Show Notes
Dr. Dominic Brandy is a seasoned Medical Doctor with over 40 years of experience. He is a respected practitioner and a passionate advocate for utilizing natural approaches in the fight against cancer. He is the Founder of Natural Insights into Cancer, a remarkable initiative that combines the power of diet, exercise, targeted supplements, and other lifestyle changes to empower individuals in their battle against cancer. He has dedicated his life to helping others unlock the potential of their bodies’ natural defenses. Dr. Brandy’s expertise and wealth of knowledge make him an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a holistic approach to their well-being.

In this episode, you will hear:
- Dr. Brandy’s personal journey with kicking cancer naturally.
- Giving control and power back to the cancer patients.
- Why do most doctors have minimal nutrition experience?
- The minimum number of servings of fruits and vegetables you should eat in a day to help prevent cancer.
- What a whole food, plant-based diet is and why it works to improve health.
- Why it is important to do something with exercise every single day.
- Ways you can enhance your immune system.
Dr. Dominic Brandy is a practicing medical doctor for 42 years running a plastic surgery/ medspa/ anti- aging practice during that time. He has published 76 scientific peer-reviewed articles and 9 textbook chapters in the medical literature; written many consumer articles; and given over 200 lectures at international medical meetings.
Five years ago, he was diagnosed with a blood cancer called “multiple myeloma”. Like all cancer patients, after the shock, he started to get his life and spiritual priorities in order. “We all know we are going to die, but when it’s right there in front of your face, it’s a lot different.”
Dr. Brandy had one advantage over the rest of us. Medical school and a lifelong history of reading and studying about diet, exercise, and supplements and their relationship to good health.
“Natural Insights into Cancer” is Dr. Brandy’s ongoing project to share with you what he has learned through scouring the medical literature about what can be done naturally to fight this dreaded disease. Because Dr. Brandy had directed The Skin Center’s anti-aging division for the past 25 years, he already had a solid foundation of knowledge about health and nutrition before his diagnosis.
Moreover, health and nutrition have been a passion of Dr. Brandy since the age of 10. So you will be getting information from a medical professional who has an intense passion for learning as much as possible about health, nutrition, and ways to fight cancer naturally.
Episode References:
- NutritionFacts –
- How to Not Die by Dr. Michael Greger –
- EMF*D by Dr. Joseph Mercola –
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Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 0:00
The reason I do recommend a whole food plant based diet is that plants have 63 times the antioxidant power compared to animal products. And an antioxidant essentially neutralises what are called free radicals. And some of these free radicals are formed from the diet that we eat ionising radiation but also EMF radiation.
Announcer 0:27
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now here are your hosts R blank and Stephanie Warner.
R Blank 0:40
So, Steph, anyone ever tell you to eat your vegetables?
Stephanie Warner 0:44
Yes, but actually I wanted to note for everybody. I have a note here we just we just had this great conversation. And my my take Well, I have many takeaways. But my big actionable note for myself and hopefully for everyone is add steel cut oats to your diet stat every day.
R Blank 1:04
Ya know, I’m a big fan of oatmeal for breakfast with blueberries and walnuts and cinnamon. That’s my preference. But why should you do that? Well, that’s what we’re going to learn from Dr. Dominic Brandy in this conversation. We cover a lot of ground. Food has so much energy. He has a lot of wisdom to share. And it’s really just a great interview on the prevention and treatment of cancer. Yeah, he
Stephanie Warner 1:29
did such an amazing job making the big scary C word. Feel immediate. Obviously it’s still scary, but I left that conversation feeling like empowered. So I can’t wait for everyone to hear this. I think the audience is going to love it and want more to be
R Blank 1:47
good. So you don’t have to wait let’s get Dr. Dominic Brandy is a seasoned medical doctor with over 40 years of experience. He is a respected practitioner and a passionate advocate for utilising natural approaches in the fight against cancer. He is the founder of natural insights into cancer, a remarkable initiative that combines the power of diet, exercise, targeted supplements and other lifestyle changes to empower individuals in their battle against cancer. He has dedicated his life to helping others unlock the potential of their body’s natural defences. As an author, he has penned a groundbreaking book titled beat back cancer naturally. within its pages. He shares five scientifically proven natural and plant based methods to not only prevent cancer, but also to navigate the journey of survival and thriving. Dr. brandies expertise and wealth of knowledge make him an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a holistic approach to their well being. Welcome to the healthier tech podcast. Dr. Brandy.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 2:49
Hey, it’s great. It’s great to be here. Excited to share some knowledge, man. It’s
Stephanie Warner 2:53
great to have your we’re looking forward to this interview.
R Blank 2:56
Awesome. So kick us off. Can you share with us some of your personal journey of your own diagnosis with multiple myeloma and how that experience has shaped your perspective on health and well being?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 3:11
Yeah, I was diagnosed with an incurable blood cancer called multiple myeloma. I don’t know if any of your viewers are familiar with it, but it is a cancer of the plasma cells. And they’re the cells that make your antibodies. And actually, my, my cancer journey actually started about two months before I got diagnosed. My wife and I were on a two week biking cruise and upgrade well over 300 books on health and nutrition. I’ve always had any anti ageing division in my practice. And I came across a book by Dr. Michael Greger It’s called How Not to Die. It came up on my Kindle, I thought the I thought the title was kind of interesting. So I started delving into this book, and if anyone’s ever read the hardback, it’s about two inches thick, and about an inch of it are scientific references. And that was the thing that was really intriguing me about this book as I was starting to go through it. And two days into this book, I tell my wife on this cruise with all this food, I’m going to start eating whole foods plant based because what the science was showing was that cultures and research cohort groups that ate more plant based had less cancer, cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, dementia really all cause mortality. So I this was about mid September 2017. I came home and I was I am a my practice is basically plastic surgery with any anti ageing division, which I sold about three years ago and since then, I’ve dedicated my life solely to doing cancer Lifestyle coaching. But the week that I came back, I was doing a surgery I felt a little pop in my clavicle and I I really didn’t know exactly what was going on. I didn’t think a whole lot of it kept getting worse and worse by the last week of October was starting to keep me up at night and I started to get a little concerned and, and then about a week after that, I remember the exact date November 10 2017. I’m watching TV with my wife, I accidentally knocked over a container of water. I lunged for it and my collarbone just cracked right in half. So say the least. It was painful. So so we went to the urgent care centre got an x ray was completely displaced. And I went to a friend of mine, that’s an orthopaedic surgeon, he ordered an MRI. So this, the fracture happened on a Sunday. He called me on a Friday, and he said, Nick, which is my nickname. I said, Nick, I got some bad news for you. I think you got a tumour in that flav goal. I had all kinds of testing done, and they came up with this diagnosis of an IGA type myeloma. And for those of you that aren’t familiar with myeloma, there’s three different types. There’s IgA, IgG, IgM, IGA is the most aggressive, and that was the type that I got diagnosed with IgG is kind of in the middle and IgM is the least aggressive. So when I went to my oncologist, he obviously wanted to start me on the most aggressive programme, which was to oral medications, and then a chemo that I would have to go in every week and get an injection. It’s called Velcade. And as I was doing research, I just found that just about everybody that gets Velcade gets a pretty severe peripheral neuropathy. And because what is what does that? Yeah, peripheral neuropathy is like damage to the, to the nerves, and it’s clinically, people notice they have tingling in their fingertips in their toes. And it progressively gets worse to the point where it’s actually pain. It’s pain that you have consistently. And because I’m a surgeon, I really did not want to risk that. The other thing is, remember, I had already been eating whole food plant based for two months, and I was 100% Sure, it was going to help me in this battle. So I told my oncologist, Listen, I’m not doing that Velcade. And he was very upset. He didn’t think I was gonna get into a remission. Because of this, I had this aggressive type, IGA. But I just said, Hey, Doc, I’m just doing the to oral medications. So at that point, that’s when I went on a deep dive into the scientific literature, I wanted to find every single thing that I could do targeted supplements, what kind of lifestyle changes I could make. And my numbers just kept getting better and better. And when I got the six months, I was I was in a complete remission. And my doctor was kind of blown away by this because he didn’t think I was gonna get into a remission, let alone do it in six months. But But since that point, you know, I kept doing research. And about a year after I was diagnosed, I decided that I was going to give a lecture at one of the local hotels just to kind of share all this knowledge that I had, and I had up amazingly, 125 people come to this talk that I gave, and, and there were a lot of cancer patients out there. And when I was done, I had a standing ovation. I mean, I’ve never had a standing ovation for anything. I don’t know if the lecture was good. I don’t think it was that great. But I think maybe they were feeling sorry for me, or I personally think it was because a lot of cancer patients think they are just at the mercy of the chemo, the surgery, the radiation, and there’s really nothing that they could do. And in fact, after I gave the lecture, there were quite a few cancer patients that came up to me and they were asking me questions. I remember one lady specifically, she had multiple myeloma like I do, and she was definitely overweight. And I would even say obese. And she had asked her oncologist, should I change my diet? And he said, Oh, no, just keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll do fine. And she looked at me and she said, Doctor, I just knew that couldn’t be right. And that was a common theme of the people that were coming up to me after the lecture. You know, after that, I decided to start natural insights into cancer. I opened up a website, natural insights into I started an Instagram site cancer Beji. Doc, and then I would have meetings every, every month in one of my med spas, and we would get close to 100 people jammed into those things every month. I would have speakers coming in from out of town and and then people just started asking me about whether or not I was ever going to write a book. So Memorial Day 2018 And I woke up every morning I wrote for a couple hours, I did a lot of research. In between by Labour Day, I have the book completely done 370 pages, I had it on Amazon the first week of November, and I added a book launch second week in November. So. So that’s kind of how my story kind of got started with really getting into counselling patients. So what I do now full time is I do cancer Lifestyle coaching for patients. And I really kind of guide them in the precepts that are in my book, which we can talk about.
R Blank 10:35
So thank you, there’s there’s a lot of threads there that I don’t want to follow. But one before we get further into to some of what I’d like to talk about, there’s a couple of things you mentioned in there that I thought might might be interesting, right? Because you said part of the response that you got to that talk, you felt like there was a maybe a frustration among the audience that they felt like they were at the mercy of the healthcare system. And I related that to something you said earlier, where when your oncologist wanted you to go on this certain kind of medicine, and you refused, he got angry at you for making your own healthcare deterioration. Right. So why is that? Is that unique to oncology? Or is that do you think how people patients feel throughout the healthcare system, this because they both sound sort of like this sense of disempowerment, when you’re already at a pretty weak state.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 11:37
I think it’s very prevalent in oncology. And, and the essentially, these oncologists have to really follow certain recipes. They’re kind of algorithms when you follow the first algorithm, if you relapse, and then you need to do a sub rhythm. Well, if you didn’t do the first algorithm, then they may not cover you through the insurance company. So part of it has to do with that. The other part is, I will just tell you going through medical school, we get very little to new to no training in nutrition. I mean, it’s literally about 10 hours. And it’s on the level of a high school health class. It’s kind of like if you don’t get enough vitamin C, you get scurvy. Ma’am, how many people get scurvy nowadays, and even Froot Loops probably has vitamin C fortification at it. So they really do not have any knowledge. It really is kind of mind blowing. And that’s why when my patient that came up to me after that lecture, when she asked her doctor if she if she should change her diet, he said, Keep eating what you’re eating, because he probably won’t even know what to tell her. You know how to change her diet. But one of the things I did mention to my oncologist, for your audience that isn’t aware of this, the National Cancer Institute recommends nine servings of fruits and vegetables for the prevention of cancer. And I told my oncologist, why don’t you just tell patients that, you know, if nine servings prevented if you’re trying to deal with it, at least do that at a minimum once per day and really didn’t have an answer? It really does. kind of blow my mind sometimes when I talked to these patients that I’m counselling, when I hear kind of the interactions they have with their physicians about diet about targeted supplements, you know how exercise can affect their cancer diagnosis and their their chances of getting into remission. It really is quite blot blind, mind blowing to me to be quite frank with you.
R Blank 13:37
So one thing I wanted to ask is, from your phrasing, it’s not entirely clear to me, do you still have multiple myeloma? Is that something you ever get out of?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 13:47
Yeah, Multiple myeloma is an incurable blood cancer. So I’m in what’s called a functional remission. So I still take those two oral medications, but I take him at a really low dose. In fact, right now we’re trying to wean me off. So initially, I would do 21 days on seven days off right now, like this month, for example, I’m doing 18 days on 10 days off, my numbers hold I get my bloodwork every every month, I’ll go to 1711 1612 I’ll just keep going all the way down until maybe I’ll be the first person ever to order my boat my love i Oh, but it bit it is considered what’s called a functional remission. So at this point, they really don’t have a cure for it. So it’s kind of I really treat it more like a chronic disease. And I will tell you, if you go into the Journal of leukaemia, there was an article that recently came out the average person relapse is about two years. And I’m already five and a half years out and a lot of the reason that a fact a really good friend of mine who has multiple myeloma, he just texted me yesterday. He just relapsed. And the reason I I really believe I’ve been able to stay in a functional remission are all the different things that I do that week. get into.
R Blank 15:00
So so there’s this term that you’ve said multiple times, which is a whole food diet. And I know that it probably, it’s obvious to you what that means. I assume it doesn’t mean everyone should be going out and shopping at Whole Foods. So what is actually? What is a whole food diet? And why does it work to improve health?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 15:22
Yeah, it’s actually a whole food plant based diet. Okay. And, and I think one of the things that your viewers need to understand is that before you are diagnosed with cancer, there are multiple DNA mutations in cancer. So in fact, when I got first diagnosed, I read an article in the very prestigious journal Nature, the Cal Minsky, he’s a really famous myeloma researcher. And he stated in that article, by the time you’re diagnosed with cancer, there’s about 5000 different mutations in that cancer cell. And by the time you relapse, there’s about 12,000 DNA mutations. And some of those come from, you know, your body podcast is the healthier tech. A lot of those do come from EMF. So that’s one of the ways that you do get bombarded with these with these DNA mutations. But the reason I do recommend a whole food plant based diet is that plants have 63 times the antioxidant power compared to animal products. And an antioxidant essentially neutralises what are called free radicals. And some of these free radicals are formed from the diet that we eat ionising radiation but also EMF radiation, which is one of the things that you’re interested in. So you really need to keep these free radicals neutralised because they are essentially what causes a lot of this DNA mutation. So my job is to try to encourage their died in such a way that the DNA mutations are going to be minimised. Their chances of getting into a relapse is going to be much lower. I can honestly tell you I was on a podcast. It was about a month ago and someone asked me Have you ever had a patient in remission ever relapse? And I was actually going through all my patients in my head, and I really have not found anybody that has followed my protocol relapsing. So I do think it’s supremely powerful, what I recommend for my patients.
Stephanie Warner 17:33
Wow, that’s, that’s absolutely amazing. So in your, in your research, in your studies, what are some of the most compelling findings you’ve come across regarding the relationship between diet, exercise supplements in combat in combating cancer?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 17:49
Well, just kind of give me an example, I think diet is probably the most important thing. Secondly, I would say exercise, it just kind of give you an example with breast cancer, there was a really good study that I have in my book is that women that have breast cancer, if they just briskly walk for 30 minutes a day and you know, break a little bit of a sweat, they actually decrease their chance of relapse by about 24%. Now, if they up that to kind of jogging two thirds of a mile per day, it actually lowers the relapse rate by 40%. And if they jog 2.3 miles per day, it lowers it by 95%, which is quite honest with it’s almost hard to believe, only the chemo can do that. So exercise, for example, is extremely important. And I recommend all of my patients to try to do something every day if they can. And in strengthening resistance. Exercise is extremely important as you get older, over the age of 50. If you don’t do any kind of resistance, training, weight lifting or resistance bands, you’ll lose on average about one pound of muscle per year. And what we really know when that happens is that your insulin sensitivity goes down, the insulin doesn’t work as well, blood sugar can’t get into the muscle cell. It starts accumulating in the blood. And we I think almost everyone knows that cancer loves high blood sugar. It really needs a lot of sugar just to survive. Just kind of give an example an average cell a normal cell. One molecule of sugar will produce 36 ATP energy molecules were with a cancer cell because it uses anaerobic metabolism. One glucose molecule only forbs to ATP molecule so it needs a tonne of sugar. So if you’re not doing resistance, exercising the blood sugar goes up and even worse than that the insulin levels go up. And we do know that insulin is one of the most powerful growth stimulators of cancer So, so exercise is extremely important, you know, getting adequate sleep is, is super, super important because when we’re in deep sleep, that’s really when a lot of your DNA repair is going on. That’s when a toffee G is going on tumour surveillance. And you know, kind of getting into the EMF thing we do know that when your bedroom is like filled with all this EMF, you definitely do not get as much deep sleep so. So that’s one of the things that you really need to clean up is the is the bedroom as you’re sleeping, because you really want that tumour surveillance going on, you know that DNA repair, you know, as you are sleeping, and that there’s a lot of supplements that I recommend, I mean, I actually literally I take about 30 Different targeted supplements, I don’t expect my patients to do that. When I do a consultation, I do one or two hour consultations that I do everything virtually, I send them a letter the next day with recommendations and then I have a supplement was then I quit like four asterisks next to the supplements that I take are the most important three, it’s less important to and then down to one. So and they can get them all on Amazon, I do really heavily heavy research on supplements that are viable, that actually have in them what they say is in them, and that aren’t that expensive. So I don’t Hawk any supplements or anything, because I really feel that when you do that takes away your credibility a little bit. So yeah, so I do not talk, you know, any supplements at all, you know, in my practice. And then the other thing that I really didn’t have in my book, I’m doing the kind of the second edition of it, I really didn’t get into toxins as much as I as I want to. And the second addition, I’m definitely going to be addressing more ways to eliminate toxins that you’re exposed to. And EMF obviously is one of those, but also ways to help get rid of them. You know, for instance, my wife and I, we do like an infrared sauna every night. And, and that’s a great way to get rid of toxins exercise is a great way because when you sweat, you’re getting rid of a lot of the toxins in your body and the drinking enough, you know, really clean filtered water. And that helps with the kidney elimination of what are the toxins so. So there’s, there’s really a lot of different ways that I kind of address things. Another thing is I don’t know if you’re familiar with time restricted eating. But I really tried to get my patients to eat within an eight hour window. One study that I have in my book, and it was actually one of the first studies that ever came out on this. They looked at breast cancer patients and they broken into two groups, those that fasted 13 hours or more, compared to those that passed the 13 hours or less. And the ones that fasted 13 hours or more they had a 36% Lower relapse rate, which
Stephanie Warner 22:58
is what Yeah, what do you what do you speculate? The reason is
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 23:03
that when you can’t, well when you’re fasting, and I actually eat on a 16 eight window, so I fast actually 16 hours, I eat my last food at eight. I mean, ideally, that should be like five or six, but I don’t know, I just I just need to eat something it ate, I usually eat some pineapple and watermelon before I go to bed because that alkalizes your pH and we could get into that a little bit. But when you’re fasting, your body really is not generating any energy to digest it’s, it’s really exerting all of its energy for tumour surveillance, DNA repair, DNA repair really requires a lot of energy. So it’s it’s repairing a lot of the DNA, it’s doing something called a toughie g where it the body kind of breaks down misfolded proteins and so forth. And DNA, then it will take those materials and kind of reconstituted. So there’s a lot going on during the fasting period. So so the longer you can fast, the more a lot of that, you know, tumour surveillance, DNA repair a coffee G can go on in your body, and also it makes more insulin sensitive to and we talked a little bit about that before.
Stephanie Warner 24:21
Yeah, that’s really interesting. And it makes a lot of sense. You’re not diverting your body’s energy away from these critical tasks. So I really appreciate that. That insight. It’s it’s really interesting. I also I heard you on an interview another interview cite a statistic that 25% of the men would rather have the men that you see would rather die than change their diet. You’re a doctor and you you know, interact with patients. What do you think explains that kind of suicidal tendency, if you will?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 24:52
I don’t know what it is, but, but I think generally speaking men have much worse diets than women. I mean, it’s not a new Here’s a walk into a restaurant you’ll see women eat salads and geyser burger and fries. So I think right off the bat, I think men just like crappy diets. And I think they kind of correlate, you know, eating meat with being like, manly. So I think I think that’s part of it. And, and one other thing that I never really thought of before I heard of, I saw a video by Dean Ornish. And he made a statement that really hit me. And he said, You know, there’s a lot of people that don’t, that have crappy lives, that really don’t want to live a lot longer. You know, I have a great life, I have a great wife, great kids. And I really, like I love my life, I want to live as long as I can. But there’s a lot of people that really have crappy, you know, they might have a crappy marriage, you know, their kids are maybe on drugs, and maybe they’re broke, you know, and maybe they don’t really care if they if they live much longer. So I think that’s part of it. But I always say that education is the main thing that I really have to drive home. So one of the things I do is I like patients to go on It’s an amazing website, Dr. Greger, the author of that, how not to die. He’s the one that coordinates that website, and they have probably over 10,005 minute videos on there. I mean, they literally make a video almost every single day. And, and they basically take all the sides, for instance, last year, they reviewed 190,000 articles in the scientific literature, and I divided that by 52. That’s like 3600 articles every week. And then they take all the evidence, and then they put these videos together. And they are all science based evidence based. And so I always tell patients, listen, go on there every day. And watch one of the videos on cancer, for example, because you got to get educated. I mean, if you’re gonna give up your hamburgers or chicken wings, or whatever, you got to know why you’re doing it. So I think that’s one of the other issues. I think that, you know, some of the men just don’t want to get into the education part of it, and they say, that’s a Punchbowl. And I’m just going to kind of keep eating what I’m eating. And you know, obviously, the oncologist isn’t down to change their diet. He’s got the white coat on, and so they just kind of keep eating the way that they’re eating, which is unfortunate.
R Blank 27:29
So I’ve given your background prior background in plastic and reconstructive surgery. I had a question for you. I don’t know what what your answer might be. But I had been told that any type of surgery, including plastic surgery, stimulates or triggers the healing process, which is a form of growth, cellular growth, that wouldn’t happen otherwise. And in that sense, it can be a trigger, in some instances, for tumour growth, is that anything that you’re aware of?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 28:01
I wouldn’t say that that is necessarily true. I mean, if you’re a healthy individual, I mean, I would say if you are operating on someone that has cancer, and you know, you’re basically removing a tumour, I mean, there’s definitely stray cells to get into the bloodstream that could create a miss a metastatic type cancer. So I think that’s probably referring to, but I think if somebody had a life home or taken off or something, I don’t think that’s going to be a stimulus for cancer growth. I really don’t. One of the things I do try to keep dial on patients is their insulin growth factor one and also their mTOR is a growth factor. What is your growth hormone as you are young, obviously, it’s very high because you’re growing into an adult. But as you get older, your growth hormone levels get lower and lower and lower. And the reason that God made us that way, is that remember, as we get older, our DNA mutations are going up. So we don’t want a stimulus of cancer growth as our DNA mutations are going up. And we do know that animal products, the branched amino acids in animal products do stimulate the liver to start forming this IGF one. And we do know that if you put someone on a whole food plant based diet, and it literally in 10 days, you can lower their IGF one level by like 20%. So I do a biomarker testing to request labs, I tried to keep people’s IGF one level between 120 to 160. That seems to be the sweet spot through the scientific literature that I have followed pretty intensively.
R Blank 29:43
So how rigorous I mean, let’s start with you. Because I mean, I know if I had something that was deemed incurable and I found a system that got it controlled, I feel a lot of pressure to stick, you know, to adhere to that system, you know, pretty tight Lee Oh, you’re eager. Yeah. How rigorous are you with?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 30:04
I’m an animal. I’m very, you know, like most people aren’t as, as disciplined, but I’m an animal. And I and I basically when I’m when I’m counselling my patients like, here’s what I tell them, I go listen, you know, cancer is a formidable and relentless enemy. And when you wake up every morning, I, you know, I don’t want you to fixate on it every day. But when I wake up every morning, I think about my alarm. And I think, Okay, I’m going to do everything I can today to live the healthiest I can to keep this thing in check. So I always remind like, I had one woman, she had ovarian cancer, and she had gotten into remission. And she said, What do I have to give up my wine and cheese? And I said, do whatever you want to do. I said, I’m just giving you the information. I’m not gonna follow you around. And I explained to her, you know, dealing with something that wants to kill you. And, and, you know, so you have to take it seriously. And, and a lot of my patients do I mean, I, one of the things I do have available to patients, it’s a 24/7 access to me through texting and email, like, every day, I get over 100 text messages from patients. And and they’ll just text me with Hey, I, you know, I was researching this supplement, what do you think of it, or they get article or, you know, they just want encouragement. But patients love it, I charge like, $20 a month, it really isn’t that much that my web designer thought I was crazy. Because $20 I said, you know, I, I tried to help people and, and they really, really appreciate being able to get a hold of me whenever they want. I mean, it could be like, Somebody just sent me something. She just bought a dog, like a puppy, you know, and she sent me a picture of the puppy. She goes, Do you think this is good for me? I said, yeah, it increases your oxytocin levels. Well, it’ll increase my oxytocin levels after I get it like train potty train stuff. But stuff like that I you know, it’s just the free flow of communication and big, you know, with that service that I offer them. They don’t really feel like they’re bothering me before when I didn’t charge for that. They felt like they were bothering me. And now it’s like, hey, you know what? Send me whatever you want. Email me text me. You know, I’m here for you. So.
R Blank 32:23
So in addition, yeah, let’s get into actually that a little bit. What is the service that you offer? And to whom?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 32:31
Yeah, so what I do is I have, if patients go on or just anybody that even wants to do prevention, I’ve had patients even do one hour consultations with me just the hey, what can I do to prevent cancer runs in my family, I want to do everything I can to prevent it. So they go to my website, it’s natural insights into, they get shot. And then they can either hit like a virtual meeting or nutrient monitoring. And then when they go there, they sign up for like a one or two hour virtual consultation. And then I basically, through either zoom or FaceTime. We do this consultation, I kind of go over all the different things kind of that we’re talking about today. And then the next day, I send them a letter with my recommendations and so forth. But typically what we do after that I do monitoring through quest. There are 70 plus different biomarkers that I follow, I look, I look at a bunch of different vitamin levels, vitamin D, vitamin A II, go inside to 10. I check their heavy metals, I check their amino acids, their mineral levels, I will tell you, I’ve never had anybody that had normal mineral levels yet. I, in fact, I’ve never had anybody that even had detected molybdenum in levels, which is kind of mind blowing. But but our soils are so depleted, right? That that our foods just don’t have the mineral content in them. So I usually put most of those patients like on a call oil mineral supplement that I checked the IGF one levels or even global aid ones see their Omega six to Omega three essential fatty acid ratio, that I do a lipid profile. One of the things that most people don’t realise In fact, I did a video but two weeks ago on my Instagram site, for certain cancers, more people actually die of cardiovascular event like a heart attack or stroke than they do the cancer. You know, for instance, testicular thyroid, you know, there’s some of the ones that more people die of a heart attack or stroke than they do the cancer. So, so I really focus on getting the bad LDL cholesterol under control their triglycerides. I really liked the LDL to be under 70 just kind of give you an example of me. Before I went whole food plant based my total cholesterol was 198 and my LDL bad cholesterol was 124. I had it checked about two months ago. My total cholesterol is like 124 and my LDL is like 59 Why Once you get below 70, the chances of you having a cardiovascular event is almost zero. Yeah, so it’s an it can be done just with diet. I mean, I, you know, I mean just the I do still cut oats every morning for example, just eating still cut oats every morning, you can reduce your bad LDL by about 23%, which is pretty significant. So, and remember, plant foods have zero cholesterol, and they have very low saturated fat. And we do know that animal products have very high saturated fat, they have high cholesterol levels. And we do know through studies over many, many years, you know, for instance, the last five years there have been 30 randomised trials and several men Deeley and randomization studies that show that the higher the LDL, there’s like a straight line correlation with cardiovascular events. It’s just a straight lines doesn’t even wait. So that’s something that I really do focus on with my patients. And then and then after that, I have other type of testing that one of the tests that I just started that some of your listeners might be interested, it’s called the gallery test. And this would be this would be for people that don’t have cancer. If the text 50 different cancers at stage one. For instance, there, it’s a blood test, and it uses DNA technology. And they basically go to my website, they order it and then they go to quest, and then I get the results sent to me. But it uses a specialised DNA technology. For instance, there have been people that have been picked up with a stage one pancreatic cancer, which you never find, typically people don’t get symptoms until they’re stage three or stage four. By that point, it’s so progressed, that most pancreatic cancer patients they die within a year. I mean, it’s it’s, it’s almost impossible to pick up stage one. Well, with this test, you can pick up the stage one, it’s very accurate almost have like a 99% accuracy rate, you can pick up a stage one, pancreatic cancer, there have been patients that have been diagnosed at that stage. The tumour was about two centimetres, they removed the tumour, they gave chemo and they had long term survival. So that’s a really neat test that some people might be interested in. It isn’t cheap, cost $999. But I, I tell patients listen, you know, maybe do that every maybe three years just to kind of see if there’s something brewing. So it’s always good to pick up the cancer earlier, because the survival is much, much higher. For instance, if you pick up a late cancer, the five year survival is very low mortality rates by 79% of people will die if you pick it up late. So they don’t most people don’t live beyond five years. If you pick up it early. The chances of dying is only 11% within a five year period. So so if you can pick something up early, it always is always beneficial. Yeah,
R Blank 38:02
so that sounds like a really interesting, really interesting example of advancements. I don’t know exactly what that test is that you’re just
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 38:09
sort of it’s very new technology. Fact, a lot of the VA or a lot of the Viet lot of the conventional, like the VAs and so forth are actually using this gallery test. So are you saying other expect, is that right here? Oh, that’s the box.
R Blank 38:25
Are you seeing other examples of specific technological innovations that that hold real sort of promise for treatments in this field?
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 38:34
Yeah, I mean, I think I think the field is getting away from the conventional type chemotherapy where you lose your hair and, you know, you’re nauseated and sick for a long time. You know, they’re, you know, therapies. For it’s, it’s what I take, it’s called Revlimid. And it’s an immunomodulator. Like, I never lost my hair. I mean, I don’t really even have any side effects. It really hasn’t. It really hasn’t affected my life in any way. The only thing that I take is dexamethasone. It’s a steroid. I take it every night. I specifically take it on Mondays, because it’s like Jacks you up. So I figured you know what, I’m gonna get my week off. Like, really, really good start. So I figured, hey, if I’m going to be jacked up for a day, I’m going to do a Monday. So I get everything in place. I do a lot of work, do a lot of you know, kind of get the week going. And it and it’s a little tough to sleep that night. I usually do take a sleep aid on Monday night because but other than that it really doesn’t affect my quality of life at all. But I would say really trying to address the immune system enhancing the immune system, rather than bombard it with these chemotherapeutic drugs that not only damage the cancer cell but it also damages a lot of your hormones. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it’s like, which one’s gonna kill your first chemo or the, you know, or the cancer so
R Blank 39:57
nobody laughed, but that’s literally The the game Oh yeah. Oh yeah. For sure. Well, Dr. Brandy, this has been a really well, your enthusiasm, the information that you’re covering is stuff that really interests me and your enthusiasm your delivery of it is it’s just really engaging. The website is natural insights into The book is beat back cancer naturally available on your website and on Amazon. Are there other places you would like our listeners to connect with you? If they’re
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 40:32
into social media? I have my 44,000 followers on Instagram slight it’s called cancer. Edgy doc. And I also do post Barbie.
R Blank 40:44
Oh, I’m just gonna call you Yeah, I’ll
Stephanie Warner 40:45
be following you.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 40:47
Yeah, I do a post every day. I tried to do a post every single day. So in fact, when we’re done here, I’m going to be doing a video. So anytime I do a podcast, I always like to put a little, you know, a shirt and tie on just the looks somewhat professional to outshine
R Blank 41:02
the host. Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 41:06
What’s wrong with you guys? So anyway, but when I do that, I figure Hey, I put the shirt and tie on a muscle do a video. So when we’re done here, I’ll I’ll be doing a video so. But yeah, but that would be a good and I also do post on YouTube. It’s Dr. Dominic, Brandy cancer, veggie Doc, I do tick tock videos. And then Facebook’s just Dominique Brittany. So um, I’m really all over the place. I started putting some videos on Twitter too. So I figured, hey, you know what, I just
Stephanie Warner 41:37
won’t be everywhere, right? Well,
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 41:39
you know why? Cuz you never know. I mean, it could just be one person that you touch that maybe know someone that has cancer, maybe they, you know, would like some, you know, some coaching. So, you know, the more places that you’re visible that, you know, there’s a better chance to be able to help someone. And that really is my mission at this point in my life. So I mean, I’m just trying to, yeah, basically, my purpose is just to try to help as many people that are struggling with cancer and also help people prevent cancer. So
R Blank 42:07
no, it’s great. And your passion is obvious. And the mission is really important. So thank you so much for taking the time away from your mission to come share it with us here on on the healthier tech podcast.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 42:18
We’d love it. By the way, by the way, I wanted to tell you, I just read a book by Jim Mr. Cole. I don’t know if you’ve read it. It’s called EMF called EMF. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Why I was so overwhelmed. Reading the book. I’m thinking, Oh, and how can you like totally like, you know, EMF proof your, your whole house
R Blank 42:40
later on? It’s really hard. Yeah, but it’s really about cutting out it’s it’s cutting out the the exposures that you can control but getting to zero. I mean, it’s almost it’s
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 42:52
almost overwhelming. I don’t even like all I tell my patients is the kind of focus on their, you know, when you’re carrying their cell phone, exactly. Their bedroom, you know, turning off their Wi Fi before they go to bed so forth, but it’s in
R Blank 43:07
your We have a tonne of guides that explain that sort of stuff. Really. Okay. Yeah.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 43:12
Okay, shield your I’m going to just rip out here. I’m gonna hit because I tell you what, after I read that book, I’m going Malaga where it’s yeah, it’s overwhelming, you know, and when it is when you read about the, you know, how the 5g is coming and how, you know, I mean, he basically in that book compared 4g Being a mountain stream and 5g being an ocean like comparing the intensity of of the 4g versus the 5g and it was like, it’s kind of mind blowing to be quite honest with you and and then like, and I’ve been reviewing a lot of the science on you know, the correlation of childhood leukaemia, and, you know, the live near power lines and so
R Blank 43:55
forth. And that disease didn’t exist until powerline Yeah, it’s it’s it’s overwhelming. Really it? Yeah, that’s Dr. Dr. Sam Milam.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 44:04
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you guys are doing some great work. So keep it up.
R Blank 44:08
Thank you. Same same right back at you, Dr. Brandy.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 44:11
You focus on the EMF, I’ll focus on the cancers.
Stephanie Warner 44:14
And we’ll be together and have another well, we’ll have to have another interview and discuss when you get into that second part of your work, which you were saying would be toxins.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 44:26
Yeah. Yeah. And I am going to really start focusing a little bit more on you know, helping the patients with the EMS but I like it’s so overwhelming just like with the plant based diet and all this and you know, to throw that in there. Oh, yeah, absolutely. The very beginning but that is something I’m going to start incorporating into my protocol and so
Stephanie Warner 44:46
if you have any questions, always shoot them over of course, and if you when you do go to the site, we do a really good job at breaking down so we know that people are overwhelmed because it’s an overwhelming topic. So we do our we do our app absolute best To make it as simple as possible to make some really big significant changes or significant impact, with small changes.
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 45:07
Awesome. Well, I’m gonna be heading to that website. Awesome by the minute. So
R Blank 45:13
thanks so much. All right,
Dr. Dominic A. Brandy 45:14
guys. Hey, have a great day. Take care. Okay, bye. Bye.
Announcer 45:19
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