Combating the Negative Health Effects of Tech Addiction with Gary Brecka – The Healthier Tech Podcast: Ep 006

In this episode, released on July 20, 2021, we welcome biohacker, blood expert and human biologist Gary Brecka who is the CEO of Streamline Medical Group which specialises in customized treatment, gene-based therapies and personalised wellness packages for complete human optimisation.

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The Healthier Tech Podcast is the show bringing you a practical solutions-based approach to understanding how best to live in balance with our increasing reliance on tech.

The show from, Shield Your Body, brings you expert voices that clearly explain the science that matters to you, and the usable tips that you can use to live healthier, while defending against the health risks of modern day technologies.

In this episode we welcome biohacker, blood expert and human biologist Gary Brecka who is the CEO of Streamline Medical Group which specialises in customized treatment, gene-based therapies and personalised wellness packages for complete human optimisation. Gary and the streamline team work with some of the highest profile celebrities and athletes using genetic markers in their blood to create increased output. As a mortality expert for two decades Gary understands the generic signals that signify good health (or lack of it) and through his supplementation and natural protocols he enables clients to feel like superheroes.

In this episode you will hear:

  • What biomarkers in the blood are actually saying about health
  • How oxygenation of cells is one of the best things you can do for your well being
  • How humans should easily live to the age of 140
  • The power of the Wim Hof breathing exercise
  • How heat shock proteins will change your wellbeing
  • The essential vitamins and supplements you need to function

For more information on the subject covered today head to for resources, in-depth articles, free tips and PDF guides to learn all about EMF, health and protection.

For more information on Gary and his important work head to and follow him on Instagram at


R Blank 0:01
Hello everyone, I’m R Blank and welcome to another episode of the healthier tech podcast podcast about a healthier approach to living alongside modern technology. So today we’re welcoming human biologist Gary brecha, who runs the streamline Medical Group at streamline medical Now it actually never heard of Gary before. Our producer James mentioned him to me as we were planning episodes, I did some checking and his work sounds amazing.

Gary Brecka 0:26
We have the absence of certain raw materials. And as these raw material deficits continue and perpetuate the human body, what happens is we continue to accept if ever eroding and decreasing baseline sense of normalcy.

R Blank 0:40
Garrett graduated from Frostburg State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and postgraduate education in human biology. His specialty is reviewing human blood work, finding the root of your symptoms and deficiencies, then guiding you through your customized therapy. But I suspect after we get through this interview, we’re all going to realize how deceptively humble that description is because Gary’s approach to building and maintaining health is very powerful before we begin a brief word, this podcast is brought to you by my company shield your body, where it is our mission to help make technology safer for you and your loved ones to enjoy. Inspired by the life’s work of my father, Dr. Martin Blanc, one of the world’s leading EMF scientists, I founded shield your body in 2012. We provide a ton of great and free resources for you to learn all about EMF radiation, like articles, ebooks, webinars, videos, and this podcast. And we also have a world class catalog of Laboratory Tested EMF and 5g protection products from our phone pouch and laptop pad all the way up to our bed canopy. All of our shielding products are Laboratory Tested and include a lifetime warranty. Learn more about our products, while we have hundreds of 1000s of satisfied customers around the world at shield, your that shield your body all one and use promo code pod to save 15% on your first order. Free Shipping throughout North America and Europe. And I’m really looking forward to this discussion. So let’s get started. Welcome, Gary, thank you very much for joining us today. Hey, thank you. Thank you for having me. So to to get started, I know that you have a formal training in in biology and human biology and I apologize if this is a bit basic. But could you please explain a bit about what the study of human biology actually is and and how you got into it?

Gary Brecka 2:26
Sure. Well, my undergraduate degrees are in biology and then my postgraduate degrees are in human biology. And human biology is the study of the human body. But at a very, very deep visceral level, meaning the interconnectivity between the deepest root in the soil and the highest leaf in the tree. And one of the challenges with modern medicine is we, we don’t often go back to the way that the human body really operates. And look at whether or not someone’s physiology is intact before we adorn them with a diagnosis of pathology or disease. So the study of human biology is the deep study of biology related to human beings. So everything from nutrition, to how we think to how our brain operates to how our gut works, to how genes impact our health to our blood. And, and everything in between. That it has to do with the human body. It’s covered and under, you know, the human biology, science.

R Blank 3:31
So that sounds I mean, it’s not too, too too broad determined, but it sounds like a very holistic approach to to human health and human existence, is that right?

Gary Brecka 3:41
It’s a very holistic approach to human health and human existence. But more importantly, it’s a very practical approach, because what it does is it gives us the insight to be able to look at what’s potentially broken before we replace it. Because if we have a good fundamental understanding of how human biology works, then when the body is challenged, we can go back to these physiologic processes in the human body, and we can see if they’re intact, I’ll give you a quick example. Yeah, arguably, the most important single nutrient in the human body is is vitamin d3, cola calcifer all it’s it’s the only vitamin that a human being can make on their own. There’s not a single cell in the entire human body that does not have a receptor site for this vitamin. And it’s magnanimously important for immune function for bone health for brain for, for optimal cognitive function for repair from exercise. I mean, just imagine how important a nutrient is to a human being, if it’s the only nutrient that a human being can make on our own. And this this nutrient lies at the deepest, deepest tip of the root of the tree. And as it becomes deficient, you get pathology and disease and you get exacerbation of others. Symptoms of the roots and into the trunk and into the leaf. So for example, a clinical deficiency in vitamin d3 over a prolonged period of time will actually manifest itself exactly like rheumatoid arthritis. The symptoms are absolutely superimposable in parallel, but you don’t have rheumatoid arthritis, you actually have a clinical deficiency in vitamin d3. So human biologists will trace the, the presence of the symptom and find the deepest area of the root where that problem potentially started.

R Blank 5:35
So that I actually had no idea about that about I mean, that was a very, very interesting answer. But vitamin d3 in particular, I had no idea but the unique characteristics and the role that it plays in our health that’s

Gary Brecka 5:46
really interesting. And COVID is really helped bubbled to the surface because you know, 60% of all hospitalizations for COVID were in patients that were clinically deficient in vitamin d3. The CDC last time I checked, which was about a week ago, still had not reported a single COVID deaths on a patient with a vitamin d3 level above 34 nanograms per deciliter. And that’s at any age. Wow. And, you know, they say that COVID, for example, disproportionately affects minorities. And that’s true, but it’s not because they’re minorities, it’s because of the pigment of their skin. That population of dark pigment has a about 85% of that population is clinically deficient in vitamin d3. And the absence of vitamin d3 is the presence of poor immune function. And so we’re unable to battle viruses and other pathogens as as readily as we would be if we had adequate levels of vitamin d3. Well,

R Blank 6:48
you know, my mother actually told me when COVID Sir, we went into lockdown, stock up on d3, and I’ve been taking a pretty pretty reliably but now, now I really understand why. Thank you. So I have a lot of questions I want to get to, but there’s one I kinda want to start with. Because I was listening to this interview you did with my producer, James about a year ago, and there was this quote, and I loved it. And I just kind of want you to riff off of it. If you could, there’s a superhuman locked inside of all of us could, could you tell us what you mean by that?

Gary Brecka 7:22
That is absolutely positively true. You know, human beings are meant to thrive. We’re meant to have clean, clear waking energy, deep Delta wave sleep, have a healthy response to exercise, we’re meant to have good clean cognitive function. And excellent short term recall, we’re meant to have healthy strong libidos and balanced mood. What happens in in a human body and human beings is we as we get older, and even sometimes when we’re younger, we have the absence of certain raw materials. And as these raw material deficits continue and perpetuate the human body, what happens is we continue to accept if ever eroding and decreasing baseline sense of normalcy. The best example I have is, if you, you know, the last time you had a stomach flu, and after you peeled yourself off the bathroom floor and slept it off for six hours, when you woke up, you said, Oh my god, I feel amazing. And the truth is, you really didn’t feel amazing. You just felt normal. But because of the perspective that you had normal felt so incredibly good that you really learn to appreciate normal, that distance between the bathroom floor and waking up after sleeping off a stomach virus is the same distance that most of us right now listening to this podcast are from true baseline sense of normalcy, you have no idea what a beautiful machine the human body is. And if you just give it the raw materials that it needs to do its job and get out of its way, it is astounding what happens in the human bio. So most of us have a short term recall, that’s not quite as sharp as we’d like it to be. We’re not getting good, deep restful Delta wave asleep on a regular basis. In most adults, over 35 years old libido has left the building or very rarely comes into the your response to exercise is not what it used to be. Our cognitive function is not what it used to be. And so all of these things are, the presence of these symptoms is just the absence of raw material. And so when I say there’s a superhuman locked inside of every single one of us, what I mean is if you were able to optimize your levels of certain key nutrients, which we’ll talk about today, balance your blood sugar, optimize your hormone levels, just throws three pillars alone would skyrocket you to a baseline sense of normalcy that you never ever thought was possible.

R Blank 9:51
So that so I think you’ve actually started to answer my next question, but I’ll ask it anyway. Which is, are there are there a set of sorts Standard raw materials that most people are lacking, or is it different for everybody? And and you started by saying that it breaks down into nutrients, blood sugar and hormone levels. Blood Sugar, I think you know that that that would be similar components or, you know, measured the same way across, you know, different people. But, you know, when you’re talking about people missing nutrients, or their homework production isn’t the same? Are you seeing the same sorts of missing nutrients and hormone production across large populations? Or is it really more of an individual unique to each individual?

Gary Brecka 10:30
Yes, we’re seeing massive challenges with blood sugar regulation with nutrient deficiencies, and with hormone balance across the vast majority of the population. When I was in population mortality, which I was in for, for almost 20 years, I was a mortality expert. So if I got ahold of five years of your medical records, and five years of demographic data, I can tell the insurance company how long you had to live to the month. And that was easy if we had an 85 year old with a terminal illness, or 75, or 80 year old female that was on a boatload of pharmaceutical compounds. But what if you had a 30 year old female, or 25 year old male that felt great, that looks great that had, you know, perfect blood work hadn’t been to the doctor and their entire life had no aches and pains? How do you decide how long that person has left on earth. So what we did was we work backwards, we we said, you know, every human being meats, their demise exactly the same way. So we will all eventually leave the earth the very same way, because the definition of deaths is hypoxia, lack of oxygen to the brain. But we tend to think of it as an event, like a boss or a gunshot wound or heart attack. But it’s actually not an event. It’s a long, slow process that begins in our early 20s. And doesn’t end until we close our eyes for the last time. And the steepness of that curve has a lot to do with three particular areas of optimal health. And these are so important, I really hope that people listening and even write these down. Because as we studied 370 million lives to come up with a mortality model. We consistently saw the deficits in these three areas as the leading indicator of optimal health of lifespan and also of health span. And the first one was nutrient deficiencies, basic nutrient deficiencies, and I’ll give you the big three, vitamin d3 cholecalciferol clinical deficiency and this vitamin just wreaks absolute havoc on the human body and just about every system in the body, I could do an entire podcast just on vitamin d3. But that deficiency over a prolonged period of time was one that we would actually use to accelerate your mortality. And the second two were b 12, methyl co malaman methylated form of folic acid called full eight, and D hga, these nutrients when they were absent the effects so many organ systems, so many hormonal and endocrine systems, so much production of neurotransmitters, how food moves to our gut, or allergies are our sensitivities, or reactivities. So those deficiencies in those in those areas were paramount to us being able to determine how long somebody had left on earth. And then the last two were hormone balance and glycemic control. Believe it or not, the Bible should say that Bob sugar is the root of all evil, not the love of money, because having any luck changing that, but the truth is that that sugar is a part of the disease, ideological pathway of so many different diseases, it’s hard to even describe. In fact, you know, the UK and the United States are still some of the few countries in the world that continue to call Alzheimers and dementia, Alzheimer’s and dementia. Most countries call it what it is. It’s type three diabetes, it’s insulin resistance in the brain. In fact, in my entire tenure in the mortality space, I did not see a single patient, not one that came through our model that had early onset Alzheimer’s or dementia that did not have 10 years of elevated but blood sugar prior to not a single instance. And so the controlling our our sugar levels has the massive impact on the function of the human body and how well we operate operate from an optimal perspective. And then the hormones I could go into that as well. But I’m beginning in in our late 20s. We begin to have all sorts of accessory deficiencies in our body that drag our endocrine system down. Most of my hormone therapy clients, about 70% of them that are on that need hormone therapy are actually not on hormone therapy. They’re on nutrient therapy. We just put the raw material back into the human body and their hormones not only balanced, but they Elevate to the optimal range. And we have a pandemic of, of low hormonal levels in this country. And it’s not because everybody’s endocrine system is quitting. It’s because they lack certain raw materials.

R Blank 15:17
Now, I don’t know if we have enough data for you to answer this, but with someone who had a kind of a standard, but healthy diet 100 or 200 years ago, would they have had more of these accessories, these accessory nutrients in just implicitly in what they were eating? Oh, no

Gary Brecka 15:35
question. You know, the last time that we did a soil lineage update on nutrients in our foods was 1941. So when we when we make you know, lettuce, or grow kale, or potatoes, or something like that, we, we have to update the macros, we have to update the carbohydrate content, the protein content, but we don’t update the vitamin content, the nutrient content that was last updated in 1941. And so when we say that an ounce of spinach has, you know, so much protein, it has so much vitamin A so much vitamin C, so much iron, we’re using a 1941 soil lineage study that is way outdated. Wow, the truth is that our soil today really does not support healthy nutrients at the level that most human beings need.

R Blank 16:25
Wow, okay. You really have a lot of information at your fingertips, just trying to digest as much as I can. And as I’m learning from you, my body isn’t used to digesting complex molecules in the same way. And you’ll be, you’ll be, you’ll be right up there with Einstein and the rest of us. So looking through your website at at streamline Medical Group comm I noticed that with you, it seems to me that there’s a wide range of symptoms that your patients come to you to help treat, right, there’s weight, there’s energy, there’s focus, there’s metabolism, emotions, sleep, I might have missed some. So so you’re really from what I can gather, you’re really talking about, about fundamental mechanisms of human function, right, that that are kind of just central to almost everything that we do. Yes, that is that.

Gary Brecka 17:24
Yes, exactly. I’ll give you a perfect example. You know, arguably, the number one reason why patients come into one of our clinics is because they say that they’re low on energy. So they say, you know, Gary, I’m just, I’m just tired, I’m not myself, I don’t have that positive aggression towards working out. I don’t, I’m not sleeping very deeply. And I don’t feel like I have the energy that I had even three or four years ago. And so what I do is I convert, I convert what they say into physiology, right? So if you tell me that you’re low on energy, physiologically, what you’re saying is I’m low on oxygen, right? Because oxygen in the human body equals energy. So if you told me, Gary, I had a lot of energy today, physiologically, what you’re saying is I had a lot of oxygen in my blood today. So if oxygen equals energy, which it does, then if I want to raise your energy level, I need to raise your blood oxygen. So the question is, how do we do that? Well, on on a standard blood test, and you know, there’s, it’s amazing to me how many people have actually never had their blood checked. It’s like a pilot and 39,000 feet with no actionable data on the dashboard. And it’s data extremely relevant to your temple to the to the body, that’s the vehicle that’s going to propel you to be a successful entrepreneur or, you know, musician or actress or whatever your career is. And we sometimes don’t even take the time to develop a dashboard of what’s going on in our body. So we look at energy. And we look at oxygen, human body, you know, most of the patients that I see have a clinical deficiency or borderline deficiency and in red blood cells, and red blood cells are like little tennis balls floating around the bloodstream that carry oxygen inside of them in a fluid called hemoglobin. So when these when the number of red blood cells in your in your bloodstream gets low, you’re low on energy because you’re low on oxygen. So the question is, why would I be low on red blood cells and low on this, this magic fluid inside called hemoglobin? Well, you’ve got to go, we’re going to start working our way from the leaves down the branches into the trunk and then deep into the soil so that we can see how these nutrients that I’m talking about means so much to just how much oxygen our blood can carry. So red blood cell is made in the bone marrow. So the bone marrow goes through a process of making red blood cells and throwing them into the bloodstream. And if the bone marrows production is low, well then the number of red blood cells in our bloodstream is low. And if the number of red blood cells in our bloodstream is low, we’re low on energy, and we don’t sleep very well. And we have poor cognitive function. So what tells the bone marrow to produce red blood cells? Believe it or not, it’s the hormone testosterone. In men and women, the primary role of testosterone is not male characteristics, the primary role of the hormone testosterone is to put pressure on the bone marrow to create new red blood cells. So if you’re low on testosterone, then you’re low, then the signal is weak to the bone marrow. If the signal is weak to the bone marrow, you’re low on red blood cells and hemoglobin. And if you’re low on those, you’re low on oxygen. So now the question becomes what’s testosterone made out of? Well, testosterone is made from the molecule d, h, EA. And the majority of my patients, especially under 50 years old males and females that are clinically deficient in this hormone, have no endocrine dysfunction at all. They just lack raw materials. They simply lack raw materials.

R Blank 21:02
So what what I’m hearing from you, and please correct me if I’m wrong, that’s why I’m asking. But a huge amount of the issues you’re seeing in people, whether it’s weight, energy, focus, emotion, sleep, it all comes down to a lack of specific nutrients in our diet. Is that correct? Or is that just to simplify either a lack of

Gary Brecka 21:23
specific nutrients in our diet for a lack of raw materials, amino acids, vitamins that we normally would have been able to get from diet, but because of the lack of nutrients in our food supply, we’ve generally not. Now the other issue that that people face is that our genes, our genes code for some of the most important raw materials that human beings need. So for example, our genetic code doesn’t just determine what color our hair is in our eyes and our skin color and whether or not we have detached your lobes. It also codes for some of the most important raw materials in the human body. And there are five actionable genes that I particularly like to look at. Because these five genes supply the most important raw materials for human function, not the least of which are neurotransmitters, which balance our mood. So I’ll give you a quick example. Let’s take depression, the emotion depression. We define depression in this country as an inadequate supply of serotonin. That’s the definition of depression. If you lack an adequate supply of serotonin, you’re depressed. So the raw material that’s missing is serotonin. But we never treat the supply. We take people who are low on serotonin and we put them on something called an SSRI, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. So we actually take what little serotonin they have, and we ration it. So by definition, it never raises serotonin. So by definition, it never ends depression, which is why I talk to patients all the time, that say they’ve been on antidepressants for 16 1820 years. And I always ask them your When did you think it was going to kick in? When did you think it was going to be completely depressing. So if we understand that serotonin is made in the gut, and that there’s a gene that codes for the raw material that’s needed to make serotonin, and if this gene is broken, it’s called MTHF are By the way, if this gene is broken, you lack the raw material to make the the neurotransmitter serotonin and therefore you’re depressed, you don’t have clinical depression, you just lack raw material. And as soon as you put this raw material back into the human body, this beautiful machine that we have starts to methylate and manufacture serotonin, and once it starts to manufacture serotonin, your depression ii viserys. Because they trigger this, you never really had

R Blank 23:52
depression, I think I’m starting to see what a bit more flesh around the bone and what you meant by there’s a superhuman locked inside of all of us. I’m reminded, I think it was Bill Clinton had a line, there’s nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by what’s right with America. And what I’m hearing from you is there’s nothing wrong with our body that can’t be fixed by what’s right with our body.

Gary Brecka 24:14
That is very, very true. And if we learn to first look for the missing raw material, before we jumped to pathology and disease, you would see that we had we have a significant impact on on human function.

R Blank 24:32
This is this is I mean, it really is a difference in paradigm between what you’re talking about and and what standard Western medical practices about and I don’t mean to sound like yes, like an alternative medicine guy. But I mean that that’s that’s what I’m hearing that Western medicine is designed to treat symptoms of disease, whereas what your approach is, is effectively going after the the precursors to give our bodies what the body is. In order to to to achieve a healthier state, is that a right way of thinking of this?

Gary Brecka 25:06
Yes, that’s exactly right. You know, we go on the search for raw material. And we look for the raw material that’s missing, that’s going to eventually lead to pathology and disease or dysfunction. And so, you know, a good mechanic, for example, doesn’t really fix your car, right? A good mechanic keeps your car from breaking down. Right? So I mean, if you think about, that’s really what a good mechanic does, in fact, you pull in and he says, Hey, oil is dirty, and you need transmission fluid, windshield wiper fluids low and any replaces, He replaces the raw material before the car breaks down. But oddly, we don’t do this in the human body. You know, we don’t we don’t ask our we don’t ask our body what it needs, like, how can I help you? What are you deficient in? What could I supply to you that would help you do your job, because and that’s, that’s done through a blood test. But if you ask your body 63 to 68 biomarker questions, and it gives you back a response, that response is, is not somebody’s opinion, that response is exactly what your body needs to be optimal. And so the roadmap to optimal health is inside of every single one of us, it’s not with your cousin, or your uncle, or your neighbor or your spouse, they don’t know what’s going on inside your, your bloodstream, they don’t know what raw materials are deficient in. But if you’ve, if you develop a dashboard, by looking by getting a blood panel done, then you’ll find exactly what’s deficient in the human body, you supplement just for that deficiency. And it is absolutely incredible what happens to human function.

R Blank 26:44
So following through on this on this discussion of raw material, you and I chatted a little bit for the show. And, and in other episodes of the season, we talk about about tech addiction, which is it’s a really, it’s a it’s a growing problem, which you know, me and shield your body, we focus on a lot, increasingly, because because of the impact of you know, the resulting impact of emf exposure. But, you know, one thing we’ve learned this season is there’s all there’s a lot of negative impacts of, of tech addiction. And you were telling me that there’s, with any addiction, you’d like tech addiction, but any other there’s a direct relationship between the raw material between a raw material supply, is that is that right?

Gary Brecka 27:26
Yes, yes, just like everything else in human body, if you give me a disease or a pathology or an emotional disorder, I can generally tell you what raw material is missing in the human body that’s leading to that, that condition. And it’s no different with addiction, on the absence of dopamine is the presence of addiction. So the absence of dopamine is the presence of addiction. So what this means is that when when we lack the raw material, dopamine, then that receptor cries out for stimulation. And when the dopamine receptor cries out for stimulation, it begins the journey toward addiction. You see, most addicts didn’t actually want to get high there, their initial impetus was not I want to get high. Their initial impetus was I want to feel normal. And in their search for normalcy, they became addicted. And then once they were addicted, they began running from a low, not running towards a high. Does that

R Blank 28:33
make sense? Yeah, it does.

Gary Brecka 28:34
And this is why I feel so I have a profound I’m profoundly empathetic with with a true addict, because it’s not something that they can control. Because this absence of dopamine, causes them to seek this addictive behavior. And if you if you known an addict or been an addict, you know, generally what you’ll find happens in in most addicts is they actually never lose the addiction. It just moves. Right. So drug addicts might become sex addicts, a sex addict might become a gambling addict, a gambling addict might become an exercise fanatic, but the deficit is still there, and therefore, it’s still driving addictive behavior. So if we understand that dopamine is also made in the human body, and it is made by one of the five actionable genes that I mentioned earlier, and if one of those genes is broken, we’re not manufacturing adequate supplies of dopamine. And the absence of that raw material is what’s leading to the presence of addiction. And so if we can locate which we can, if we can look at this gene, and we can’t fix the gene, but we can supplement for its function, we can replace the raw material that that gene is responsible for putting into the human body. And when you replace that raw material, which is usually a combination of magnesium, zinc, refining, methylated, B vitamins and five methylfolate In a certain combination, when you put those raw materials back into the human body, all of a sudden we begin to methylene dopamine again. And as we mentally dopamine, then the levels of dopamine rise, and we no longer have that

R Blank 30:14
deficit. So so there’s an aspect of well of any addiction, but tech tech addiction, in particular, that you believe is is addressable by providing sufficient raw materials to to the body is, am I correct in that? Or again, is that an oversimplification?

Gary Brecka 30:34
Yeah, that’s not an oversimplification at all. If you think about it, you know, the longer we spend on our phones, or gaming, or in front of the screens, checking social media, the more we get addicted, because we, when we’re engaged in that activity, we’re getting a little ding of dopamine, we’re getting a little reward. And it’s that dopamine receptor is getting date. And the more that that receptor is deemed by social media, or by gaming or by technology, then the less sensitive it becomes, it’s a process called tactile relaxes. You know, it’s the very same reason that if you sit down next to a woman and you can smell her perfume, if you sit next to her for 30 minutes, you don’t smell her perfume any longer. You’ve you’ve desensitized to that smell. And so what happens with technology with gaming with social media is it requires more and more and more stimulus in order to get that pleasure response from that interaction. And so this is why social media holidays and tech holidays are so beneficial. I mean, and you know all about EMF, I mean, the benefits of taking a tech holiday from, from emf is has a whole separate set of benefits, beneficial consequences. But this behavior drives this deficit of dopamine, and it becomes addictive. And that’s why people generally spend more and more and more time on technology as time goes on.

R Blank 32:02
They don’t spend less time. So why taking this approach this treatment approach? Why doesn’t that just exacerbate the tech addiction? Right? Because if you’re enabling the body to to make more dopamine, why doesn’t that make it even more enjoyable to be to get those dopamine triggers from from Facebook or whatever?

Gary Brecka 32:24
Oh, wait does, it absolutely does. And that’s why people, that’s why their time increases on social media and time increases on Facebook and time increases with gaming and time increases with interaction with these devices, because because of the pleasure signal that they get, you don’t see the phone as a technology tool, you see the phone as a source of pleasure, a source of curiosity, a source of entertainment. And so you become very, very attached to it because your brain gets addicted to the signals that it provides. And this is no different than, you know, looking at a child that a young child who’s capable of playing video games for 789 10 hours a day, which many, many young children are, these are children that very likely have already have a significant deficit in the hormone, I mean, in the neurotransmitter dopamine. And that addictive behavior in the child is manifesting itself as gaming. And that’s something to be very cautious of, because as that child heads towards adulthood, they’re very, very susceptible to drug and alcohol addiction and other types of addictive behavior.

R Blank 33:31
Are you seeing tech addiction in growing in your pain? Is it becoming something that you focus on treating more maybe than it used to be? Oh, no

Gary Brecka 33:41
question. Absolutely no question. And you treat it the same way that you treat anything else, we look for the raw material to balance the levels of dopamine so that you don’t get so much pleasure from your phone. So you don’t actually have to seek this electronic device in order to get this reward of dopamine. Oh,

R Blank 34:00
now I understand the mechanism that you’re so you’re, when you build up when you when you provide the sufficient raw materials as fuel, you’re building up kind of a base level that that, you know, relative to that the dopamine hit you get from Facebook, it becomes less and less because your base level is higher. Is that right? That’s exactly right. Okay, what kind of success or outcomes? Or have you seen with this type of treatment regimen for for tech, because this is really, you know, because when, when I talk about tech addiction, and I’m not an expert on tech addiction, I try to learn as much as I can, when I talk about it, a lot of it is about setting boundaries for your own behavior, making sure you know, even things like just don’t bring the phone to the table, or don’t bring it to bed or you know, just sitting rules and baselines and following them. But you’re talking about an entirely different type of approach here. So I’m wondering, you know, what the results are that you see in your practice?

Gary Brecka 34:53
Well, they’re profound. I mean, you’re going right to the source. So take somebody who has a dopamine deficit. Right, and you convince them that being away from their phone not constantly checking social media or constantly being on Facebook or instant messaging, or what have you has magnanimous health benefits. Well, as they begin to separate from that phone, that deficit is still there. So they’re still craving that dopamine reward. So if you want to make it easy on them, you use a two pronged approach, you convince them obviously, that it’s, it’s not a healthy behavior, and they would benefit from not being on the device so much. But you also provide them less of an impetus to be attracted back to that device. Because the truth is, if we do not fill in that void, that void is still going to drive the behavior, it may not drive it to the phone, but it will eventually drive it somewhere else.

R Blank 35:51
So okay, so if you’ve, you’ve shared a tremendous amount of knowledge that I, I know is going to be no, no, this is fantastic. And what I was gonna say is that, you know, I know that a lot of people listening to this, they’re gonna find, you know, this to be new information, and they’re gonna be really motivated. The problem I imagine is a there’s only one, Gary breca, and two, Gary’s located in Naples, Florida, the streamline Medical Group is located in Naples, Florida. So if you’re just kind of a normal person living in California, or Iowa, or wherever, and you’re hearing, they’re hearing this podcast, how is there a way for them to work with you without going all the way to Florida

Gary Brecka 36:34
70% of our patients have never been in to our clinic. So we we have physicians licensed in states all over America. So the the caliber of care and the continuity of care is the same as if I were to engage with you. So our clinical team, our doctors, or nurses, or nurse practitioners, or PhDs, are some of the most skilled and highly trained professionals on the planet. And they all practice this wellness approach at helping us root out the raw material deficit in our body. So you don’t have to live in Florida or even Naples, Florida to to work with us. And as a matter of fact, we’re opening offices as we speak in the, in the UK, and all throughout the Middle East. Because this is a message that really needs to get out and touch the face of humanity. That’s

R Blank 37:21
Yeah, no, that’s fantastic. And if someone isn’t located near and offices, is it possible for them, you know, maybe to go to their own doctor or a lab nearby, get their blood work done, and then consult with you remotely?

Gary Brecka 37:34
Yes, you could go to any lab Corp in the entire country. And labcorp boasts that there’s a labcorp, within two miles of every emergency room in America. So that means that probably if you’re listening to this podcast, and you live in the United States, you’re probably within just a few miles of labcorp. So you can go in there have your blood drawn, and it will populate our system and one of our clinicians will get on the phone with you and go go through that dashboard and help you create a dashboard of supplements and raw materials.

R Blank 38:03
That’s fantastic. I’m really glad I asked that question, because you had a really good answer for I mean, like you have for everything, but but that’s actually over people.

Gary Brecka 38:13
I always, like when I speak, I’ll always just open it up to the audience and say, give me a condition of pathology, a disease, something you’re struggling with. And I’m going to root out the raw material, I’m going to take you from your symptom all the way deep into the human body and into the cell. And I’m going to tell you exactly what the root cause of that symptom that pathology that disease that issue is, and what raw material is likely missing. And this has to do with emotional issues. Like I said, ATD, ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety is a big one. Poor gut health. I mean, I can’t even tell you how many patients have come into our clinic with really poor gut health, your irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis, or just gas bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, and they think that they’re battling an allergy. They think that they’re allergic to something. But I blow that out of the water really quickly in the first minute that I talked to him because I say, Well, what are you allergic to? And they’ll say, Well, I’m allergic to gluten. I say, okay, have you ever eaten gluten and not had a reaction? And they say, Well, yeah, sometimes I eat it and I don’t have a reaction and sometimes I have a really severe reaction. And I say, Well, okay, well right there. You’re not allergic to gluten. Because allergies are consistent. You’re not allergic to gluten on Monday morning on allergic to it on Wednesday afternoon.

So the challenges for these people is well then what is it you know, why can I eat the same thing on Monday and I’m fine and I eat the exact same thing on Wednesday and I blow up like a tick because it has nothing to do with allergies. You It has everything to do with the absence of raw material in your body, not allowing your gut motility, the speed of your gut to operate properly. So if you lack the suite of B vitamins pyridoxine, riboflavin, five niacin, pantothenic acid, and two key light metals, zinc and magnesium, if you’re clinically deficient in these nutrients, then your gut motility is not operating properly, the speed of your gut is interrupted. And when the speed of our gut changes, we get the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, irritability, but it’s related to when we eat, but it’s not related to what we because it has nothing to do with allergies and sensitivities. And people that are listening right now know exactly what I’m talking about. Because there are people listening right now they’re going oh, my God, I didn’t realize that sometimes I eat that and I don’t get a reaction. And sometimes I eat it. And I do have a reaction. So I’m actually not allergic. So maybe I should find out if my body’s missing these raw materials, put these raw materials into the body and see if my motility returns to normal and my gut issues of this rate.

R Blank 41:15
So if you don’t mind, I’d like to take you up on your you said when you give talks, you ask the audience to name a condition and one of the most common and what I in my experience to be, you know, one of the most, because it’s so widespread. also one of the most harmful is the disruption to sleep patterns that comes from I think, both from from issues of tech addiction, but also from EMF exposure from technology. And there’s disruptions to the endocrine system of melatonin production, that are linked to EMF exposure. So Sleep Sleep deprivation or improper sleep or unhealthy sleep, it seems to me to be an incredibly widespread issue. And it’s also normal. Yeah. And it’s also really important, because that’s when your body’s supposed to be healing and preparing for the next day. And so it’s super widespread, it’s super harmful. I know there could be multiple causes. But if someone was watching you give your talk, you asked that question, and I yelled out, sleep disruption, what can I do to improve my sleep? Well, okay, so

Gary Brecka 42:16
two things are at the root of most, most poor sleep. And the first one, I’m actually going to start with a question and then I’m going to answer it, because I’ve scantly had a physician, you know, like a family practitioner or even a sleep apnea physician that has been able to adequately answer this question. Why is it that people that are the most exhausted sleep the worst? Why is it that people that are the most exhausted sleep the worst, because you would think that somebody that’s exhausted? The only thing they do well, is sleep?

R Blank 42:52
often because they’re not sleeping? Well?

Gary Brecka 42:54
Well, they’re exhausted because they’re not sleeping well, but what is the reason that they’re not sleeping, and the reason that they’re exhausted, they’re linked to the exact same thing we talked about a few minutes ago on the podcast. It’s related to blood oxygen. If you’re hypoxic, meaning your blood is very poor at carrying oxygen, you are going to be exhausted. Because the definition of anemia is, is low oxygen in the blood, the definition of exhaustion is low levels of oxygen in the blood. So if you have low levels of oxygen in the blood, you’re hypoxic, and by definition, you’re exhausted. Well, let’s talk about what happens when you go to sleep. So first of all, I want you to know that your brain is actually very primal. It’s not as sophisticated as we think it’s very primal. And it’s number one concern is survival. And survival means adequate levels of blood oxygen. So what there’s nothing that your brain will not do to maintain adequate levels of oxygen in your blood, nothing. And so what happens when you start to go into a deep Delta wave of sleep? As you start to get deeper and deeper into sleep, you start to respond more shallowly, you start to breathe more shallow. And if you’re breathing very shallow, and your respiration rate slows down, you’re bringing less oxygen into the bloodstream. When you bring less oxygen into the bloodstream, and you’re already low on blood oxygen, your brain panics. And what does it do? It wakes you up? Well, how does it wake you up? It pulses cortisol. So people that are exhausted, cannot get into a Delta wave of sleep because their body in their brain is pulsing cortisol all night. They look like a bouncing rubber ball going down the hallway. going right out of delta wave asleep and they bounce in the alphabet. it deepens delta and they bounce right down the hallway. And it’s it’s sad because then what they do is they they go to their doctor and they say, Hey, Doc, I can’t sleep. And the doctor says okay, well here are some Zola, Peter nitrate or diazepam or Valium or Xanax or what have you. And we give them that quote unquote sleep medication which actually doesn’t help To sleep at all, what it does is it blindfolds your brain’s view of blood oxygen. And when your brain can’t see blood oxygen anymore, it allows you to get into a Delta wave of sleep, but you’re not sleeping, you’re actually suffocating. And this is why people that take sleep medication will wake up the next day and say, You know what, I really hate taking Tylenol pm because it’s groggy in the morning, it’s still in my system the next day. That’s not true. That Tylenol pm has been out of your system for hours, you are feeling the effects of having suffocated for six hours, while you’re been hypoxic for six hours. The raw material that you’re missing in energy and sleep is blood oxygen. So the first thing I look at for first thing our clinical team looks at for our patients is their their blood oxygen level, how well are you carrying oxygen?

R Blank 45:47
is this? Is this the same type of blood oxygen that I could measure just with one of those finger monitors he had at CVS? Or is it more in depth than that?

Gary Brecka 45:56
It’s much more in depth, because that’s measuring the oxygen saturation. So that’s telling you how much oxygen is within the cell. But you want to know how many cells do I have? If I’m low on the number of cells, that’s an issue, right? If I’m if I’m low on red blood cells, it doesn’t matter that there’s there’s a lot of oxygen in them, I have very few of them. And because I have very few of them. I’m I’m I’m now deficient and oxygen

R Blank 46:27
understood. So are there. And I understand, you know, just going to a lab and getting the bloodwork done that that’s the first critical step. Because you need that dashboard, you need the baseline, you need to see what the stats are. Are there ways that people can take any monitor any aspect of the types of, of indicators that you study as important to health? Are there ways for people to measure and monitor those any of those for themselves at home, or is going to a lab just the the only way really to move forward with this type of treatment regimen.

Gary Brecka 47:03
Well go into labs, the only way to get your get your red blood cell count, you need to actually draw blood in order to see your red blood cell count. But there’s a second, an even more common issue with sleep. And it has to do with our genes. There is a gene called seat OMT comp T. It’s capital C, capital O capital M capital T, this gene codes for the process of quieting the mind. And the second category of sleep people that are listening to this podcast, you’ll find that they have one of two types of sleep patterns. They either go to bed exhausted, and they have a hard time falling asleep because their mind keeps them awake. And their mind keeps them awake with little innocuous thoughts, not life changing thoughts, not things that deserve to keep you up in the middle of the night, like loss of a loved one or something demonstrative like that little tiny, nagging thoughts like, did I get everything on my grocery list today? Did I return those emails on my belt match my shoes, little nagging things like that. And and what happens is they they lay in bed and as their environment quiets, their mind wakes up. So why is your mind waking up. And by the way, the second type of sleep pattern is that they fall asleep. And then they wake up multiple times throughout the night with the same thing, just little innocuous thoughts running through their head. And again, these are not the kind of thoughts that you keep them awake at night. And so why is my mind awake when my environments quiet because you lack raw material. And generally, the raw material that you lack in order to quiet your mind are three things magnesium feeding, and melatonin, magnesium theanine and melatonin. And it doesn’t take much melatonin at all, two to three milligrams of melatonin is plenty. And magnesium and thenI in that combination supplies the deficit created by this gene and allows the mind to quiet. You see most people actually don’t have a sleep issue. They have an issue falling asleep and staying asleep. Because the the mind is just active. And that has to do with raw material.

R Blank 49:20
So I mean, that got me it’s just super interesting stuff. And, but I know I’ve had you here for a while and I don’t I want to be respectful of your time and let you get on with your day. So but before we wrap up, I was wondering, again, I understand that, you know, for people to really take advantage of what you’re talking about what you’re outlining, and it’s it’s a super compelling vision. I have to say they can’t they have to, you know, take the steps get the lab work and understand the baselines and what the status of all their raw materials is and so forth. But For someone who’s listening right now, or anyone you know, who happens to come across this, right? Are there are there like a few thing a handful, maybe three things that you see so commonly? Yeah, three actionable things that someone could do you know, right now to to to improve their health based off of what you’ve been outlining?

Gary Brecka 50:21
Absolutely, absolutely. I’ll give you three things that you can do. And I do these religiously every day of my life. If you do these, you will not only add significant time, to your life span, but you will improve your health span in the most demonstrative way imaginable. So most of what we talked about, I didn’t get a chance to go deep into the science, but most of what we talked about had a connection to oxygen, right? Remember, we said that hypoxia is how every human being on the face of this earth eventually meets their demands. So oxygen is so important to emotion or mood, that if we learn how to breathe, within the first few minutes of the day, we will not only elevate our mood and our emotional state, it will stay there for hours upon hours. So one of the most impactful things that you can do is, are these three things six days a week, I want you to breathe for eight minutes and I’m going to give you a specific breathing technique. It’s the Wim Hof breathing technique. This is free, you can download it off the internet. Lots of people have heard of Wim Hof. He’s the father of modern breathwork. There’s a Netflix and discovery show special on him about all the just absolutely mind numbingly phenomenal things that he’s done. Just by, you know, properly learning how to breathe. But if you breathe for eight minutes every morning, apply a thermal stress and apply a physical stress to your body. You see, aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort. I’ll say that, again. Aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort, the more aggressively we seek comfort, the faster we age. You see, we associate stress with negativity in the human body, and nothing could be further from the truth. Stress is one of the healthiest things that you can apply to the body. If you don’t load your bones, they will not strengthen. If you don’t tear a muscle, it will not grow. And if you don’t challenge your immune system, it will weaken. This is precisely why areas that have the highest mask mandates and the most restrictive residential quarantines and the most oppressive social distancing requirements actually have the highest infectious rates. How is that possible? It’s because those people have the weakest immune system. So every day of your life, if you wake up and you challenge your body, you will improve its resiliency. And so I would encourage everybody to download the Wim Hof w hy MHOF f breathing method, it takes eight minutes, it will actually change the oxygen tension in your tissue. Not only will it change the oxygen tension in your tissue, but understand that every elevated emotional state that a human being can experience. Oxygen is a core component of that state. So in other words, all of the best emotional states passion, elation, joy, arousal, libido, all the Hell yeah, I won the lottery, emotions, all of those emotional states. They all require oxygen. This is why no human being has ever woken up laughing.

R Blank 53:34
Yeah, I never thought of it. But yeah,

Gary Brecka 53:36
yeah, I’ve never done that. Yet, because happiness is such an elevated emotional state, it requires so much oxygen that we’re not capable of experiencing happiness when we’re in deep sleep. So when we wake up, we can’t be laughing. Now we can wake up angry, right, you could be dead asleep. And I can pinch you and you instantly wake up angry. That you know you have very readily accessible emotions like anger because they require no oxygen. So breathe for eight minutes every day. And then I want you to apply a physical stress. My preference is weight bearing exercise or weight training, weight training, hands down crushes cardiovascular exercise in every bio physiologic study on the planet. I don’t even know why people do cardiovascular exercise unless they’re actually training for a marathon or in a more specific event. But by loading your bones and tearing your muscles you strengthen the bio, you calls your your your bones to call for calcium, you cause your bone your your muscles to call for proteins. And then the last thing is to apply a thermal stress. And I cannot stress the significance of this enough, either a cold stress or a hot stress 15 to 20 minutes in infrared or dry sauna, or 10 minutes in an ice cold bath or 10 minutes in an ice cold shower. And the reason for this is that you We’re live right now, as you sit and listen to this has two types of reserve proteins. They’re called Heat Shock proteins and cold shock proteins. These are amazing. Google them when this podcast is over. And you’ll Your mind will just be blown.

R Blank 55:14
Actually, I’m sorry. My father’s work was all largely about Heat Shock proteins and the response that they have to heat exposure to EMF. Wow, that’s phenomenal. I’m happy to hear that they have a very positive response on the Yeah, well, in his work showed that they they have a response to EMF exposure. So that that was an indicator that was one of the first indicators he found that the body interprets EMF as a stressor.

Gary Brecka 55:42
Stress, no question. No, that’s what I mean. They have a positive meaning they don’t, right. Yeah. Not positive as and yea, positive. Sorry, sometimes they get very scientific and but yes, they, the body treats that as a stressor. But the nice thing is, Heat Shock proteins and cold shock proteins will scour the body of free radical oxidation, they will quadruple the rate of protein synthesis, quadruple the rate of protein synthesis, so managing that you work out. And then you apply a thermal stress. And you’re now quadrupling the rate of protein synthesis. So you’re healing at four times the rate. And you express a very specific type of survival gene called a sirtuin. So every day, you have free access to these proteins, and we can dump them into our bloodstream. And we can scour our bloodstream of free radical oxidation, we can increase the rate of protein synthesis, we can rule out, we can rid our body of inflammation, and it’s all free. And it’s all easy, and it’s all accessible. You just have to be willing to deal with the hot or the cold. But because we don’t like to be uncomfortable, then we don’t put our body under those types of stressors.

R Blank 56:55
Now that was really eye opening. Not only was an eye opening, it was actually motivational like it made me go take an ice cold shower right this second, but that was that was really illuminating list of oh three,

Gary Brecka 57:09
if you want to, if you want to be high on your own supply, do eight, three rounds of Wim Hof breathing, a good 25 or 30 minute wait workout and then get in an ice cold punch for about three, four or five minutes and get out you will be your mood will be elevated for six hours is uncanny what happens when you when you dump that kind of physiology into the human bio? Well.

R Blank 57:37
I will get started on this. I’ll let you know. The I just have one last question here. And I don’t know if you really have any any answer for me based on everything you’re saying. And based on your experience working. I don’t know if you actually worked as an actuary or you worked around actuaries, but estimating duration of human life. And you have these these, these views on you know what optimal health looks like? I mean, how long should humans live for?

Gary Brecka 58:06
Well, there are people walking this earth today that are easily going to live to 140. easily. There are people alive right now today that will easily live into their 140s because we’re learning to harness the true power of the human body through things like intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, ketogenic dieting, applying thermal stresses and breathing. So these these bio hacks, if you will, are extending life in magnanimous ways. And we’re also learning to turn all of what we’ve learned in in modern medicine and modern nutrition, right upside down on its head. Because the worst advice that was ever given on the face of the earth was that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I mean, the longest study on longevity ever conducted on the face of the earth, boiled down to one sentence, and it was if you want to add seven years to your life, stop eating breakfast, right, because digestion is the most distracting thing to human body. Why? Because digestion equals survival. So your body assigns a very high priority to digestion, which means that the second you eat, your body will stop doing everything else that it’s doing. And usually when we eat, our body is in the middle of repairing, regenerating, eliminating waste detoxifying or regenerating. And we shut that process down so that we can take in a little bit of food. And the second worst piece of advice was to eat small meals more often. That is horrific for longevity and awful for health. Because as you constantly feed your body, it constantly assigns that a priority and it doesn’t detoxify. It doesn’t eliminate waste. It doesn’t repair doesn’t regenerate. It doesn’t do the types of things that cells are required to do in order to operate in a healthy environment. So by giving your body the time to focus on those core competencies and eating in a In a restricted window, you’re not only extending your lifespan, but you’re also extending your health span.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:07
Wow. Well,

R Blank 1:00:09
Gary brecker that this has been, this has been just an amazing, amazing interview, I’ve learned so much for everyone listening. Again, you can learn more about Gary and as we covered you don’t need to be in in Naples, Florida to to take advantage of this learning and his knowledge and these health services, you can learn more at streamline Medical Group. com that’s all one word streamline Medical Group comm that’ll be in the show notes. And Gary, just thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy so well to help educate my audience.

Gary Brecka 1:00:43
I also do a lot of teaching on Instagram so they can follow me at at Gary brecha. It’s just at ga RYBRECK. All I do is teach on Instagram, I talk about sleep depression, anxiety, emotions, gut health, optimal performance, I handle a lot of celebrities and athletes and professional athletes that everyone’s podcast would know. And I do the same thing for them that I do for every other client of mine. So I readily share that information on Instagram.

R Blank 1:01:17
Excellent. I just loaded your profile now we’ll make sure to I’m going to follow you as shield your body. We’ll make sure to put that profile link in our show notes as well. So really, thank you so much. Thank you for the work you do and really good luck spreading this message. It’s Thank you.

Gary Brecka 1:01:37
Well, thank you guys so much for having me. It’s been a pleasure sharing the day with you guys. And I hope that you feel that was beneficial because it’s it’s my life’s passion and I I’m going to do this every day for the balance of my adult lifetime.

R Blank 1:01:51
Which sounds like it’ll be at least another century. another four years. Excellent. Thank you so much. You’re very welcome. Wow, that that interview was just kind of mind blowing. To me talking to Gary was was just thrilling. And I I was gaining energy. I felt like I was getting just by just by talking with him. As always, I’m joined by my right hand lady and Operations Manager at shield your body. Stephanie. Stephanie was kind of blown away by that is I was

Stephanie Warner 1:02:26
I Yeah, well, yeah, um, there was a lot. There is a lot and a lot of information. And there’s a lot It gives me a lot of homework because I want to dig into everything. Yeah, he’s talking about Yeah. And, again, super quotable guy. Absence of vitamin d3 is the presence of poor immune function. I got the chills when he said that. Just chill more. There’s

R Blank 1:02:56
a superhuman locked inside of all of us. I friggin love that. Yeah, I felt that from time to time. Like, yeah. So and like you said, there was a lot in there, it’s gonna be really hard to narrow it down to three things I learned. Because there was was just so much. I already said, Actually, the third one from my list, there’s a superhuman locked inside of all of us, that quote is going to stick with me forever. It is a really powerful way, I found it to be a really powerful way of thinking about health and and our potential. What did that one stand out to you? Stephanie, did you have a different favorite one I you just talked about,

Stephanie Warner 1:03:35
I really I really appreciate the quote. And, you know, as he’s discussing it, I believe him, you know what I mean? Like, I bought in 100%, because he’s also, you know, discussing health in a way that I completely appreciate. He’s discussing the raw material, giving your body what it needs to work the way it’s supposed to work and the way it wants to work. And I appreciated that because I it’s a different approach than I’ve then I’ve heard, you know, people will say, take a more holistic approach or whatever, but he’s literally talking about i’m not i’m gonna misquote him, but he’s, he his practice is to take an issue and investigate it all the way down to the deepest root to the tallest leaf of the tree. And that framing was he again, you know, gave me chills because it makes so much sense. And when he can break something down, like sleep disturbance and tell you, you know what’s missing? That’s like, that’s really impactful.

R Blank 1:04:49
Yeah, no, I agree. And that alone would have made a great interview, but ya know, but stepping beyond that, his way of using this, you know, the, the term he uses raw materials That that approach, using that to a treat addiction was sort of mind blowing to me, right, because we’ve we talked about tech addiction a lot at SBB. We’ve talked to hypnotherapist earlier in the season about tech addiction, and that was a great conversation as well. But But the way that Gary was talking basically about using, you know, food and nutrients as an approach to addiction woodleigh that I’d never thought of it in though I’ve just never thought of treating addiction in those terms before.

Stephanie Warner 1:05:32
that’s a that’s a great that was a really powerful part of the interview as well. You know, we have discussed tech addiction in it earlier in the season. And, you know, we the the reoccurring theme is dopamine. And it was the way he expressed another approach to dealing with tech addiction and addiction in general was was was also really powerful.

R Blank 1:06:01
So then the final thing I want to point out is just his three actionable steps. I mean, they, he, you know, I everyone, everyone this season is giving some actionable steps and they’re all great, but his made me actually want to go out and buy a sauna and pump some iron first thing in the morning and then jump in the sauna. It was I really, I was really motivated by his actionable steps. One of

Stephanie Warner 1:06:23
his key points, one of the many amazing key points I should say, is that, you know, lack of oxygen in our bloodstream is a huge has a huge impact on us, of course, so you know, it makes perfect sense that you know, part of his you know, his first actionable tip is to download and practice the William Hof breathing technique. And then I really appreciate as somebody who loves to lift weights that weight you know, to focus on weightlifting in the morning and I also love that he bashed doing cardio because I absolutely hate doing cardio and now I have an excuse not to in the 15 minute cold bath or was it 20 minutes hot so anyways giving a thermal response or a thermal stressor right in the morning and don’t eat breakfast I think that don’t eat breakfast I think was like a bonus tip. But um, I you know, I really I really appreciated how easy well easy for me I think those those actionable steps are and they think if we just practice the breathing we’re gonna all you know the the breathing technique I think people will see is see a big change in the in the day. Maybe Maybe they’ll feel like weightlifting or skipping breakfast or cold baths, but breathing is isn’t obviously important.

R Blank 1:07:50
Yeah, no, totally. So, okay, everyone, remember to check out Gary’s website at streamline Medical Group comm and his super popular Instagram account at Gary brecha. Both links are in the show notes. If you liked this show and want to hear more, please remember to subscribe to this podcast, the healthier tech podcast available on all major podcasting platforms. If you have a moment please also leave a review reviews are critical to help more people find this podcast and learn about the important and undercover topics that we cover. And you can also learn more and sign up for our mailing list to get notified when we have new interviews, webinars, ebooks and sales at shield your body calm that shield your body all one word calm. You can also just click that link in the show notes. Until next time, I’m R Blank and I want to thank you so much for tuning into the healthier tech podcast and always remember to shield your body

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R Blank

R Blank

R Blank is the founder of Healthier Tech and the host of “The Healthier Tech Podcast”, available iTunes, Spotify and all major podcasting platforms.

R has a long background in technology. Previously, R ran a software engineering firm in Los Angeles, producing enterprise-level solutions for blue chip clients including Medtronic, Apple, NBC, Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, the NFL, Ford, IKEA and Mattel.

In the past, he served on the faculty at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering where he taught software engineering, as well as the University of California, Santa Cruz.

He has spoken at technology conferences around the world, including in the US, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and he is the co-author of “AdvancED Flex Development” from Apress.

He has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and received his bachelor’s degree, with honors, from Columbia University. He has also studied at Cambridge University in the UK; the University of Salamanca in Spain; and the Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Connect with R on LinkedIn.

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