Dr. Oaks is a transformational speaker, coach, and healer who empowers the conscious cultivation of body, mind, and spirit. When we blend intuitive listening and courageously inspired action, we all evolve into our best life. Dr. Morgan’s motto is “I want for you what you want for yourself”. His tools and skills include being a chiropractor, Certified High-Performance Coach, NLP practitioner, shamanic healer, and energy worker. Dr. Morgan blends ancient wisdom with the tools of modern transformation to bring synergy to healing and evolution!
In the episode, we discuss the importance of listening to your own intuition when it comes to mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. We talk about the effects technology can have on not just your body, such as the so-called “text neck”, but also how the constant stimulus can crowd your mind and block your inner voice. Dr. Oaks gives us a few examples of ways we can improve our overall wellness, from a simple exercise to reduce neck strain to just how effective a 30-minute walk outside can be for mental health. We also examine some difficulties in getting motivated to take charge of our health as a whole and explore ways in which technology can be beneficial in gaining said motivation.

In this episode, you will hear:
- Actionable exercises to improve your posture while you work
- Dr. Oaks’ journey into life coaching and healing work
- Tips for personal growth
- Negative impacts of tech usage on our body, mind, and spirit
- A couple of simple ways to combat neck strain
- The role, and importance, of intuition in overall wellness
- Ways in which technology can be used to help reach our wellness goals
Connect with Dr. Morgan Oaks:
Announcer 0:02
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now here are your hosts R blank and Stephanie Warner.
R Blank 0:14
Our guest today Dr. Morgan Oaks has quite an incredible story. With his career path traversing from stand up comedy firefighter chiropractor, keynote speaker and mechanical engineer. He found his true calling, helping others in the conscious cultivation of body, mind and spirit. Morgan blends ancient wisdom with the tools of modern transformation to help others heal and evolve. Dr. Morgan oaks Welcome to the healthier tech podcast.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 0:40
Thank you for the introduction are great to be here. Welcome.
R Blank 0:45
So if you could just give everybody the dime story of your background but you know it obviously, a lot of interesting parts just in a short intro. Could you share with our listeners some of the early stages of your career that led you to become a high performance coach and shamanic healer?
Dr. Morgan Oaks 1:03
Absolutely. So it’s interesting. My background, I grew up in a small town in Wyoming very blue collar. I was in like dirt bikes and trucks. And I was good at math and science, so that all my teachers like, Oh, that’d be a great way to get into engineering. So I went to school for mechanical engineering and had had a history of sports injuries and so that I was working with a chiropractor doing that. And then engineering, I finally realized I didn’t want to be stuck behind a computer all day that I wanted to move over into chiropractic and have that’d be my path. And, and to be honest, that is opened up everything else that’s happened. When I got into that some people were doing just chiropractic, but for me there was always like this fringe edge of how else can I help people, right, so I got into physical therapy. And doing that when I was in chiropractic school. And at a certain point, I added neuro linguistic programming to address the unconscious mind. I was always adding the next piece and then eventually had a spiritual awakening in 2005. And that opened up energy work and shamanic work and studying quantum physics to explain all of it. And I just always going, okay, like, what’s the next thing that I’m really into? And then if it’s not something I’m into, how do I get really good at referring out to that person so that whoever I’m working with their success is my ultimate destination? Not so much. Keeping them in my, in my whatever business paradigm, they’re, they’re working with me.
R Blank 2:32
So you have obviously a pretty broad spectrum of interests. And from the sound of it, you don’t suffer from a lack of motivation? How do you get others to believe in themselves as much as you believe in them as a coach,
Dr. Morgan Oaks 2:46
I think there’s a piece of like finding the gap. Right, even thinking about coming onto the show, you’ve had so many amazing interviewees. And I’m like, I can’t go that deep into EMF, I can’t like some of the like, ridiculous depth of science that the people have gone on to on the show. I’m like, I can’t do that. But what I can do is I can fill in the gaps. Right. And I think that’s been a big thing and coaching. You know, a spiritual teacher once told me 80% of everything is always working. Right? So we all have these pillars and foundations in our life that we can really lean into and strengthen. And then we always have a growth edge of places that could be better, or you know, things that aren’t working so well that we could kind of try to move, remove or do less of. So it’s really just leaning into what are the strengths we already have? And then what’s the best tool that’s going to get the person to where they’re wanting to go most efficiently and painlessly. So
R Blank 3:45
wellness has always been it sounds like right, because you started out in athletics, and you got into into medicine. Wellness has always been a part of the work or at least in your interest. Why do you think that is?
Dr. Morgan Oaks 4:01
I mean, for you in particular? Yeah. Initially, it probably looked like wellness. I just was doing what made sense, right? Like, I got good grades, just because I’m like, well, I should just try as hard as I can. You know, and even like growing up, I did every single sport in my hometown, because what else am I going to do? You know, and then at a certain point, I’m like, Oh, if I get to beat somebody up in the sport, I actually do better at it. So then I was leaning more towards like football, rugby, things that were a little more aggressive. And I was really just doing what was fun and interesting. For me. It was never really about the health benefits of it. And it wasn’t until much later like even getting into chiropractic. It was based on sports injuries. So even for that it wasn’t wellness. It ended up being an injury or a series of injuries, kind of pushing me in that direction. And it wasn’t until I got into chiropractic that I really started learning more about prevention and health maintenance. And then it was you Years later, I was actually in a shamanic ceremony laying there. And I remember just kind of crying and thinking like, How can I do more to impact the healing of the world? And so I really got into chiropractic without even truly caring about being a healer. Right? It was very, like, oh, I want to help people with sports injuries and, and one on one, and it’s just taken, honestly, decades for it to evolve into something bigger than just, you know, this one on one, what’s your problem? So
Stephanie Warner 5:35
I just thought that was really interesting to go from the perspective of it sounds like anyways, you know, you got into chiropractic and healing, quote, unquote, based on, you know, the, with the motivation of helping people continue to do the thing that actually probably causes the injuries. And that kind of brought you into this aspect of our awareness and desire to help people actually heal because you then became the person who was the healer, and then had this awakening. I just think that path is really, really interesting.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 6:08
Yeah, that’s nobody’s mirrored it back that way. But that’s exactly true. And, and what’s interesting in my office, I’m always trying to educate and empower. So let’s say women in high heeled shoes, rather horrible for the human body. But a lot of times, I’m trying to get women healthier. So they can wear high heeled shoes. And it’s always what’s the caveat? Like, I want to get you healthy enough, you can do this. But I also want to educate you enough to where you realize that it’s not great for your body. And, and I think that’s true with tech as well. Like, a lot of stuff that I teach in the office is because cell phones, laptops, there’s a lot of like, postural stuff that we have to address kind of practically, there’s a lot of how’s our mind mentally emotionally working. And I’ll deal with that more as a like a certified High Performance Coach, you know, how our, our electronics and our notifications negatively impacting our productivity, our focus, our mindfulness, our stress levels. And so yeah, it really changed into me being a healer, and, and even chiropractic Lee, at a certain point, I realized, wow, if I can get this person’s spine feeling better, but the rest of their life is a mess. Have I really done them a favor? Right. And that’s how, you know, it went from just let’s say, body to body mind spirit focus, because they’re all tied together.
Stephanie Warner 7:27
And in your chiropractic practice, do you find that people are or your your clientele is open to kind of a broader discussion and a broader view of their health holistically? Sometimes,
Dr. Morgan Oaks 7:42
right, there are, you know, at this point, like, it’s not a script in my office, certainly not. And, you know, if you’ve had a conversation enough times, you kind of know the the high points, and you’re able to weave away from that. And so, I will tend to put things out there in a way that I get a sense, like, is this something you’re interested in? You know, I’ll share things with people. And they’re like, Yeah, I’m not willing to do that. Awesome. Well, that’s, that’s, you know, okay. And so I kind of meet people where they’re at, and depending on what they’re open to how motivated they are. And sometimes it’s away from pain, like an injury, or somebody who can’t play their grandkids, because their low back keeps going out. Or they they miss a week of work every year based on some type of issue. That’s usually how people find me. And then from there, it’s like, cool, can we accelerate into excellence? Right, fine tuning and when that happens, and when people are open to even the smallest of things. It creates massive transformation.
Stephanie Warner 8:45
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. It’s really interesting. And yeah, I imagine that, you know, even if the person isn’t necessarily like, No, I’m not gonna do that thing. You’re planting a seed. Plant isn’t your see.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 8:59
Yeah. And well, and when I first came out of school, I’m like, Alright, like, I love these people so much. I’m gonna give them so much like, here’s your 45 minutes of exercise to do every day. And I was just so naive, and nobody does that. Nobody will. Right? Now, like, there’s a simple and I’m willing to share these on the show, because I think there’s a so much benefit to it. Like, I teach a three minute exercise, just to help strengthen the neck for people, right? Because the longer we are in that forward head posture, looking at our tablets or cell phones that are technology, those muscles get weak, and then we develop issues. You know, I might teach them Gosh, one of the most difficult personal growth things I’ve ever given to somebody just simply stare into a mirror and look into your own eyes for like 60 seconds and just say I love you out loud. Right, I’ve had people it’s taken them ons to be able to do a 62nd exercise.
Stephanie Warner 9:52
Wow. Well, you know, that actually, that sounds like a really great Yeah.
R Blank 9:56
And also, I think I’d like to take you up on that offer for the three Yeah, let’s
Dr. Morgan Oaks 10:00
let’s do that. So this is coming out as a podcast. So Phil explained so people can picture. So you’re imagine being at home laying flat on the floor, it’s better to do it on the floor than in bed because beds tend to be too soft. So you’re at home laying flat on the floor, your face is nice and parallel to the floor, right? So you’re not, you’re basically looking straight up to the ceiling, you’re not looking at the wall above you, you’re not looking at your feet. And with that, people can just lift their head literally enough off the ground that you could fit like a pinky underneath there. Right? That is the simple simple exercise, some people can’t even hold their head in that position for five seconds. Right. So I will start people just by having them lift and hold, and just start working up time, a lot of people will start at five seconds doing that six times, you know what I’m always really careful of like, if this causes any pain, don’t push it, you shouldn’t be in pain, when you do it, you shouldn’t have pain after you do it. For everybody listening, you know, this could and should be coordinated with a health care provider, probably a chiropractor, or somebody that deals specifically with the neck in the musculoskeletal system. But just by simply doing that. Most people my office start at five seconds. And the goal is always to get them to 30 seconds. Right? If you can slowly start adding that time, the neck will get stronger. And if you can imagine everybody out there listening to this podcast, imagine that like hunched over a little man or woman that their head is way out in front of their body. That’s unfortunately the way that ergonomics and posture, that’s the de evolution of humanity right now. So as you keep strengthening that neck, you’re going to have the ability to hold your head back above your shoulders, and it’s going to protect against headaches, neck pain, it’s going to help support good posture. And that’s probably the biggest thing at least physical body wise, overlapping and a technology that I deal with every single day in that office.
R Blank 12:03
No, that’s great. I really appreciate you sharing that. Yeah, yeah, we on our blog. And another interviews we we talked about, I guess it’s called text neck, is the condition. And it seems to be happening to almost everybody these days. And someone wanted someone else we were interviewing was putting it in terms of about how much time we spend with our necks craned over to devices compared to before phones, even, you know, even after the tech revolution, but before phones, how little time we spent in that pose versus now 1015 years later, how many how much time in a day, we’re spending just looking like that. And, and it’s happening obviously in children very, very young. So they’re getting into that those behaviors very early.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 12:47
Yeah, well, and with that, you know, before it would have been eating, reading, writing, right, those would have been the three times that you know, let’s say, you know, pre 1995, or whatever that everybody was, was doing in that posture. But now we add in tech. And a lot of times I tell people, like if you’re at home, if you can throw a couple pillows on your on your lap, so your elbows are propped up. And if you think about what you should do on a desktop computer, right, you’re looking straight ahead and good posture. How can you mimic that with a tablet or a cell phone. And that’s a really good preventative thing. Like, you can just put a couple pillows on your lap, prop up your elbows, and then you’re looking straight ahead. And it’s not requiring effort from your arms to maintain that position. So if you can do that when you can, it’s not always, it’s not, we can’t always do that. But that’s one way to kind of, you know, get around that and just try to be preventative.
Stephanie Warner 13:39
That’s really good advice.
R Blank 13:41
Yeah, I so I want to step back in a sec, because you started talking about tech. And I want to get into that, obviously, because it’s the healthier tech podcast. But one one avenue went into that I thought might be interesting, right? Because you talk a lot about the role of intuition in your process, but also in the healing process. Right. So before I get to my next question, could you just talk a little bit about the role that you see intuition playing in wellness?
Dr. Morgan Oaks 14:06
Yeah, let’s weave it into how it plays into all of it together. So if we look at intuition, and even what comes from dreams, right, what’s called dreams, involuntary form of intuition. Right? So when we look at Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity that came from a dream, if we look at the chemical structure for benzene, basically, the foundation of inorganic chemistry, came from a dream designed for the sewing machine came from a dream, right? There’s all these things that have shown up based on intuition or dream space. It’s helped develop a lot of attack. It’s helped, you know, even Steve Jobs. I have a quote from him that I use when I’m speaking. Steve Jobs talk talks about intuition, right. He’s kind of a grandfather of a lot of our our technology at this point. And so I think that weaves into it. When we look at it from the side of health, there’s A great book by I believe it’s Dr. Lisa Rankin’s. And it’s basically it’s a book on basically surviving a diagnosis of cancer that you’re supposed to die from. And what she did was she’s a holistic oncology, PhD, looking at what are the nine, like statistically viable things that will help people survive a cancer diagnosis you’re supposed to die from? One of them was intuition. Right? So a lot of times, even without knowing the science, we know, if a food is marketed to us as healthy, we know it’s actually not, right. And if there’s something we’re doing, that’s having a negative impact, we have that little voice in the back of our mind that saying, like, hey, like, I know, you think this is good. And you’re making all these excuses. But we both know, it’s really not. Right. So intuition, I think really plays into what can help us with health health as well. And so I think it weaves into everything, just how do we how do we use our conscious mind, our book educated mind the research driven aspect of all of this, but also use our intuition to go, you know, just because maybe this industry says this is healthy, I’m noticing it doesn’t actually work with my body.
R Blank 16:14
So I appreciate that, that discussion. And the reason I wanted to put a little spotlight on this is because when I was listening to you talk about intuition in some of your past interviews, it made me think about in these terms, right, where, because following your intuition means taking a beat, stepping back listening. And what I thought when I heard that is, are there people for whom their relationships with technology are discouraging their ability to listen to their intuition, right? Because technology is competing for attention with everything else in our lives. And the more of a relationship we have with technology seems to me, it would be harder to kind of take that beat to listen to what’s actually going on in your head instead of what’s popping up in your notifications.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 17:00
Absolutely. And I, you know, I wish I’d remember where I first read this, but it was somebody discussing the idea that kind of these inherent gifts to humanity, like intuition, there are these muscles, right? And if you don’t use a muscle, you lose it. We know that on so many different levels. And I would say back in the day, right? You, you might have had an intuition like, wow, how’s my spouse doing? Maybe I should go home. Right? We hear stories, like the son who has an injury on the East Coast, and the mom on the West Coast knows about it instantaneously. Right? There’s so much research and so much study done around that. And then now we’ve kind of let go of our connection to nature, and to the world around us. And even if we talk on quantum physics, like there’s always a connection there. But I feel like if your mind is so occupied with external stimulus, that yeah, you miss a lot of those. And so I try to make it a real point. Like, I’ll recommend people going on a walk in nature, right nature might just be around your neighborhood, but like, not listening to a podcast, not listening to radio, not in conversation with somebody, but just white space. You know, one, we know that a 30 minute walk in nature outperform Prozac for mental health studies. And this was like 20 or 30 years ago at this point. So there’s a real benefit there. But also, that’s a great time for intuitions to come in, you know, something bigger than ourselves something that will fill in the gaps, and what’s happening and business, relationship, health, all those different areas of our life.
R Blank 18:32
So do you find yourself giving your clients feedback and recommendations on their relationships with technology? Is that part of your treatment regimen with any of your clientele?
Dr. Morgan Oaks 18:42
It is part of it and with all things moderation? Right, right. And so I you know, I use cell phones as much as anybody else. They use computers as much as anyone else, and how can we develop a healthy relationship? You know, how can we create space from that? How can we monitor and realize when something’s out of control? And so yeah, it is. It’s a big part of what I share care practically. It’s a big part of what I share as a high performance coach. You know, and even a lot of the mitigation techniques for tech are like, let’s just break even, right? We’re trying to monitor EMF, so it’s not too high. We’re trying to maybe monitor social media time. So it’s only scrambling our brains a little bit. Not a lot, right? Like, all these things like, oh my gosh, I hope we can just break even on this, right? And a lot of my stuff is about not just surviving but thriving, right? Like how can we raise you know, how can we work for 50 minutes, doing whatever we’re doing, and then take like a five minute break and raise our energy so that we’re, we’re vibrant throughout the day that we’re not just surviving, but we’re thriving in all these different areas.
R Blank 19:54
Have you noticed because your treatment it sounds like it spans a lot of different factors and behaviors. with your clients, and so you know certain things, I’m sure easier for them to adopt. And certain things maybe have more resistance. Have you noticed any sort of broader trends in terms of whether your clients find it easier or harder to to make these modifications with their technology relationships?
Dr. Morgan Oaks 20:19
Sometimes depends on motivation, right? Like, how many people out we just couldn’t get, couldn’t get Steve to start, you know, eating better till after he had that heart attack, heart attack, or that, you know, minor stroke, right? Sometimes we need a big, not the carrot to pull us forward. But the stick needs to be bigger to kind of move us move us in a proper direction. And so, you know, I think with all of this in with ourselves as well, what’s that motivation that’s going to pull us forward? You know, for some people, my cool, we’ve got this half Ironman, and in six months, and we got to make sure you don’t break in the training for that. For some people. It’s like, yeah, you’re telling me, you miss a few days of work a month based on these headaches, like, let’s get you away from that, or you’re trying to have this really successful relationship, but you’re, you’re always angry or depressed. Right? So can we get rid of those so that you can have the proper relationship that you say that you’re wanting? And so a lot of times, you know, I think it’s just for motivation. And it’s true for me as well, there’ll be a part of my life that feels like it’s the one I’m needing to work on. And usually I’m trying to go okay, like, what’s that one thing I can pick, that might level up like four or five different things. And usually, for me, to be honest, it’s, it’s typically nutrition or fitness. Those really weave together. And I know, when I eat poorly, I feel bad, I’m not as productive and I beat myself up, when I get fit. And when I’m eating better foods, it’s like, I’m vibrating up above all the gunk in life, and then it kind of floats under me, and I don’t really experience it. And then that allows me to be a better partner in relationship, be a better coach, be a better chiropractor be more productive when I’m just doing back office stuff. So I think it’s about finding the motivation that works for each individual person, and then going okay, cool. What’s my entry point where I can make enough change, to start experiencing momentum and growth?
R Blank 22:20
Do you find ways in which because obviously, a lot of what we talked about, and a lot of what you and I have just talked about is being aware of and maybe addressing some of the harms that come with our from our relationship with technology? Are there ways in which you find technology is helpful to your clients? Or that you recommend that they should add more of it into their lives or their treatment regimen?
Dr. Morgan Oaks 22:43
I think tech for some people really helps people with self awareness. Right. And maybe that’s how many steps that I get today, if somebody’s incredibly sedentary, like having that, you know, that gamification of those 10,000 steps like, that can be a life changer. You know, maybe it’s productivity apps that help them remind them of something. I did this kind of fitness and personal growth challenge called 75. Hard. Last fall, when I got back from Central America last fall. That’s kind of what I did. I’m like, Okay, I need something big to get me into this next chapter of life. And every single day, I had to like, click my app and make sure I had done all the things, you know. So I think there are great ways that tech can help support this, and just being living a vibrant life, whatever that yeah,
R Blank 23:31
no, I wouldn’t you’re talking about I relate personally from Duolingo. The gamification of studying another language. Yeah, hello prompt, because I’m doing it every day because the thought of being demoted a league for some reason. It’s a big motivator to keep up my Spanish lessons.
Stephanie Warner 23:47
Yeah, I find with my tech use, one of the gauges and metrics that I rely on heavily is for myself, personally, is how does it make me feel? So I love using tools, there’s so many great tools. So like you said, counting steps, that thing that you do every day to create that habit, and there’s a lot of tech that can help us create these good habits. And so when I’m on my phone, and I’m using, you know, these habit trackers or whatever, what I find is sometimes it’s easy to then go over to Facebook, and that’s where I really gauge in and I dial in how do I feel? How does using this make me feel? And I think that, for me has been a really helpful way to limit some of the to stay above that gunk of of the world and life is like if it makes me feel yucky, don’t engage.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 24:41
Yeah, and that mean the ability just to listen to your physical body, you know, mental, emotional, energetic, physical. I mean, that’s the baseline. There’s so much research that, like if we’re in a game that’s wired to cheat us, let’s say a poker type game, and they’ve done studies on this, your palms will start sweating, before your mind mentally knows you’re being cheated, right? So if our baseline, if we can listen to the body wisdom, that’s such a great way to do it. And then in tech, like, let’s say a notification pops up on your phone, and you just glance over just lost like 20 minutes of productivity, we know you don’t get back into flow for 20 minutes. Right? So same thing we know artificial intelligence is really wired it to be enough to make us so addicted to some of those things. So, you know, make it one or two steps harder to pull up Facebook so that you have time to go, oh, yeah, this is not what I’m wanting to do. Sorry.
Stephanie Warner 25:39
I was gonna say, I love that you say that. Because this is a tip. I’ve said this in a few of our interviews. And I love to reiterate this, because it’s so helpful for me to stay off of social media, when I don’t want to be on it is I move Facebook from swipe one to swipe five. And if you have to swipe five times to get there, you have plenty of time to be like, yeah, like I actually really want to, it’s not the act of swiping, it just gives you that that stopping point to acknowledge, like, is this actually what I want to do? Do I actually want to be on this? And nine out of 10? My answer is no, I don’t do something else.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 26:15
Yeah, I think there’s a lot of wisdom in that for sure.
R Blank 26:18
So as we wind up, this has been a great discussion. I really appreciate you coming on. Absolutely. Could you share with the listeners, the best ways to learn more about you and engage with you and engage with your services?
Dr. Morgan Oaks 26:29
Yeah, this I can’t believe our time is gone. It’s been such a great conversation. And I like it, because it’s from an angle that I don’t always get to talk about. Right? I really wanted to make sure these things land with your audience. And it’s exciting because everything applies to everything. Right, if you can look at it from the right way. And there’s so many ways to level up our lives. And so the ways people can get in touch with me, it’s Dr. Morgan oaks.com. So a K asks the same handle on Instagram On Facebook on LinkedIn and and what I usually share with people I just I really love empowering people. Remember a few years ago when oh my gosh, what’s there was a movie came out about Queen I’m forgetting the name of the movie right now. Bohemian Rhapsody Bohemian Rhapsody, yes. So yeah, it’s like around December, probably, I don’t know, 2016 or whatever. 2017 2018. When I watched that, and I left the theater as a sobbing during that movie going, Gosh, I just want to be able to impact more people. You know, that scene of him at that big stadium concert, and how he’s impacting all those people in the intuitive hit that I got was I can help people through videos, podcast interviews, you know, and even just doing one on one call. So I have a lot of people that reach out through the website. And we scheduled just a free 20 or 30 minute conversation. And I’m a big fan of connecting people with resources. You know, a lot of those conversations like, Oh, watch this YouTube video by this $20 book, let me know in three months how you’re doing, right. So if people want to reach out and just have a conversation there, I find, if you’ve tried, let’s say 345 traditional ways to get past where you’re stuck. We tend to think we’ve tried everything and we give up. And if you have somebody that’s been interested enough in all the different varieties of healing and wellness, and thriving, there’s probably another resource out there. So that’s
R Blank 28:22
great. And you see people everywhere, right? They don’t have to be in Colorado. Yeah, they
Dr. Morgan Oaks 28:26
don’t have to be in Colorado. Most of my work like at this point. chiropractics, the smallest thing I’m doing, you know, really much more focused on motivational speaking, high performance coaching. I do a bunch of sessions over zoom every week, and just try to be Yeah, a resource to people living the best life that they can.
R Blank 28:45
That’s great. Great. Thank
Stephanie Warner 28:46
you for that.
R Blank 28:47
Yeah. Thank you. And thank you for joining us today on the healthier tech podcast. I really enjoyed this conversation.
Dr. Morgan Oaks 28:52
Yeah, thank you both for having me on. And, yeah, thank you for providing this great platform to help support people in a way that’s it’s probably the number one thing people need support with right now. So thanks for hosting the show. Thanks.
Announcer 29:08
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcast on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free quickstart guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier tech.co
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