Show Notes
Lisa joins us today to talk about chronic fatigue, mineral balance, physical fitness, and stress management. We discuss ways to manage stress, both internal and external, and how EMF exposure can manifest as internal stress in our bodies. We also hear about Lisa’s story with debilitating fatigue and her search for answers as to what was causing it. Through her efforts to improve her health and fitness, Lisa came upon Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, which helped her identify a mineral imbalance that was behind her fatigue, and ever since she has dedicated her time to help others identify their own mineral based issues.

In this episode, you will hear:
- Maintaining physical fitness as we age
- Interconnectivity of mineral levels in our bodies
- Copper Dysregulation
- Signs of mineral imbalance
- Tips for managing stress and EMF exposure
- How different minerals can impact your health and mood
Lisa Pitel-Killah is a Hair Mineral Analysis Expert & Educator, Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Practitioner and multi-time Kettlebell Sport World Champion. Her animal study includes Holistic Carnivore and Equine Nutritionist and advanced Animal HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis).
She chose to specialize in HTMA testing when that particular diagnostic test was the first to identify the true root cause of her debilitating fatigue. Lisa believes minerals are the foundation of health and longevity, and from the science of HTMA you can identify exactly what your body, or your animal’s body, needs to thrive.
Connect with Lisa:
Email: [email protected]
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Lisa Pitel Killah 0:00
A lot of people think, oh my goodness, if I have a problem, you know, I’m going to be debilitated. That’s not true. If you’re taking care of it properly, and you’re supporting your body, and you’re gently allowing your body to deal with what’s happening, rather than doing some of those hardcore detoxes, and a lot of things we hear about, you can still achieve amazing things and have energy everyday to do what you want to do. And that’s exactly what I did.
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now, here are your hosts, R blank and Stephanie Warner.
R Blank 0:35
So on this episode with Lisa, we get into stuff that that I had never really heard about with, with hair analysis and what it can tell you about your mineral profile and what that then in turn tells you about your energy and your performance and your ability to do your job. I think it’s a really great discussion. Yeah, absolutely.
Stephanie Warner 0:54
I learned a lot and there’s definitely more I want to dig into. So I’m really excited for our listeners to learn about the case. They’ve never heard of it either, you know, hair hair analysis. I just never really heard about that. It sounds really powerful to dig into your into your health.
R Blank 1:13
So yeah, and just a quick note before we get into the interview during the interview, I I messed up i Yeah, thank you. I said that Lisa’s podcast was biohacking super human performance. Actually, her podcast, which you should definitely check out is the human optimization podcast. biohacking superhuman performance was because Lisa actually appeared on someone else’s podcast and that’s that’s NAT Needham from Episode 29. So if you want to go back and hear that that’s an episode 29 But today we’re talking with Lisa Patel killer Lisa Patel killer is a hair mineral analysis expert and educator, board certified holistic health practitioner, Functional Diagnostic practitioner, multi time kettle bald sport, world champion, and founder of icon supplements. Lisa chose to specialise in a type of testing called htma, or hair tissue mineral analysis, when that diagnostic test was the first to identify the root cause of her debilitating fatigue. Lisa believes minerals are the foundation of health and longevity. And from the science of htma, you can identify exactly what your body or your animal’s body needs to thrive. Lisa is passionate about guiding people to maximise health, reverse debilitating symptoms and gain energy to truly recognise their full potential. Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, Lisa.
Lisa Pitel Killah 2:42
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for having me. This is wonderful. I cannot wait to share knowledge,
R Blank 2:49
ya know, and it’s, it’s great having you and it’s also great to talk to you again. For those who don’t know, I was on your biohacking, super superhuman performance podcast, which was a fantastic experience. So it’s great to be able to reciprocate and have you here.
Lisa Pitel Killah 3:04
Absolutely. No, my pleasure. And yes, we had such an amazing conversation. I can’t wait to do it again.
Stephanie Warner 3:12
I’m really happy I get to be a part of it. Coming on.
R Blank 3:17
So we’re gonna we’re gonna get straight into the heart of the topic here right now. Kettle ball, sport, sorry, kettlebell sport world champion. Because those are really heavy, right? I mean, tell me a little bit about about that.
Lisa Pitel Killah 3:35
I’m giggling because that’s how my neighbour says it. Or he calls them cow bells. I’m like, they’re not like, Oh, my goodness. No. Yeah. You know, I, I’ve always been a fitness enthusiast. I love just I just feel better when I’m training or, and I guess, you know, when I was in my late 30s, early 40s, I ended up finding and kind of stumbling upon kettlebells I had done training workouts with them and boot camps and things years prior, but I didn’t realise there was a sport. And when I did, oh, my goodness, because I grew up being a competitive figure skater. A lot of events or sports that you compete in, there’s an age limit, right? So I was so happy to find something where I didn’t have to be 20 or 25 years old. And after that, you know, competing was just not an option. And so I ran with it. And it was fantastic. And they are heavy. So I love that too. Right? Think of I love that too. So yeah, I just I ran with it.
R Blank 4:38
What is the sport that like, do you Is it just about lifting or is it throwing? Is it running with them? Like what do you what do you have to
Lisa Pitel Killah 4:44
so it there’s two three basically different disciplines. And so very similar to weightlifting. There is a discipline that would kind of correlate with clean and jerk which we call long cycle. And then there’s the snatch which is a continuous Smoove in and of course weightlifters how to snatch as well. And so that, but basically, the entire premise of the sport is that you are on a platform for 10 minutes. And if you’re doing a one handed lift, you get to change hands once, if you’re doing a two hand lift, you don’t have that option, obviously. And you need to do as many technically correct reps as possible, in order to place Wow.
R Blank 5:26
Okay, do you still do you still do that? Or is that? I
Lisa Pitel Killah 5:29
do. I do. Yeah. And you know what it is as physically challenging as it is mentally challenging. Because when you hit about seven and a half minutes, I call that the tunnel. Because that’s the tunnel of your brain saying, I can’t do this anymore. And you have to literally push yourself to get through that tunnel. And then when you get past that point, and you’ve got two minutes to go, that’s when you can just go for it. Because you know, you’re almost finished. Yeah, and you know, I have students that are in their 60s, they set world records last year, they won World medals. Like it’s just, it’s, it’s such an amazing sport, because again, it doesn’t matter what your body shape is, it doesn’t matter how old you are, you can absolutely embrace it and thrive and travel the world.
R Blank 6:16
So I obviously I like starting with that, because it’s it’s just a cool fact about you. And I think it gives some insight into you, but also, because it is so when I hear you know, someone suffering from debilitating fatigue, I don’t think oh, well, that person is obviously going to go on to become a world champion. So that’s a that’s a pretty crazy journey. So what was what was that experience? Like? When did it when did it start? What did it do to your to your life, I mean, fatigue would be hard for anybody but but I imagine, you know, it’s got to be even harder for an athlete.
Lisa Pitel Killah 6:55
It was tough. And, and so I just so basically, the journey started, I was I’ve always been an entrepreneur, been an entrepreneur since I was in my early 20s. And I had opened a brick and mortar business kind of in in the late 2000s, like 2009, right before 2010 came along. And I that business I opened in a recession, it was very, very difficult. And I put myself into burnout. And so you know, there were days where I have truly had trouble getting out of bed. And so I started my real health journey then because I knew that I had to start taking care of myself, you know. And so I started doing that I started back at the gym, and I actually started powerlifting to begin with, because powerlifting is actually a great way to be able to put stress on your body, but not so much like endurance, where it’s continuous stretch, you get a break in between. So I really found that that helped to kind of nourish my adrenals but keep me active at the same time. And then of course, after I started feeling a little bit better my energy started coming back, that’s when I wanted to get back into kettlebells. And and then you know, the world’s journey started from there. And again, just discovering the sport, falling in love with one of the disciplines that I really liked doing because it was not only technically challenging, but it also got me in the best shape of my life so quickly. And that’s an amazing part of both kettlebells too. And you know, we did I always think about this it because we did a seminar in Chicago is probably about eight or nine years ago now. And they put us on a vo two Max machine, we’re there for three days. And so we’re at the university they put you on a vo two Max, they put you on the treadmill, right normal vo two max test. And I remember I made it, you know partway through that whole process. And I think by the time my heart rate hit 185 I was pretty much done. And you know, I couldn’t raise that that treadmill any longer. And so that was a bit short lived. It wasn’t a bad outcome. But the next day, they put the mask back on us to test our vo two Max while we were doing our lift with our competition weight. So minus 16 kilos, so it’s around 3537 pounds. And we I snatched for five full minutes. And my vo two was higher, but my heart rate only ever got 268. So it was it was an incredible experience just to see because your breathing is so important that you can actually control the rate of how much stress is on your body, even though you’re going really fast and lifting that weight. So it was a really interesting kind of experience to be tested like that to see the difference. And I noticed I mean, even after I started kettlebells you know, all of a sudden people are like, Oh, do you want to run a 5k? And I’m like, Yeah, and you just go like there’s no training for running. It’s just because it’s all about what you’ve built for endurance at that point with the actual bell as you’re lifting because it’s not only building muscle, but it’s also building your cardiovascular system. So it’s really, really a unique tool.
R Blank 9:54
So yeah, so you responded to your, your issues with fatigue. We With sport and exercise, but that’s not what you identify as your root cause of the fatigue. Well, what was that, and what’s the process by which you actually identified it?
Lisa Pitel Killah 10:12
So the process by that, so at the time, I was studying functional medicine, and diagnostic testing, and I had had all kinds of different diagnostic tests during my training, which I wanted to complete, because if I was going to put clients through any of these tests, obviously, I wanted to have done them by myself. And I done that for a few years. And then a colleague of mine because I was still having fatigue, after I had, I had gone through parasites, C. diff, H. Pylori, you know, everything under the sun, my gut was an onion, I was peeling apart the layers and fixing them as I went. But I still had that fatigue. And this was kind of before I started weightlifting, this was when I was doing all of this to get my health back on track. And then of course, once they started feeling a little bit better I was I was starting to train and starting to do things, but not heavily at that point. I knew there was still something wrong, I just didn’t feel like myself. And I’m a go getter type A personality, get it done, right. And I just didn’t feel like that person mentally anymore. And I knew there was something better. And I just happened upon hair tissue mineral analysis, a practitioner said to me, she goes, Why don’t you test your hair? And I was like, What are you talking about? And she’s like, Oh, you just send in a hair sample, you can see your minerals, your levels. And that’s when I identified why I could not get rid of my oestrogen dominance because I had a copper dysregulation. And with copper is deeply buried in the body and organs, it really causes a lot of debilitating symptoms. And that was the root cause of what I was struggling with. And even today, I think about that, and I thought, you know, if I only found that test earlier, I may have been able to avoid some of those other steps, and a lot of suffering along the way. And so I actually was with dealing with that copper dysregulation while I was competing at the World Championships for you know, the kind of the span of 2016 to 2018. So a lot of people think, Oh, my goodness, if I have a problem, you know, I’m going to be debilitated. That’s not true. If you’re taking care of it properly, and you’re supporting your body. And you’re gently allowing your body to deal with what’s happening. Rather than doing some of those hardcore detoxes. And a lot of things we hear about, you can still achieve amazing things and have energy everyday to do what you want to do. And that’s exactly what I did. That’s that’s
Stephanie Warner 12:36
really great. And, you know, as you’re talking about the the test that helped show you what was going on with your copper levels. I mean, it really makes me wonder, you know, are there other tests? Like, were you seeing that and other tests like, you know, a urine analysis or blood analysis? And really what kind of pushed you to the hair analysis? Because I find that actually very fascinating. And they haven’t really heard much about hair testing. Let’s that’s, please tell us more about that.
Lisa Pitel Killah 13:07
Yeah, absolutely. And so yeah, copper is a tough one, there’s not a lot of really great tests out there to identify copper. And even on an htma test, if you if you do an htma test, right with one of the recommended labs, you can’t even identify copper dysregulation just by looking at it, you have to look at 12 different markers in order to identify a potential dysregulation. And so that’s one of the most fascinating facts about copper itself. And just about minerals. In general, when we think of the interactions, minerals and vitamins have with each other and how taking an isolated ingredient, and isolated mineral or vitamin can affect so many other levels of minerals and vitamins. Right? When we’re ingesting, let’s say we’re taking copper, even if we’re taking zinc in high doses by itself that’s going to affect another mineral or more and vitamins, right? People don’t think about that. They just think, oh, I need to take this for immunity, but it’s a single, you know, single ingredient. And that’s a dangerous thing to do. Because you need to make sure that all of those things are imbalanced in order for your body to be able to thrive. And that’s
R Blank 14:17
why your holistic health practitioner instead of a Yeah,
Lisa Pitel Killah 14:20
okay. The big picture, right? Yeah, the big picture.
R Blank 14:24
So what are some of the signs and symptoms that someone’s mineral balance might might be off kilter?
Lisa Pitel Killah 14:32
Oh, my goodness, so many, I see people you know, when you have minerals that are out of balance, so one of the kind of less common ones, but the interesting ones is when someone is under a lot of stress and their sodium increases. So if you have an acute stress response, the first mineral that’s going to increase to support your adrenal response is sodium, but that sodium comes along with aggressiveness irritability, some moodiness. So when we have that stress, and we get into that kind of snappy, you know, when You’re having a conversation and you’re like, oh, I don’t, I wouldn’t normally react like that. But it was very quick and I, you know, you maybe not even consciously realising that you’re doing it. That’s sodium. And you know, when we bring in some of the anti stress minerals, you know, you think about today who’s not stressed, and, and a switch, right, who’s not stressed. And when you bring in some of those anti stress minerals, like your magnesium and that potassium that’s been lost from the kidneys, and then some zinc and things like that, it’s really important to, to have that balance for when you are stressed and the body is responding heightened, to calm that just slightly, so your response is more calming. And rather than that aggressiveness, and having some of that your ability.
R Blank 15:41
So we’ve talked a lot about minerals and how they impact your health and and your optimising your health, and that your podcast is called, you know, has superhuman performance in the in the title, what are some of the other factors that you have found and that you work with, that can impact or affect human optimization?
Lisa Pitel Killah 16:02
Oh, so many, you know, I think that if people can think about lifestyle, right, how many factors lifestyle choices make, and I feel like sometimes people think that their life has to be their lifestyle choices have to be 100%. And that’s not true. Sometimes there’s things that people enjoy doing. That’s part of their relaxation process. You know, I use the 8020 rule always, right, 80% of the time, make those healthy choices, because then you’re not putting so much stress on yourself, because we’re trying to de stress and be healthier, but we’re putting ourselves under stress, because our day isn’t perfect. Oh my
R Blank 16:39
sorry, if I may. Yeah, no, because you keep talking about stress. And I’m wondering if you’re talking about stress, like, oh my gosh, my taxes or do or if you’re talking about stress, like AKA, you know, oxidative stress and cellular stress response. And so, or is that all the same like that?
Lisa Pitel Killah 16:58
So, um, so I call that internal and external. And so that is stress to me, right? And so some people, a lot of people actually, when you think about, oh, my goodness, my taxes are due, maybe I don’t have that money in the bank? Or when am I gonna? How am I going to do that? That’s the external stress, right? Work finances, sometimes family, right, those things. But people forget sometimes about the internal stress, which causes that oxidative stress in the body. And overall, it’s going to have the same response, right, you’re going to have that same response and your body is going to be put up to creating more energy to handle that. And so taking some steps, regardless of you know, how often, I always say, you know, people are afraid of meditation. But meditation is such a great way to ground yourself, and bring yourself back into the moment. But you don’t have to do it for an hour. Right? I feel like in today’s day and age, things have to be convenient in order for people to implement them. So even one of the simple practices I do is if I have a moment where I feel like my stress is rising, something’s transpired, I’ll just sit back and take 10 Deep breaths. And by the time I’m done taking those 10 deep breaths, which doesn’t take me very long, my entire kind of stress response in my body has changed. And then I can have a new look at that stress so that I can deal with it in an effective and efficient manner, rather than something where later I would say, I should have dealt with that differently. And that has a different effect on your body. And that oxidative stress that that causes. So I think that that’s a really valid point that people have to have that convenience. But again, that’s part of the 8020. When you feel that, you know, when something’s happening, you step back, relook at it. And don’t beat yourself up. If you have, you know, a day where it’s a little more stressful than another towards the new day, it’s more of a new day to, to do new things, and to be whatever you want to be.
R Blank 18:57
So in I want to get into talking about the solutions, the services that you offer, but before we do, I think the stress is it’s a good segue into, you know, that obviously, this is the healthier the tech, the healthier tech podcast. Yeah, you know, one of the key problems that we’re seeing with that tech is causing and people are various manifestations of stress. So I want to ask you about your personal relationship with technology, because you’re focused a lot I can tell not only on your own optimization, but your own stress levels. What have you noticed about your own personal relationship with technology? How how do you focus on the behaviours, with with your devices and so forth?
Lisa Pitel Killah 19:38
Yeah. So you know, I, I always think about and I come back to our podcast that we did is so many times when I make decisions, and I see people because I remember you saying about earbuds. And at the time I hadn’t switched because I was sceptical and I’m like, there has to be something. And when you started talking about the fact that it’s right there, there’s no buffer, I thought, Oh my goodness. And I see all these people, you know, medical doctors, all kinds of people with these, these earbuds in. And I think the damage that that’s causing. And you know, I always so I shut down everything at night, right, I always make sure I have no devices on at night, everything is either off or an aeroplane mode, Wi Fi is shut down. Because, again, EMFs are so detrimental to our hormones to our system. There’s so many imbalances that can come from that. And, you know, I guess the only thing that I and I want to say just with regards to the phone, so I have, and I love it, the string bag where I put my phone, it’s like a purse, right that that shields your body has, and I use that every single day, I have literally going to put up right every single day of you see me anywhere I have that bag. And that’s for that reason, because I’m carrying my phone, and I don’t want it to be causing, you know, it’s hormone disrupting. And I think that that’s such a huge point. And I see people with their phone beside their head, they’re talking on the phone, and I cringe. And I think, oh my goodness, you know, do you know what that’s doing to you? And then even, you know, now we have 5g, right. Everybody’s so excited. 5g is coming. I’m like, oh, no, you know, that’s another level of what this is all about. And so So I really do try and be cognizant of that. Because I know how detrimental it can be and how much stress it can cause and again, just going back to stress because I feel like all of these things. And you know, if it was a little bit of this, or a little bit of that, but we have all these things coming out all day long. And and you know, that really starts to affect us and and start depleting us pretty quickly.
R Blank 21:47
And so yeah, have you noticed? Like you mentioned the earbuds and thank you, I’m glad I made a difference. But did like when you do things like that when you make those changes? When you make those conscious decisions? Do you notice a difference? Or? Or like Do you feel it?
Lisa Pitel Killah 22:05
I do. I always I always making a conscious decision about my energy, and just how I feel overall. And I think that when you when you are exposing yourself, and I call it a toxin because ultimately it’s toxicity regardless of whether it’s a you’re breathing in or whatever, you know, it’s still a toxin in your body. And so I definitely feel a difference. And I’ve switched from anything wireless, pretty much that is going to be near me. Even when I’m on my phone, I have a headset on, I never have my phone close to my head. I never put my phone in my pants pocket in my coat pocket, I always have in my shoulder bodybag even my laptop, you know, I always take a break from my laptop step away for a little while. And if I’m using my laptop sitting on the couch, like many people are doing nowadays, it shouldn’t be sitting on your lap, you got to shield your I have a shield my body thing that my laptops. Right. So everybody should be those are easy things that people can do.
Stephanie Warner 23:07
Yeah, anything. And what’s really nice, too, is in and I want to since we’re talking about shielding products, which is you know what, what s YB? does, I think it’s also important to just kind of state to that you even if you don’t get do products, just keep your device’s farther away from your body, the farther away you keep it and even if it’s just inches, that can make a huge difference. And then, you know, it also can help our mental focus as well. And our well being just not always being tethered.
Lisa Pitel Killah 23:37
Yeah, absolutely. I couldn’t agree more. And and again, with all of the tech nowadays, that we have, right, and there’s more and more and more. Yeah, we like people have to start being more cognizant about that. Even even as simple as just leaving your phone shut off at night. Right? Yeah, you know, they’ve got it plugged in, and it’s transmitting right beside their head while they’re trying to sleep. Like, who’s like, how are you going to hit REM sleep with that happening? Right. So you know, just shut your phone off. Plus such a simple solution. And right, so yeah, it’s something so simple that literally somebody can do right now today.
Stephanie Warner 24:19
Absolutely. And I really appreciate that. You know, you’re you’re sharing that information. And always, we always love having an opportunity to talk about good hygiene with our devices. I’d like to segue a little bit. And I’d love it if you would tell us about the LPK health and performance group.
Lisa Pitel Killah 24:39
Yeah, so really, I started this group years ago, a lot of athletes were asking me, you know, how do I test minerals? You know, you’ve made such a incredible change in your life. And so it was a really interesting journey. And honestly with what I had learned, I couldn’t wait to share with people. And so we do mainly htma Testing, which again, is hair tissue mineral analysis. But we offer some other diagnostic testing too. And now we’re worldwide. So we’ve got lots of practitioners on board with the LPGA health group along with myself. And yeah, just, you know, changing lives of people giving them more energy is really what it’s all about, or even if they’re athletes taking their their performance to the next level in a natural way.
R Blank 25:22
So how would How would someone like me all you have to do
Lisa Pitel Killah 25:31
is go to LPK. Health If you have questions, there’s the contact there. My assistant, Katie can definitely give you lots of information. And yeah, it’s as simple as that.
R Blank 25:40
No, but I mean, yeah, follically challenged individuals.
Lisa Pitel Killah 25:45
You can do other hair, you can do nails, there’s other ways to be able to test for mineral.
R Blank 25:50
Okay, cool. And so, so your clients are, I mean, what athletes or a business owner looking to optimise their or like,
Lisa Pitel Killah 25:59
a whole wide range of clients all the way from children who have issues. We’ve worked with children with autism, we work with business entrepreneurs, athletes, just the average person that says, I don’t feel like myself anymore. And I want my energy back. That’s, you know, the very typical response of why someone reaches out because they just don’t feel like themselves. And I know what that feels like, because I went through that, too, when I was searching. And I feel like a lot of times, we’ll get individuals who have done a lot of different diagnostic testing, but just haven’t gotten to that root cause. And they’re still searching.
R Blank 26:35
So once you have like, so someone like me, who would obviously send a nails instead of hair, we get the test results, and I have a mineral profile of some kind established is that then when your protocol comes with your foundation mineral protocol, so what how does that how does someone work with you on that?
Lisa Pitel Killah 26:54
Yeah, so the foundation mineral protocol is really something that came about probably about four or five years ago. And I started thinking about this because you know, protocols in general, for those that have worked with holistic health practitioners before naturopathic doctors, people like that they can be a little bit intense. And there can be a lot of moving parts. And I found that that was causing people extra stress, because now they had to manage all these things every day, with what was supposed to be helping with their stress and energy levels, and all of this. And so that’s really where Vikon supplements came in. Because I can literally put the ingredients of a protocol into one powder. Now not all of the protocol necessarily, there might be a couple of extra things. But most of the minerals, vitamins, potentially amino acids are in a powder. So you take it twice a day, it’s super convenient. And you don’t have you know, a box of supplements that you have to organise a weekly to take every day.
R Blank 27:51
That’s great. Yeah, no. Yeah. When the treatment adds when your treatment for stress, add stress to your life, right? And you really got to start asking like, Well, yeah, what am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? Yeah,
Lisa Pitel Killah 28:03
exactly. Exactly. And I mean, in some cases, that’s necessary, right? mould, toxicity, things like that. They’re pretty, you know, you don’t have a choice. But in our general daily life, if you’re pretty healthy, and you just want to get more energy, or you have some symptoms, and you want to try and help you support your foundation. Perfect way to do that.
Stephanie Warner 28:22
Excellent. Can you go ahead and tell us about your upcoming htma virtual Summit?
Lisa Pitel Killah 28:29
Absolutely. So the summit actually happens twice a year. So we have our virtual summit that launches with all of our new presentations each November, it’s usually the second week of November, it’s absolutely free. We always have six to 10 speakers with presentations, focusing on mineral balance, it can be other energies, as well. There’s a lot of practitioners that work with energy work, along with minerals, which is really great and really interesting. There’s also practitioners that do animal testing. So it’s always really interesting if you have animals that are suffering as well. And then we relaunched that again, in case you missed it, of course, in the second week of June. So that’s going to be coming up in June, you’ll see the advertising for that on the htma virtual Summit, Instagram. And again, that’s absolutely free. But if someone does want to hop on, we do have all the videos available from all the years that we’ve hosted so far. And it’s just a great way to bring some of the experts together to share, just share some success stories, some case studies, and just to share new information. That’s great.
Stephanie Warner 29:32
Thank you. Yeah. I’m glad that you have, you know, you have this library of videos. But for our listeners, if you’re just hearing about this, we don’t know we’ve never heard about this before. Where will we start? Where would you tell us to start? Oh, you
Lisa Pitel Killah 29:46
know, I would head to my website. So my website is Lisa Patel I’m sure we will put that in the description. We’ll
Unknown Speaker 29:53
definitely put that in.
Lisa Pitel Killah 29:55
I don’t know. I don’t have to spell that out.
And go to the ad Education page there because I actually have videos that I’ve done for the Institute of holistic nutrition. And those videos are just on some of the hotter topics of htma testing. So it gives you a little background tells you a little bit about the significant ratios, and then it tells you about some of the common things that we’re seeing and how it affects health. So great way to watch some videos there on my YouTube channel to
R Blank 30:21
excellent. We’ll include both of those, both of those links in the show notes. Lisa, thank you so much for coming on the healthier tech podcast today to teach us all about this. You’re our first guest on this topic. I learned a lot and it’s just and it’s super great. Just to talk to you again.
Lisa Pitel Killah 30:36
Oh my goodness. Yes. And thank you so much for having me and being able to share this knowledge.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcasts on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free Quick Start Guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier
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