Show Notes
In today’s episode, we welcome Jaclyn London, a Registered Dietitian and New York State Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist, as our guest. She is a renowned CPG food consultant, author, speaker, host of The Business of Wellness Podcast, and media spokesperson, who has dedicated her career to providing science-based, trustworthy, relatable, and accessible solutions for today’s consumer.
We dive into Jaclyn’s insights on the latest research and trends in nutrition and discuss her approach to achieving optimal health and wellness through science-based strategies that are practical, sustainable, and enjoyable.

In this episode, you will hear:
- Jaclyn’s work with Weight Watchers and the secrets behind the diet industry.
- Using technology as a window into your health.
- The difference between a dietician and a nutritionist.
- The relationship between stress, diet, and weight.
- The exponential impact of social media due to our always-on relationship with our phones.
- Creating a personal space for yourself that includes stepping away from your phone.
Jaclyn (Jackie) London is a Registered Dietitian (RD), New York State Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist (CDN), CPG food consultant, author, speaker, host of The Business of Wellness Podcast, and media spokesperson who has built her career on relentlessly pursuing better health and wellness solutions that are science-based, trustworthy, relatable, and accessible for today’s consumer. Prior to starting her own consulting business, she held roles as the Head of Nutrition & Wellness for WeightWatchers, Good Housekeeping’s Nutrition Director, and has extensive experience in private practice, clinical nutrition, and nutrition research. Her book, Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked): 11 Science-Based Ways to Eat More, Stress Less, and Feel Great About Your Body, was published in January 2019 to wide acclaim from national publications including The New York Times, Forbes, Prevention, Publisher’s Weekly, and
Connect with Jaclyn London:
Check out Jaclyn’s book, Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked): 11 Science-Based Ways to Eat More, Stress Less, and Feel Great About Your Body!
Take a listen to The Business of Wellness Podcast!
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Jaclyn London 0:00
What I’ve seen be really helpful for people is, you know, first, just from my standpoint as a dietitian, is, it’s always about working with people about using technology to some extent as something that can be a window into you noticing, taking, taking notice, without judgement, and it’s really, really hard. It’s a great sounds to many people like a great idea in theory, but once you kind of start putting this into practice, which is just because this works for one person doesn’t mean that it’s right for me, or, you know, good for this person for trying that. And oh, I like that recipe that this person is trying out today. But I don’t I don’t think I really like that. But how could I use something that I do like about this particular recipe about this particular physical activity or this particular practice? How could I take what I like, you know, and adapt it for something that works for me.
Announcer 0:52
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now, here are your hosts, R blank and Stephanie Warner.
R Blank 1:05
So, Steph, this guest is how shall we say not low energy, and we cover a lot of ground. And I really liked where Jack? I mean, she had Jacqueline has a lot of thoughts about the relationship of technology, and our use of it. And our health well being and diet.
Stephanie Warner 1:25
Yeah, it was a really high octane. And, you know, I just sat back and was like, this is it is we’re recording early for the audience members. And I was like, All right, she’s on it. And she does have a lot to say about diet and the health and wellness industry as well as our use of technology and how it can affect our overall health. And I think everyone’s gonna love this this interview, and I can’t wait for him to hear it.
R Blank 1:51
Let’s get into it. Let’s do it. In today’s episode, we welcome Jacqueline London, a registered dietitian in New York State certified dietitian nutritionist as our guest. She is renowned CPG, food consultant, author, speaker, host of the business of wellness podcast, immediate spokesperson who has dedicated her career to providing science based, trustworthy, relatable and accessible solutions for today’s consumer. She has extensive experience in private practice clinical nutrition and nutrition research, along with her roles as head of nutrition and wellness. For Weight Watchers and good housekeeping nutrition director have given her unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing the health and wellness industry. Her book dressing on the side and other diet Myths Debunked. 11 science based ways to eat more stress less and feel great about your body has received widespread acclaim from national publications, including the New York Times, Forbes, prevention Publishers Weekly and We will dive into Jacqueline’s insights on the latest research and trends in nutrition and discuss her approach to achieving optimal health and wellness through science based strategies. Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, Jacqueline.
Jaclyn London 3:06
Thanks for having me. It’s so great to be here. And great to meet you both. I’m thrilled.
Stephanie Warner 3:12
Thank you. I always look forward to this interview. You have quite an extensive resume. Yeah, that
R Blank 3:16
was quite the intro. Yeah.
Jaclyn London 3:21
Yeah, thank you that I mean, you know, if there’s, there’s moments where you feel like is this was this? Has this been my career? Or is this just been sort of a dream? So it does. I lived it. I do. I’m living it and I did love it. It’s good.
R Blank 3:38
So one of the areas I want to start is in the is in your work with WW, which is I think, right what Weight Watchers is now called, but most of our listeners might know it as Weight Watchers. They went back to Weight Watchers, so did they Oh. So So you know, because that’s something I’ve heard about my whole life. But but I don’t really know actually much about it. So what what was your experience as what was actually your work as the head of nutrition and wellness at Weight Watchers, what what is involved? What was the goals?
Jaclyn London 4:14
So I actually worked. When I was at Weight Watchers, it was the last time that I was there was in 2021. So I can speak to to my general experience, although I have less to some degree knowledge of what’s happening there now but the my my specific role was largely involved in brand partnerships. I was on the brand team and served as a liaison to the global science organisation, the global science team. And it was fascinating. I think the major takeaway for me and for so many people in my specific corner of the preventative health space as a dietitian is that there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes at enormous global All publicly traded companies that you know, as health professionals we don’t always have access to, we don’t always have full transparency about when so being there was fantastic for me just to kind of get that inside experience and to understand exactly what types of what types of concerns what types of problems larger companies are looking to solve, and especially because, you know, it is a household name, it is a huge company. And it’s been really impactful in many people’s lives, in some ways, in very positive ways. And for others, it’s been very negative, very traumatising, to, you know, borrow word there. But I think it is it can be such a force for good depending on who you are, and how it’s used. And the problems that I think as an organisation that they’ve run into the criticism that they’ve received, I think a lot of it has to do with sometimes a lack of understanding about what the business goals and objectives actually are of this organisation, and what and what the public actually sees, or non members actually see and experience. So there’s sort of like this disconnect between what the member experience is like, versus what the media and public are actually looking at, which is funny, because I had come to, to the organisation as a member of the media, so I was, you know, I was deeply curious, and interested in better understanding how an organisation like this actually works. My role in partnerships in public relations and in and as part of content, creating content and creating some of the marketing and brand related assets was really challenging, but really great, you know, you’ve just got a lot of different interests that come in and play or a lot of different stakeholders of an organisation such as that with with such a vast scope and size. Yeah, so it was fascinating. It was really, really interesting, great learning experience for me.
R Blank 6:53
Yeah. Now, there are huge organs, but you knew what you were saying about the difference between, you know, what it looks like from the inside and what it looks like from the outside? You know, I think we see that I mean, across across the health and wellness space, but I think even even even beyond that stuff Did Did you ever
Stephanie Warner 7:11
Yeah, yeah, I agree. And it’s kind of an interesting perspective on such a large organisation. But just just I kind of want to dial back just a little bit. Can you tell us what the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist is we’ve we’ve had a few nutritionists on, but we haven’t had a dietitian, and I would love to hear more about that distinction.
Jaclyn London 7:33
I’m so glad you asked that. What a great question. A lot of people don’t know this, which is great. It’s great. Any opportunity I have to answer this question is a great one. So as a dietitian, what the requirements are very different. So anyone, your uncle, your first grade teacher, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. Not everyone can call themselves a dietician. And that’s, that’s sort of like the overarching difference. But the nuance difference is the training, education and clinical practice. So to be a dietitian, you have to complete a didactic programme in dietetics, which if you don’t do in your undergrad, which I did not, you will have to do that before your actual formal master’s programme. So a lot of school a lot. And it’s a lot of different and the programmatic elements include a variety of different types of chemistry, a lot of different types of microbiology, anatomy and physiology. You also have food management theory and practice you have food production. So it’s a lot about both the the science of food and nutrition as well as the the kind of practical applications of that and what it looks like in practice. And only then can you begin the actual master’s programme. Once you’ve completed the kind of programmatic component, the didactic programme in dietetics. You do a dietetic internship, which is a one year clinical practice, both inpatient working in a hospital and then followed by a community rotation, which is usually something that’s kind of on the ground outside of a clinical setting. And then you sit for the rd exam, which is its own, sort of like our boards, and and then complete the master’s programme. So there’s many steps involved to being a dietitian. But to be a nutritionist, you can go through no training at all, or you can go through some degree of training, but it’s very, very kind of runs the gamut between what is actually required. I think the main distinction is that, you know, even if you are the nutritionist in the world, and you’ve done a tonne of research on your own, and you have kind of sourced all of the materials and everything that you need. The main distinguishing factor, I think, is the clinical practice because being in a hospital and having that hands on experience in patient care, is the main distinguishing factor that I think is something that we you know, as dietitians we hold really close to our Don’t take our training and education. And it’s really that, that hands on approach to treating people when they’re at their most vulnerable. And without that experience, I think it winds up being something new, you inevitably lack a little bit.
R Blank 10:13
So as a consumer, why would like when would I seek one out over the other? Like if I have problem X, I want a dietitian question if I have situation y is, you know is when would I? What? As a consumer, yeah, what should I be looking for?
Jaclyn London 10:34
As a consumer? So I mean, granted, I’m biassed, so I, I will say that is the caveat, but everyone is you will always, always want to look for a registered dietician and rd or an RDM. Okay, as we’re we really are the only specialty that is that has that specific expertise and training in giving nutrition care and providing medical nutrition therapy.
R Blank 11:00
Yeah, no, that makes sense. So your book has, it has a long title, we’re going to take it bit by bit, but as it started, I love the dressing on the side. And other diet Myths Debunked. So dressing on the side, I even I as as just a guy who isn’t particularly a fitness nut knows exactly what that means, right? So what what are the types of diet myths that you address? I mean, you don’t have to obviously give away though, the whole book, we don’t have enough time for that anyway. But like, what, what are maybe some of the top ones? Or what made you feel like how prevalent are these myths that you felt the need to write a whole book to to debunk them.
Jaclyn London 11:42
So they’re everywhere, I will say that they’re the prevalence of tight myths and wellness. general wellness myths is is truly everywhere. I mean, it’s hard to read a even a news story, but doesn’t in some way touch on something that may or may not be factually accurate or not about food and nutrition. And in some ways, it feels almost inevitable, right? Because we we have to eat to live. So we’re eating all day, every day at different times, some people are choosing to go prolonged periods without food, some people are eating every few hours. So when people are unaware of when they’re eating or making food decisions for themselves versus for their families versus because of an external factor. So this comes up all the time. But I will say that for the purpose of the book I had when I was writing it, I was working as nutrition director for good housekeeping. And I had a public comment box like any email address that our readers would submit questions to. So I took some of those, combined with my experience of where I had been just before coming to Good Housekeeping, which was working both in clinical at a hospital here in New York. And at nighttime, I worked for a private nutrition practice. So I was taking a lot of my experience in private practice what I was hearing and seeing and working with patients on and around as it relates to their relationship with food. And some of the questions that I was getting from the public comment box, and put those together to formulate the real like these are the main 11 These I kind of organised it by 11 chapters. And they’re the kind of the key 11 myths that come up consistently for people as it relates to making food decisions, their relationship with food and their perception of health and well being and what it really means for them and what kind of gets in the way of defining that for for an individual. And then how they can work to to actually build something that really works for them. So it’s sort of like a framework like a blueprint, but it also is a book that operates a bit like a choose your own adventure. So if that then this is a big theme throughout the book,
R Blank 13:56
so that people can as sort of like you said, it’s a template customise the template for their lifestyle, their preferences. The second, I said, we’re gonna go bit by bit through your title. So and you said there’s 11 chapters, the subtitle begins, or includes 11 ScienceBase ways to eat more and stress less. And I was wondering sort of what your your thoughts are on the relationship between stress and poor diet and weight issues?
Jaclyn London 14:31
Hmm. It’s, it’s a great question. And it’s a huge, it is a huge topic, but they are, they are interconnected in ways that that we know, and ways that go beyond what we know right now. So there are so many ways that everyday stressors get in the way of our food choices or food decisions. There are so many ways that the anxiety about food access gets in the way of our ability to find source, prepare and actually eat nutritious meals and snacks. There are ways just purely on a biochemical level that stress impacts how we consume digest absorb metabolise food and the nutrients that we get from food. So stress and nutrition are linked for ever. It’s and I think, you know, in to some extent, we’ve also seen a lot of different ways that this comes up in present day in the very nuanced realities of our everyday lives, I find myself talking about this one component of the book, it’s really at the beginning of the book, where I kind of go through this little structure of some of the biological factors that get in the way of how we make food choices. And that’s, you know, proper hydration, consistency of meals, and snacks, and how, how exhausted, many of us are on a daily basis, our asleep. And what’s amazing about that is that those three things alone are so simple and so fundamental. And in theory, everyone, when I start talking about this, everyone is like, yeah, no, I, I hear that, like I get, but to actually make or take steps to really move the needle forward in one’s own health, like, the realities of everyday life, get in the way of these sites, they’re very simple things, right. But we, we don’t live like we once used to live in some ways. You know, and I know you both are true experts on this. It’s like, the technology that is here to help us in sometimes hold us back, because I’m sitting in this chair right now. And I’m thinking, you know, how many people find themselves sitting in a chair and therefore not getting up to go get them to go get a glass of water, or to make a meal, or to just prep one ingredient ahead for dinner tonight. These are the kind of like small, but really significant and really impactful changes that prevent us from meeting our own goals for ourselves. But also that keeps us feeling like we can never catch up like we can never possibly do enough for our own health. So this really runs the gamut for how it manifests for people. But that that stress is really it’s it’s sort of an undercurrent, and it’s inserting itself into a whole bunch of different places.
R Blank 17:18
No, yeah. So you’ve already this is great, because you’ve predicted my next question. I’ll kind of reframe a little bit now. But the pointing out how all of these stressors in modern life and you specifically called out technology and its impact on you know, creating sedentary jobs, sedentary lifestyles, in your work, do you approach or advocate people considering their relationship with technology as part of their revisiting of their relationship with diet?
Jaclyn London 17:53
Absolutely. You know, what, what’s interesting, actually, about starting our conversation with the discussion about Weight Watchers is this is something that I on a personal level and a professional level, battled often when I was there, right, which is that any organisation has retention marketing. And yet when you are working that retention marketing arm this, this massive question mark comes up for you about this is we are here to provide people with a preventative health with, you know, with a tool for their well being yet, we’re advocating for more screentime effectively, right, like, it’s not just Grange feeling to go. Okay, we want people to be on their phones for longer. Okay, you know, like, there’s that
R Blank 18:40
I totally get it. I totally get it. Yeah.
Jaclyn London 18:42
How can we how, how is this a good thing? Right? So I this definitely comes up all the time. On the other hand, you know, the benefits of technology are also really helpful just for the sake of accountability, right, like taking a picture of something in the grocery store, like when I’m working one on one with clients, and they have a question about a food product or a question about a meal or a menu. This has made, you know, that kind of communication is so open, much more liberating, a lot easier. It’s also a lot easier for some people if they are looking to, let’s say identify potential food intolerance or food allergy, and they take a picture of something rather than sitting down to write what they ate. Right, like so there’s ways that this has real tremendous social impact, right? Yeah. There’s also that downside to for
R Blank 19:28
sure. So yeah, how do you how do you help people? Because that’s, that’s I mean, like you were saying, that’s, that’s exactly what this show is about. Because Tech has value and tech also has, you know, some downsides and negative impacts on our lives. You know, how do you help people, right, because I would imagine, yeah, as part of revamping lifestyle to achieve a more optimal diet, you would need to at least have ways to consider your relationship with technology. GE and think about when does it add value? When does it detract value or harm me?
Jaclyn London 20:05
You know, the I’m thinking the other the other way that this has come up and probably the way that I see this, you know, certainly based on where I live and practice is in New York, and I’m really in the heart of things, you know, a lot of one of the things that I have seen much more and the has increased, certainly throughout the pandemic is this, our our always on relationship with our phones has really made the impact of social media. So exponential, right. So whether it is food trends, whether it is you know, scary weight loss, or extreme diet behaviours that have kind of taken off on a variety of different platforms, the thing that I that I actually go into this in pretty great detail in the book, which is interesting, because it came out in 2019. So it’s like, I was already seeing this as I was writing it, and it’s, you know, exponentially further since then. But, um, but what I’ve seen be really helpful for people is, you know, first, just from my standpoint, as a dietitian, is it’s always about working with people about using this as using technology, to some extent, is something that can be a window into you noticing, taking, taking notice, without judgement, and it’s really, really hard. It’s a great it sounds to many people like a great idea in theory, but once you once you kind of start putting this into practice, which is just because this works for one person doesn’t mean that it’s right for me, or, you know, good for this person for trying that. And oh, I like that recipe that this person is trying out today. But I don’t I don’t think I really liked that. But how could I use something that I do like about this particular recipe about this particular physical activity or this particular practice? How could I take what I like, you know, and adapt it for something that works for me. That is, it takes a lot of practice, it takes a lot of encouraging and a lot of discussion with with patients with clients, but it is possible. It’s just a question of taking that kind of like step back from personalising because it does feel really personal when you have you know your screen in your face, and it feels like someone’s talking directly to you, and it feels like someone is, you know, encouraging you to be a certain way or to look a certain way or to think a certain way it can, it can take its toll. But for the sake of of personal boundary setting, it’s the the taking the approach of what can I notice without judgement without you know, internalising, and it’s also setting actual physical boundaries around the amount of time that you spend on your phone and the amount of time that you spend on a variety of different apps. And actually making sure that you put these things, you know, in, in their place, almost right, like so if you have a schedule, if you need to put it into a schedule, I’ll work with patients on doing exactly that. There’s lots of different ways to go about it. But the general, like creative time in place for when you’re going to, you know, use social media, I use technology in general, and then put it away when it’s done.
Stephanie Warner 23:05
And what do you do for yourself? So your own personal habits, like so i It sounds like you have a system for yourself that works to find that balance and achieve that balance? Can you share a few tips with our audience?
Jaclyn London 23:18
So one thing that has been a game changer for me personally, is that when I was I was a big Fitbit advocate for a while and then I got the Apple Watch. Recently, somewhat recently, I mean to recently is that I had the I want to say it was the first Apple Watch. I mean, it was not it was not an up to date. I mean, it was really, it was to the point where they, you know, I mean, I’ll spare they basically gave it to me at the at the AT and T store like we upgrade, okay, but the amazing game changer about the newer version of this. And granted, this is a this is an investment for most people. So most people coming in where I was, but um, but the amazing thing about this is to create that personal space for myself. It is to say I have a dedicated period of time where I’m not going to be on my phone. And for me that is I like to end the workday. So I’m not a person, not a morning person, particularly I usually am doing things that I enjoy the most later on in the day and exercise of any type, whether it’s going for a long run, going for a long walk, going to the gym, I will intentionally choose to decide what I’m going to listen to on my headphones through the watch, and therefore keep my phone away. For me. It’s kind of a compromise, right? It’s not saying to yourself, I’m going cold turkey. There’s no technology ever right but it’s this very small and very nuanced way of saying for at least this hour or so maybe more, maybe a little bit less. I am nowhere near my phone, so I can’t. So I might be able to if there was an emergency I would know because I have my watch with me, but it’s not a time or a place where I’m active. Athletes scrolling. And this is just one small example. But it’s a great, it’s a great concept, right is that if you can set something up for yourself, where you have distance from these devices from the computer or from the being in front of the screen from the constant scrolling, right, where you have that kind of distance, you realise how liberating it is, and how amazing it really feels. And it also gives you the chance to practice intentionality with something else. So whether it’s physical activity, or just getting outside, or just catching up with a friend, a colleague, a family member, that distance is, is so important. I also and I’ve, you know, I’m no, I’m here for the interview. But I would also love to know from both of you, it’s fascinating to me that it does seem like there was a time period just a few years ago that it used to be rude to have your phone
Stephanie Warner 25:50
or like, it’s still I still think
R Blank 25:52
it is. We obviously different approaches. Right? You know, we
Stephanie Warner 25:59
lived when there weren’t phones.
R Blank 26:03
That’s right, I guess I was three when they invented this, the cell phone, but no, the you know what, I completely agree about reducing screen time. And I agree for a lot of reasons, I think, especially when people hear me they think I’m talking specifically about issues like EMF and blue light. And one of the reasons I like having this podcast is because we can talk about things like the anxiety and the distraction and the focus. And one thing I learned about myself, is that even if I’m watching Netflix, so I’m on a screen, having my phone all the way across the house, makes me feel so much better, and so much more engaged with the content that I’m watching. And I know that’s because it’s like, I’m not saying less tech, really, because I’m still watching Netflix on my TV, but just not having the phone anywhere nearby. And in fact, there are study at least one study where they showed that having the phone in the bedroom and paired your sleep, even if the phone was fully powered off. And I feel like it’s the same sort of thing that I’m picking up on where where my phone is so far away from me that I don’t see it. And I don’t think about it. I feel better. And so that I feel like that’s one of the things I that I would say in response to what to what you asked if did you have something?
Stephanie Warner 27:37
Yeah, I mean, there’s a couple of things I do. One thing is I don’t actually it’s funny, I recently have a I have a friend who is learning some stuff on tech, and he’s not very good with tech. So I’m his tech person now. And he’s he you know, we do it through email, and he always wants he’s like, Oh, can you just just text me? And I’m like, No, I won’t do it. I tried to keep my phone to a place where, like, for me, if I turn when I turn it off, I tend to forget I even did forget to turn it back on. I don’t want it to be this thing that I use all the time because I am you know working from home and I’m on a screen and I’m on my computer. So when I walk away from Tech, I really am walking away from tech. And I just don’t I don’t make the phone that easy. Because it’s so it is so easy to make it that thing that you go to and that distraction. And for me, it’s like, Oh, I forgot to try to spin off for three days. No wonder.
R Blank 28:33
I’m about to actually in a few days, I’m going on a week long digital detox, which I’ve done before, but never for this long. But even I what I learned is even after a day of, of digital detox, you really feel it. I mean, it’s especially if you’re in a really nice area. But even if you’re not if you just have no connectivity at all. I cheat actually, I openly admit this, I preload books onto my Kindle. So it’s not a full digital detox. I’m like, yeah,
Stephanie Warner 29:12
yeah, I think I think the like, keep just allowing yourself to have your attention on one thing. Yeah. And I think that’s why even having a phone off if you’re so used to having it can still become a distraction, and interrupt your sleep. Because we’re just we’re at a point where we’re not focused. We were technically focusing on one thing at a time, but we’re doing multiple things at the same time. So the TV’s on, and then we pick up the phone to see what’s happening on Instagram or whatever, you know, so we’re constantly dividing our attention and not really engaging in that that one thing and I think for me, that’s the practice I appreciate
Jaclyn London 29:47
so good. I mean, it’s so it’s so powerful once you actually experienced it and the thing that I’ve been struggling with as someone who now is working for themselves, right? Is they When the one fantastic thing about not working for yourself is that there are moments in time where it’s it matters significantly less if you don’t have the strongest engagement on your social media handle, right? These things right, like where it doesn’t, that’s not personal to you, it doesn’t it doesn’t affect your livelihood. Now, you know, I, I was way had the amazing opportunity to travel to New Zealand. So I was already about 24 hours or so ahead, on on where I would have been if I were in New York. But the but I basically used that time to try and be on the phone as little as possible. And it was not difficult because it was so beautiful. And I was so excited to see everything. And I was really using my phone to take pictures mostly right. But when I got back and you look at some of your, your numbers or your February report from from this platform and that platform and and you realise oh wait, I’m the only one responsible here for my own fires.
R Blank 31:06
Right? Like, yeah, no, I can tell you though, from personal experience that it is possible to be in business for yourself and not be on social media? Because I have not been on social media since Yeah,
Stephanie Warner 31:18
I think it I hear what you’re saying. There’ll be his especially when you’re doing diet stuff and fitness stuff, the impact and the growth you can have is insane. That potential and it is on social media, but I’m only half joking. Hire Social Media Manager, you’re doing stuff that you’re so those numbers are always going to be consistent. Because you’re being you’re able to do stuff ahead and you can find people that can help learn you know your language and help you get ahead so that you can build those times for yourself. Yeah, so yeah, there’s no pro tip for you. Exactly.
R Blank 31:54
Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out. Today. The book is dressing on the side, and other diet Myths Debunked. 11 science based ways to eat more stress less and feel great about your body. Jacqueline, you mentioned where you mentioned social, where can our listeners stress you out by interacting with your handles?
Jaclyn London 32:18
Well, I would love to hear from your listeners. So please do reach out eight on Instagram and Twitter I am and Facebook I am at Jaclyn London Rd. and on Tik Tok it’s at jackboot London.
R Blank 32:28
So Oh, anytime someone says that I asked, Do you do funny dances? No,
Jaclyn London 32:33
I don’t. But I will tell you a little fun fact that may make you maybe your listeners will hold me to this. I was a dance major in college probably can’t go back and do all of the science classes is sort of at odds. The fact that I’ve joined this platform and yet have yet to do any funny dances is something I probably need to fix. But Alternatively, I could just go to a dance class and put my phone away for that one hour.
R Blank 33:04
But then how do you know anyone liked it? Put all those links to your social and is there a URL you’d like to share too? Or just there’s the social handles? Yes. So
Jaclyn London 33:13
I would definitely love for your listeners to check out my podcast, which is called the business of wellness and I it’s an interview podcast where I am speaking with people across the wellness industry, but also health practitioners. So physicians, dietitians have a fantastic interview with some physical therapist. So I tried to kind of bring my two worlds together on this podcast of working in business, but also working in in clinical care and patient care. So to try and come up with some solutions that really meet people where they actually are and talk about some of the behind the scenes things that you may not know about the wellness industry, just because it is so vast and spans so many different actual sub industries. So there’s a lot to learn. And there’s always a fun time. It was a good conversation to be had there.
R Blank 34:03
Excellent. Well, we’ll include links to all of those in the show notes again, Jacqueline, thank you so much. This has been a great conversation. I really enjoyed having you on the show today.
Stephanie Warner 34:13
Yes. Great. Thank you so much.
Jaclyn London 34:15
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Announcer 34:18
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcasts on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free quickstart guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier
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