food. And he said, his advice boils down to eat food, mostly plants, and not too much. And that was his general eating advice for people

Dr. John Burd 16:54
that unfortunately, vegetarian diets also, you just eat vegetables, they have a lot of carbohydrates in them, too. So I’m a big fan of what are called ketogenic diets, which is you can eat all the meat and fish and shrimp that you want. But avoid carbohydrates, and you can google glycemic index. And it shows you which foods have a high glycemic index, which is bad, and you want to get a low glycemic index. Diet. So,

R Blank 17:27
So stepping back and actually, yeah, I was thinking about this when when I was preparing for the show, to talk about Dexcom. But I saw that you now also have a continuous glucose monitoring system that you’re selling now, is that could you hold that up again?

Dr. John Burd 17:47
No, it’s not a continuous glucose monitor. It’s a one C. Okay, yes. So this is a blood test. So you prick your finger, and put a little drop on a test strip. And that gives you your a one C, which is not glucose. That’s your average blood sugar over the previous month.

R Blank 18:06
I see. Gotcha. So So I think that and your experience with with Dexcom, I think make you suited to talk a bit about this bright, because these home tests, whether you’re talking about continuous monitoring, or On Demand tests, they seem to be important. I mean, to me, as you know, this is the healthier tech podcast, and we talk a lot about ways in which tech interacts with our, with our health, they seem to open up a whole bunch of opportunities for people to figure out their, their personal path forward. Because they’ll have access to information that they just wouldn’t have had like you because otherwise you’d have to go make an appointment with the doctor, and then go to the appointment and then get the test done. And then wait until the results are in. And then you know, a week later, if you want to see if anything was working, you’d have to go through all of that, again, these home testing systems seem to really open up quite a bit of opportunity for people to improve their health. And I imagine you feel the same way.

Dr. John Burd 19:08
Exactly. It’s like it’s continuous glucose monitoring, you can see how the things you do affect your blood sugar levels. So if you’ve got a glucose continuous glucose monitor, and you eat a high protein meal, you’ll see oh, wow, my glucose level didn’t go up very much after I ate that. Fish or steak, or whatever. Whereas when you you know, you eat that chocolate chip cookie, you’ll say, Oh, look, my glucose level really went up. So yeah, continuous glucose monitoring is really fabulous. And it’s hard to get that from the individual home glucose test strip, where when you test your glucose with a test strip, that tells you what your glucose is at that moment in time, and you don’t know what’s going up or going down, or staying the same. So yeah, I’m a big fan of continuous blue. Cost monitoring. I’m also a big fan of what I call non invasive glucose testing, which the to guess there are three continuous glucose monitors on the market now, one is Dexcom, one’s Medtronic and one’s Abbott. And they all involve using a little needle if you stick through your skin, it’s painless, but it’s still a needle. And I’m involved with another company in Florida that has a continuous non invasive glucose test system. That is just like a watch you wear and companies called A L E. R, T, gy, Allard G. And they’ve got a website that shows that product, and they’re going into FDA trials now. And I think it’ll be lower cost. last longer. And really, I love the group continuous glucose monitoring system, but they’re pretty expensive index comm is the most expensive one ad that is the least expensive. The next guy is the world leader because it has alarms and has great performance. Right? So

Stephanie Warner 21:05
yeah, I actually I have a friend who has continuous glucose monitoring, and he has it, he basically has, it’s kind of in his in on his side or in his I think it’s in his body. And then he can look at his phone and see what’s, you know, what’s going on with his levels. And what’s happened is not only is he does he have that visibility all the time, but he’s also has been able to get more of a customised, you know, approach to his insulin. And what’s happened is as a AOC has gone way, way down. He’s, you know, it’s in, it’s great. And I wonder, how does, how would that in in lice land work together? Do you see like vast improvement when you have the two things going on? Or, you know, Could you could you talk about that

Dr. John Burd 21:55
a little? Oh, I do. But unfortunately, the Dexcom management doesn’t agree with me. Basically, Lifeline is the only product that improves your insulin resistance. Which means, if you use lifeline that works for you, instead of taking 20 units a day, you may need to take only 10 units a day. And insulin is expensive. So that really helps. And we’ve got people that have Dexcom systems that use the product. And they’ve seen that many of them, I’ve seen that they’ve used less than one and they’re a one sees even further improved. Again, it doesn’t work for everyone. And Lifeline is we’ve targeted really for people with diabetes and pre diabetes, because you have type one and you’re taking insulin shots, you got to be careful, you don’t get hypoglycemic. But with extra time, if you do, it gives you an alert, now you’re getting low, so eat a little bit of glucose. So that’s the people that are used lifeline with type one, all have a continuous glucose monitor with an alarm. But it helps everybody and even, you know, we also have a new product for lash line, which is a shake, and meal replacement shake with like showing in it so you get the promise of potentially getting weight loss and improve diabetes management.

R Blank 23:19
So you bring obviously, you bring a lot of, well, a lot of expertise and experience with this topic. And so while we have the opportunity to ask you this, given given your background, given your focus for our listeners looking to improve their health and wellness, could you please provide one specific piece of advice that you would give as a professional to our listeners so that they could start working on get off curbs? I like that. Yeah, but not even forwards now that’s nice. Yeah.

Stephanie Warner 23:56
All carbs, all carbs. Are there specific carbs that you would say, you know, uh, definitely stay away from these because all carbs, it’s pretty rough. But, you know, is there is there a hierarchy of good to bad when you were talking when we’re talking about carbs?

Dr. John Burd 24:11
Well, if you charge me to ask that question, I myself am like, you know, it’s like a religion for me. Like all carbs are bad. Okay, but if you still want to eat some carbs and go to Google, and Google by Simic index or whatever carbohydrates, you’re interested in eating, there may be some that do have a very better ice make index. But for me, since it’s hard to decide which carbs are good, which carbs are bad, I’d say just avoid them all. You have to answer that question. Do

Stephanie Warner 24:50
Yeah, it is it is for sure. And, you know, I think about the people who don’t eat meat at all. What would they then do?

Dr. John Burd 25:00
The question of money, you know, the vegans that eat eggs, for example, or fish? So

R Blank 25:12
I don’t think those are Yeah, I don’t think. I think I think there’s certain vegetarians who make exceptions for those things. But yeah, but ya know, if you don’t eat meat, I assume Yeah, that stuff. I think you’re right. It’s it’s pretty hard to follow. Even just a low carb diet much less a no carb diet.

Dr. John Burd 25:31
Actually, you know, that’s gonna be a good thing to Google would be, if I’m a vegan. What foods can I eat with low carbohydrates?

Stephanie Warner 25:40
Well, the Yeah, the key is, though, the low carb beak or the low glycemic. So when you add that into the mix, that takes away your rice, your potato, anything was starch, and which is usually the staple of what you know, fills you up on those types of diets. So you know, if you’re just eating carrots and greens, that’s great, but it’s really hard for that to be a sustaining thing to do.

Dr. John Burd 26:06
Actually, that’s why I like to shake it takes the place of one meal a day. So you can go from 1000 calorie meal down to 150 calorie meal, it has fibre in it, so it should kind of fill you up and help you lower your daily calories.

R Blank 26:25
So Dr. Byrd, this has been a fantastic conversation I’ve learned a lot about. I mean, diabetes is something I’ve heard about my whole life, but I never really dove into it. And I really appreciate how much I’ve learned from you in this conversation. Where can our listeners go to learn more about you learn more about licen and connect with you.

Dr. John Burd 26:46
That website is a good place to start WWW dot life showing.com. And we also haven’t talked about my other company and my other product, which is Wonder spray, which I got interested in because it’s the ingredient in wonder spray is FDA cleared for wound healing. And you may or may not know that people with diabetes have wounds don’t heal on their traditional, especially on their legs and feet. And that can be a real problem leading to among other things, amputation. And the reason they don’t heal is because you get you don’t have good circulation. So your normal healing doesn’t work. And you also get bugs growing in their germ bed. And the active ingredient in wonder spray is called HLC l hypochlorous. And that’s what your white blood cells used to kill all germs, bacteria, virus, yeast, mould and fungus. And when you spray that on your wound, it basically gets rid of that biofilm and kills all those bugs or healing can take place. And it’s also good for just a whole laundry list of other ailments. Including any skin ailments like acne are rashes, eczema, eye issues, you can spray it right in your eyes, nose and throat. It’s totally safe and non toxic. And it’s a fabulous product and getting the word out is really difficult. So learn more about wonder spray that website. Go to www.dr bird Dr. Bu rd. Wonder spray that calm. If you go to wander spray.com There’s another product unfortunately on the market. affordable but day.

R Blank 28:39
You guys should do a joint venture. Yeah. Yeah, no well, and we’ll make sure to include both of those URLs in the show notes. So once again, Dr. Burt, thank you so much for the you generously offering your time and insight on the healthier tech podcast. It’s been a real pleasure. It’s been great.

Dr. John Burd 28:58
Thanks for having me. And I hope my responses weren’t too long winded and I hope you and I can both help people to better help because that’s, that’s what I’m here for.

R Blank 29:10
Excellent. Totally. Thank you very much.

Dr. John Burd 29:13
Great. Thank you.

Announcer 29:15
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcast on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free quickstart guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier tech.co

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R Blank

R Blank

R Blank is the founder of Healthier Tech and the host of “The Healthier Tech Podcast”, available iTunes, Spotify and all major podcasting platforms.

R has a long background in technology. Previously, R ran a software engineering firm in Los Angeles, producing enterprise-level solutions for blue chip clients including Medtronic, Apple, NBC, Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, the NFL, Ford, IKEA and Mattel.

In the past, he served on the faculty at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering where he taught software engineering, as well as the University of California, Santa Cruz.

He has spoken at technology conferences around the world, including in the US, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and he is the co-author of “AdvancED Flex Development” from Apress.

He has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and received his bachelor’s degree, with honors, from Columbia University. He has also studied at Cambridge University in the UK; the University of Salamanca in Spain; and the Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Connect with R on LinkedIn.

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